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Tip.It Players vs RuneHQ Players

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Hmm yeah, crazy. From the poll results, tipit is used by over 10000 people, I suppose a lot less would use the forums though.




Anyway, tip.it>runehq


89/99 farming

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What? When? Where? Why? How?




Anyways..yeah, Tip.it > Rune HQ


Miami Heat 4ever fan.

Yes, i'm a girl! I like to watch NBA, so? =]]

Thanks star_in_the_sky for the AMAZING sig and eckered for the great avvy!!

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Tip.It is waaaaaaaaaay better than RuneHQ for most things, but Tip.It doesn't have an item database... *cough*.




Other than that, Tip.It rules! YAY TIP.IT! :wink:


I'm 100% free-to-play!!!

Message me, private chat is always on. :)

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yeah.altho i use both (rhq for item list & bestiary) id stand by tip.it without a doubt!

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I use runehq sometimes. Sorry, crew, but they have better quest guides, and the city guides really come in handy sometimes. However, RuneHQ hurts my eyes to look at.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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Lol nice :)


Once a war starts its near impossible to stop.




not only that...but then it might spread into a hacking war or people ping spamming each others servers and such. Much like wut happened to ebaum's world forums a while back.



dude i got pked and lost my full zezima
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It would be a RuneScape World War! Going behond PK, hacking, spamming, beating each other everywhere they meet! :shock:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I use tip.it for everything but the item data base, tip.it is much more user friendly, easier on the eyes and its forums are much better. Tip.it OWNSS




tip.it>runehq !

Combat Level: 102

Total Level: 1536

Quest Points: 132

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all i have to say is....




lol but i use both, both good sights, for general forums i go to tip.it but for many other things RuneHQ




all around i'd say








thats averaging the advantages and disadvantages of both

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I don't know why people can't get along.




Sure, a war.. perhaps a FUN FRIENDLY war.. would be a good joint TET and RuneHq event.




We have no reason to fight, both sights are full of useful information and people, so why not just try to get along? Sheesh..

Not going on RS for a while.. truely can't be bothered... and don't ask for stuff.

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