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The Original RuneScape


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I was just surfing the net about any background info on the production of RuneScape and Andrew Gower (developer) and found this picture of the original rendering of RuneScape. This was before the RuneScape Classic version was released to the public on the internet:








Hehe, looks a lot different, huh?

Combat LvL: 98

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If you look in the top corner of the picture it says what runescape used to be called, MUD! :o It looks pretty cool.Is that a wolf or a dog?

Currently:whacking noobs with rubber chicken

F2p and 52 prayer :-P

^^^^ Awesome Video ^^^^

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Yeah, here's the little history behind the photo:




Version 1: The first version started out as a one man project. The developer (Andrew Gower), started working on the original game in 1998. This version was very different to the RuneScape of today. It had isometric graphics, and was originally titled 'DeviousMUD'. This version was never released to the public, and only a few people ever saw it.

Combat LvL: 98

Status: F2P




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thansk not runescape there buddy


the orginal was rsc





Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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Actually, bmms said that the original RUNESCAPE was RSC, never did he oppose what said which is infact right as the game IS DeviousMUD. I've known about this for years.




Well that's perfectly fine. I figured there were several people who knew about this, but I at the time didn't. Just thought I'd share. :D




And I think I got it off answers.com, thomsonkool. It might have been wikipedia, I'm not sure. Unless answers.com and wikipedia are the same, lol.

Combat LvL: 98

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If you look in the top corner of the picture it says what runescape used to be called, MUD! :o It looks pretty cool.Is that a wolf or a dog?




MUD = Multi-User Dimension.

there are no stupid questions

just way too many inquisitive idiots

balance is scary to people who like things easy for them


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Haha, obviously some people aren't aware that I know this has been seen before, but then again there are a lot of new RS players out there who view these forums. Maybe they haven't seen it before... just maybe?




It's not like I was racing to release this information. As a matter of fact, over 70% of the topics and subjects on these forums have all been discussed before anyway.

Combat LvL: 98

Status: F2P




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thansk not runescape there buddy


the orginal was rsc








RuneScape Classic came out after this version, DeviousMUD. Read the quote on my reply above yours... buddy.


nope this game had nothing to do with runescape this was a totally different game that Andrew was and porbably still is working on.

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If you look in the top corner of the picture it says what runescape used to be called, MUD!


Oh my word, that's absolutely priceless :lol:


If I were a man who put quotes in my signature (or vain enough to put quotes of people complimenting me), you'd make it with that little gem, no doubt.

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