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Is it just me?


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is it just me or has 'the gallery' gone down hill?




- ever since the illegalizing of selling sigs alot of the good artists have left.


- its rare that people give good C/C, other than select few good artsists.


- the moderation is very strict (no offence cuz i <3 u mods :wink: ).


- the artists seem to generally be getting lazier and lazier (not everyone).


- we dont even have signatures now (i KNOW this is only temp)


- lack of interesting posts/art








*I play WoW and have 210 FR, so flame away I will just resist then turn on retaliation and "omfgbbqhaxpwn" you*



edit: If you happen to have a solution or a comment to any of these problems just post.





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Well, you have to consider that a lot of the traffic on this board was from people who wanted to make a quick buck selling pixel art. Once selling signatures became officially against the rules, a lot of those users never really came back.




At the moment, most of the population on the media board seems to be made up of those people who are actually interested in getting constructive criticism to improve their art.

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by mistake i made this post a topic :oops: hope mods will delete the topic






I believe we have 3 big groups in here right now






- "Hey look at my first sig" group, "15 minutes work sigs" group


- The people who just rate or hate sigs and give comment


- and people who respect the art and still do it even if they aren't getting


payed for it




this last group i respect the most. I think we can't do anything to stop this many people come here to get positive critism. or way to improve sigs that they have made. Even when practualy no work has been put into it.


but this is still a board where people can post there creations




even if they are bad. U will just have to deal with it




maby posible solution would be




- not posting first work because most of the time it ain't good ( we have some exeptions)




- critisize harder on the sigs so people will try harder to get some positive ratings or coment








don't know if anyone would do this i think u can't stop it




but thas my opion

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its not the crap posts like "omfgz 1st sig EVA tOOk me 3 mins!!" that anoy me, just because there new to art it doesnt mean theyre not alowed to post, its just crappy C/C lately probably mainly due to the lack of good artists on the forum atm..




btw look at woopidoo2's link for a PERFECT example... i mean holy crap... "omgz i rate it 9/10 good work".... "Wow now i know exacly what to improve on thankz!", it just doesnt make for a good community.. :(

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*I play WoW and have 210 FR, so flame away I will just resist then turn on retaliation and "omfgbbqhaxpwn" you*












Right... *Pours some gasoline over gandorf*






But yes, you are right.

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I believe we have 3 big groups in here right now:




- "Hey look at my first sig" group, "15 minutes work sigs" group


- The people who just rate or hate sigs and give comment


- and people who respect the art and still do it even if they aren't getting


payed for it


And are those who recive comments and dont use any.




Well, I gotta say, I've never really sold any sig, just 2 of mine, when the Market closed, for me was indifferent, since I didnt used to sell them, so I started to give them free. I made them the same way I'd make for selling.


The Major change was for those who were used to sell sigs, seom of them started to be lazy... Other not, there are loads of examples.


I respect those who make sigs, give C/C, recive hard C/C and use them.


Not only make a thread to say "O! L00k mah n3w siggeh" and ask for CC and never use them.





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I am glad you posted this. I just stopped by again to see how things were going and realized that you can't sell sigs anymore. I was just about to ask what the impact has been when I saw this thread!




Anyway, I think this in some ways is a good thing. Maybe I should try to stop in more often now. Removing the profit motive is the best way to get to just the art.

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There never has been much good CC, just a select group of the good artists. The rest just says "I like it", or "I don't like it".


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I am glad you posted this. I just stopped by again to see how things were going and realized that you can't sell sigs anymore. I was just about to ask what the impact has been when I saw this thread!




Anyway, I think this in some ways is a good thing. Maybe I should try to stop in more often now. Removing the profit motive is the best way to get to just the art.




damn right you should come back :) i wanna see where you're paintings are at now :)




but about the money part and selling sigs, i beleive its true u shouldnt make art for just money but honestly i thought it was good in a way, like even after i quit RS i was still selling sigs for rs money just to get a feeling for howmuch your sig is worth and what people with give for it, to me this is unlike a rating and its somthing better (btw i use to give the money to my old mates on rs :lol: ), although i dont think people should leave the forums because of this..




anyway hope to see you again tttia :)

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doesn't seem to change much than before... though it's getting a bit too pixel orientated, and a slower inflow of new people.




well i've noticed the change alot from basically posting around a yr ago then coming back to start posting again..

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Basicly all those people who tried to make some quick GP with garbage pixel signitures has came to this board.




And the half decent pixlers with some talent left since you can't sell them.




Now Terley quit pixeling, terrific...Just like the RS community, ruining by the new generation.




I don't think I care if I get ban from this board. It is not even good anymore.

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Nobody new will come to this board, we don't offer anything more than any other media communitys have PLUS this is on a Runescape related forum/website so if somebody searches for a Media board we are not going to be popular, and the lack of anybody doing art anymore, we have like 4 people still showing good talent and art and since media market is gone we are in the [cabbage]s.

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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Basicly all those people who tried to make some quick GP with garbage pixel signitures has came to this board.




And the half decent pixlers with some talent left since you can't sell them.




Now Terley quit pixeling, terrific...Just like the RS community, ruining by the new generation.




I don't think I care if I get ban from this board. It is not even good anymore.




harsh, but had to be said.

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