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If u could have 1 super abilty what would it be


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^ Dude, I'm so glad you said that. Imagine how fun the world would be with real pokemons.




Seriously, you have no idea how glad I am you had the courage to say that. I'm behind you 100%! God bless ShadowFaxPZ! :P


Like Everyone dumps thei're dogs and cats, instead of that they go and have a walk with their own ''Pickachu''... Imagine, your neighbour with a pickachu on a leese... :)



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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I would want to be able to read (and comprehend) books in a matter of seconds. Can be useful when you're running out of time right before exams :lol:


Or perhaps being able to convince people with a single word, now that would be great :) No powerful superman abilities for me, just useful ones.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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1.The ability to spawn pie and waffles instantly.




2.The ability to eat pie and waffles without ever getting a full stomach. Everything I would ever need 8-)






If I couldn't get those, the ability to talk easily to everybody.

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1.The ability to spawn pie and waffles instantly.




2.The ability to eat pie and waffles without ever getting a full stomach. Everything I would ever need 8-)






If I couldn't get those, the ability to talk easily to everybody.




I would hang out with you all the time if you could spawn pies and waffles instantly! ^_^

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Hm, let's see.




1. Control and manipulation of time. Late fo school? Give yourself another 10 minutes!




2. Teleportation. Go anywhere, anytime.




3. Telekenesis. Partially just to freak out people by moving things with my mind. I could make people hit themselves! Heh heh, that would have endless possiblities...

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The ability to make what things I write come true, apon request. Endless possibilities.




You ought to check out the Ted Dekker book Showdown. There's something like that in there. :P



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I would definitely want to have the power to curl up into a little, impenetrable ball and hide. Always wanted to do that :oops:


Other that that, though, the usual, super strength, flying, and invisibility.


Yup, nobody ever wanted to see Superman's tights, anyway :shock:

When you are learning, you are growing. If you stop learning, you stop growing. If you stop growing, you die. Train hard, eat fried chicken, and take a one-a-day. (And cook that broccoli 'til it's yella and pour cheese all over it)


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The ability to make what things I write come true, apon request. Endless possibilities.




You ought to check out the Ted Dekker book Showdown. There's something like that in there. :P




There was something like that in the Goosebump series as well. The one where you type in the typewriter and it happens.

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I used to always think about this :P


1. The ability the change shape (metamorphasis)


2. Invisibility


3. Teleportation




I tried to think of the X-men movie coming out this friday, because i couldn't think of super powers :P




Or if everyone in the world had super powers, i would change it to..


1. The ability to take other people's powers by touching them


2. Super speed


3. Invisibility

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1) Teleportation (iteresting how everyone else likes this, everyone I've met always thought it was stupid I'd want this lol)




2) Terrashifting, the power to move and shape earth. Earth is my fav. of the four elements 8-) , and it would be so cool as a super hero power. There's so many things you could do with the power to move and shape earth with intense power, along with perfect craftsmanship (FMA ftw).




3) Timestopping would be the most useful, but if I just wanted something fun the ability to make a Diamond armor would be cool. I could make it cover my body, or just my hands and feet, or whatever. I could make perfect blades out of it, and there are so many weapons I could make. Pair that with #2 and I'd be the perfect Earth superhero 8-) .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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2) Terrashifting, the power to move and shape earth. Earth is my fav. of the four elements 8-) , and it would be so cool as a super hero power. There's so many things you could do with the power to move and shape earth with intense power, along with perfect craftsmanship (FMA ftw).





They have that skill in the show Avatar by Nickelodeon. They call it 'earth bending' though.

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2) Terrashifting, the power to move and shape earth. Earth is my fav. of the four elements 8-) , and it would be so cool as a super hero power. There's so many things you could do with the power to move and shape earth with intense power, along with perfect craftsmanship (FMA ftw).





They have that skill in the show Avatar by Nickelodeon. They call it 'earth bending' though.


Ya, but I don't like that name lol. Besides, they're ability to move earth stinks. Even like the best guys on that show can only lift a rock up, not shape it. I'm talking pillers, spears, spirals, giants waves of earth, sandstorms, the works :wink: .


EDIT: 666th Post :twisted: . (and in 3 months exactly :wink: )

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Ya, but I don't like that name lol. Besides, they're ability to move earth stinks. Even like the best guys on that show can only lift a rock up, not shape it. I'm talking pillers, spears, spirals, giants waves of earth, sandstorms, the works :wink: .





Just imagine once Ang - the lead character - gets to master the other elements - including earth as good as he does with air though. Total domination.

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Ya, but I don't like that name lol. Besides, they're ability to move earth stinks. Even like the best guys on that show can only lift a rock up, not shape it. I'm talking pillers, spears, spirals, giants waves of earth, sandstorms, the works :wink: .





Just imagine once Ang - the lead character - gets to master the other elements - including earth as good as he does with air though. Total domination.






I love that show ^_^ Can't wait till he masters all the elements talk about the all powerful being :D andwayz, these are the powers I want:




Teleportation (laziness ftw, teleing to school ^_^)


The ability to move things with my mind (laziness once again, no more reaching for the remote! :D


And the ability to master all the paramaters of time, go forward, back, stop and fast forward it not to mention never aging or anything like that ^_^

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The ability of controling water. A big part of human body is water, so I could rise myself up and fly. Same thing with animals, and if I would throw water on dry objects, I could rise them. Oh and teleportation would come at same time because turning to water would be possible and when its raining, I could move throught water to other places, even over oceans.

Used to play RS, not anymore. WoW pwns!

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