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Blipo retires


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Yup, it's time. I'm taking a much-needed break from RuneScape. Besides hosting H1p events, I'm off RuneScape for good.




Well, today's mod party was a ton of fun, and I'd like to thank a lot of people for attending that with me. Here are only some of them:








And as most who attended that party know, I have to say... I'm retiring. I feel like I've lost the cabbage spark. In my bank only 250 cabbage have been deposited since the last marathon. I rarely get out to the path, and indeed I rarely get on RuneScape anymore. So it's time for me to go. Where, I don't know. When I'll be back, I'm even less certain. Blipo, at this moment, is firmly planted in front of the stile, awaiting my return. RuneScape, for me, is nearing it's end. My two main noob accounts, Power2Noobs and Magickal Cow will stay where they are. I'll be logging in every few Saturdays to host H1p events, but that's it.




Maybe I'll come back, who knows. Maybe the spark will return. Give it two months, six months, a year. We'll see.




So long, farewell.






So yeah. It's the end for me. Maybe I'll be back, I dunno. But for now... bye!



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Hi Blipo! :D




*Waves to Blipo*

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Like a person trying to cross a minefield, I wish you luck!




Quitting is easier said than done... :(

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Just remember, if rl ever gets you down, the tipiters are here for you.




Enjoy your stay in rl, come back to visit us once a while.

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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Sorry to see you go, your cabbage art rocks!




Good luck in the real world, it's a nasty place sometimes and doesn't have nearly enough cabbage.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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if your qutting then why are you commin on every saturday to host events may i ask ?

Wow - Zuu - Lvl 55 Destructo Lock - Neptulon


Rattus Jr - Skill totaler Nub ( Zuu's Back)


Archer003 - 92 80 99 92hp Rsc trained

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NO! Blipo! Wow, you had to ruin my day. Geez, what will I do now besides worhipping the ground you walk on? Sorry that got out of hand. Well hope everything goes well for you.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Jeez. That's basically a legend fading away into the shadows. Many of the "greats" have gone through their time here at Tip.it and many are gone forever, few return with consistency and even fewer ever return for good. But perhaps it's the natural order of things. One man grows too great even for a game such as Runescape and he moves on and has paved the way for new greats to take the place of our fallen and hopefully not forgotten heroes. But it is more so the idea of joining the ranks of primarily infamous players that attracts those wonderful dreamers to the race against all others in hopes of embracing his idol and then his equal. So alas, as more great men leave the game the dream of joining them fades away and all that is left is a cold shell of what once meant greatness and respect but is now being degraded as the status quo for those great men slips every day towards the mean of the "new generation" of players and their impersonalness and their lack of understanding of how one could play a game such as RSC. It was the community for goodness sake! We are nothing without noble men to lead the way towards proper actions and methods. I weep both for the Runescape now because of it's loss of great players from long ago with archaic lines of lineage and I weep for the future of Runescape as the ideal players mentality and thus actions and behaviour slips further and further down into an immature brat's own image.

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bye bye,




(don't know you, but it's always not cool to see somone leave)

do you beLIEve in higher powers?

now the proud owner of a fire cape as of

~~~~~~~~July 16, 2006~~~~~~~~


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