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EDIT: This is a post from when construction first came out...stop flaming me that this is old! !




the second i read the knowledge base one thing popped into my mind...


barrows time....in half?!?




I toyed with the idea of telling ppl my discovery or not...but htis a community game, i like helping other ppl :)






50 construction


ancient mage


200 law 100 blood




in a nutshell: uv finished ur barrows trip, and just opened the chest..(jumping for joy, cus u almost automatically made $)


then u tele to ur house, run into ur chapel, recharge prayer and run into ur portal room...


tada ur right next to canifs bank!






hello extra space in inv (no more ecto) (i used to tele to lumby)


Credit to sea: also u can use clay tablets for ur house tele! 3 extra spaces!


Post ur thoughts...i honestly think this shud be put into the barrows guide.

The PROUD owner of a fire cape.

-- I Support Israel, the United States, England, and any other country that has been attacked by terrorists--

---Any country attacked has a right to defend itself---

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SEA...thats even smarter :) :) good thinking

The PROUD owner of a fire cape.

-- I Support Israel, the United States, England, and any other country that has been attacked by terrorists--

---Any country attacked has a right to defend itself---

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Has anyone actually done this?




The KB entries for making tablets and portals only list a small subset of the available spells/teleport locations.




I'm pretty sure you can direct a teleporter at the ancients pyramid, but not at canifis [edit my mistake - I looked up Kharyll and got a ref to the pyramid...].




You can put a home tele into a tablet - at level 67 construction.




Have a look at the knowledge base pages - eg the portals page only lists Kharyrll as a destination from the ancients list.




Then there's the hassle of making the tablets (need soft clay in inventory).

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i concur. torag is cool :)

The PROUD owner of a fire cape.

-- I Support Israel, the United States, England, and any other country that has been attacked by terrorists--

---Any country attacked has a right to defend itself---

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the second i read the knowledge base one thing popped into my mind...


barrows time....in half?!?




I toyed with the idea of telling ppl my discovery or not...but htis a community game, i like helping other ppl :)






50 construction


ancient mage


200 law 100 blood




in a nutshell: uv finished ur barrows trip, and just opened the chest..(jumping for joy, cus u almost automatically made $)


then u tele to ur house, run into ur chapel, recharge prayer and run into ur portal room...


tada ur right next to canifs bank!






hello extra space in inv (no more ecto) (i used to tele to lumby)


Credit to sea: also u can use clay tablets for ur house tele! 3 extra spaces!


Post ur thoughts...i honestly think this shud be put into the barrows guide.




I've already stated this...But Nice telling people about it more

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also for those who can't make the tele tablets, combo runes will now finally pay off, dust runes FTW!!! :P

"How you act when no one is looking is the clearest indicator of the strength or depravity of your true character. "


yeah, he's deffinetly a little excited...dont worry its not a glitch...d legs are meant to stretch in that area for that reason.
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i promise this idea was origional


Id read the knowledge base b4 even coming to tip.it


im glad to see every1s also thought of this great idea




btw still shud go in barrows guide


Ahem, Leesters, Ahem lol

The PROUD owner of a fire cape.

-- I Support Israel, the United States, England, and any other country that has been attacked by terrorists--

---Any country attacked has a right to defend itself---

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to be honoust this isn't much of an improvement :twisted:




old method:




use ancients to telly to canifs


do ur run


open chest


use duel ring to telly to duel arena and recharge pray + use medics to heal if u need


telly back to canifs with ancients




this way exists quite a long time and you dont need prayer pots nor food for it if u have some skills in ice blast-barraging without getting hit to much 8-)




ty and bye bye

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to be honoust this isn't much of an improvement :twisted:




old method:




use ancients to telly to canifs


do ur run


open chest


use duel ring to telly to duel arena and recharge pray + use monks to heal if u need


telly back to canifs with ancients




this way exists quite a long time and you dont need prayer pots nor food for it if u have some skills in ice blast-barraging without getting hit 8-)




ty and bye bye




you forgot to mention that ancients is:




annoying for other teles


most people use slayer dart

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if u say a couple of barrages or blitzes are expensive hmm kay then :lol:


annoying? not really, just a bit more interesting


most people use slayer darts? not really




(+ the topic started stated he used ancients to telly to canifs pup)

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  • 2 months later...

My way is as follows:




Have ectophial and a house telly tablet. I use slayer dart, finish up, telly to house, pray, ecto. refill. bank at canifis or burgh de rott, then repeat. :D

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Actually, between the two best Barrowing methods, this method is pretty slow :wink: (though it's my favorite, pretty quick Barrowing with no prayer pots used :thumbsup: ).




Oh, and as much as I hate it when people say something is 'old', this idea is extremely old and well known :? .

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This method is made redundant by the existance of a bank so close to barrows... do the quest and use the burgh de rott bank.




(I do accept that some lower lvls (like




Oh and if u are worried about saving on p pots use ice spells, seen as u already have ancients for the kharryl (sp?) tele portal. Usin burst and blitz i am able to do up to 6 runs on 2 ppots, using a similar amount of deaths as i do with dart.

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