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if jagex doesnt have a reset if proves they care nothing for


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If JAGeX rolled back a week, here's what achievements i'd lose




3 attack levels, from 67=>70


1 strength level, from 65=>66


2 defence levels, from 63=>65


34 construction levels, from 1=>34


2 runecrafting levels, from 52=>54


14 slayer levels, from 28=>42


1 magic level, from 59=>60




And all to make a few bloody players who lost a few items happy, ruin the achievements of hundreds of thousands? I DON'T THINK SO.

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if they dont reset im quitting this game for good.




can i have sum free stuff then or your account :twisted: :roll: :P




anyways if they would do a rollback it would be like atleast with in 1 or 2 hours and not 2 days later so we can all stop wurieing about that roll back cuz it ain't gana happen






but seriuos can i have some good items and or cash :P




lol, jk

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I find the people who say "LOL PIXELS", amazingly hypocrital and laughable at best.




It never amazes me how people play pixels for a year or more, days apon days of playing time, and then say "LOL CRYING ABOUT PIXELS", yet dedicate most there free time to it and posting here.




Please, cut the big bad boy image, you crazy e-thugs.


It's a game, and no one who is not a Jmod does not get paid cash to play the game (I am quite sure in that fact, I could be wrong, but I doubt that.) If someone throws a fit over losing an item in the game, they are taking it far to seriously. The only reason you should play runescape is to have fun, but unfortuantly it seems people disregard that fact and turn it into some kind of contest: "OMG, u r n0t as s7rng as m3, s0 j00 mus7 b3 t3h n00bzors." or "haha n00b, i have a p-hat and you don't." or "ha, 0wn'd n00bie, you sux."


Honestly, who cares if you are better than me? It's a game. I'll play the way I want to, and you can play the way you to.


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sorry i only been plying rs for a few months - what was the great phat dupe?


here u go




one of the historical moments of runescape , (read the whole website and see how this game became the game we know now)




Edit: remember this not a scamming guide or anything , this is just someone diary about what happened the day of the dupe!!!!! and autorune is an old application that used to automine etc. now it doesnt work anymore so dont go .. "z0mfg ai fund ai wey 2 dweup! lit mi go bai autorune!"


Join the sodb now!

Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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Actually, if you want good info on the dupe, go here....








Yes it's clean, safe, etc. I go there all the time for kicks. Anyway, there's PLENTY of firsthand knowledge there, all you'd ever want to know.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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Actually, if you want good info on the dupe, go here....








Yes it's clean, safe, etc. I go there all the time for kicks. Anyway, there's PLENTY of firsthand knowledge there, all you'd ever want to know.


dunno but it says "website cannot be found :? "


Join the sodb now!

Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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Actually, if you want good info on the dupe, go here....








Yes it's clean, safe, etc. I go there all the time for kicks. Anyway, there's PLENTY of firsthand knowledge there, all you'd ever want to know.


dunno but it says "website cannot be found :? "








Copy that whole thing into your address bar, as is...it works for me...I know it's worked for others because I've posted this link before a while ago.




Check internet settings? It is an http.

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


Expand your mind.

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secondly, it takes im guessing everyone thats posted so far is a new player with no hope of ever getting a partyhat because if you had one like i did and know how much time it takes to get them, then you would agree with me, that anything short of a reset is uneceptable




I love this quote...I have been playing 1 year so far...have had 3 phats so far. I sold my last one and told myself I would never buy one again. Just look at the 92 rc and 85 slayer and tell me I cant have a phat lol.

133rd to 91 runecrafting. 212th to 99 runecrafting - 145th to 99 construction

Whip drops: 38

Dark Bow drops: 12

Owner of fire cape: 7/30/06


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As countless people before me said, the number of people that lost items compared to the people that will lose considerable xp or loot is very small. So we are sorry about your loss, but pick yourself up and either keep on playing or quit.

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I know a rollback won't happen, but I think they should have actually done it when the event happened.




I feel for those that lost over 100M worth of work, and a rollback would lose me maybe 100k cooking exp? Big deal. I already have the fish in my bank, I would just have to cook them over again. Most of you dolts don't even grasp the situation...you would be reset to earlier that day, and you would only lose any items or experience you gained that day.




Oh no! I would lose 34 magic levels I gained in one day! WAH! You gained 34 magic levels in one day, you can certainly do it again...others lost months and months of work when they lost their hats.




Oh no! I would lose the final 2 million coins which would buy me a hat! Get a grip...you can make 2 million coins back in a day easily. You cannot, however, make 100M+ coins back in one day easily.




You say thousands take priority over the maybe 100 players affected...however, it's not quantity, but quality which counts in a situation like this. Big deal, thousands of players lost a few hours of work.


Compared to those that lost months of work, I really don't think your one strength level matters that much.




And to that one MORON that claims the threadstarter is a narcissist...WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING? Use words when you KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN! I don't know about you, but the threadstarter seems a whole lot farther from narcissism than most of the others posting on this thread.






Have a little heart people.






So you think deleting hundrets of hours total work for runescape characters is fair? Deleting millions of transactions is also fair. Deleting awesome drops that people had this day is fair? And all of that because few pople lost some stuff.


Total amount of loss doesn't exceed more than 500 mil. He barely pked 1 phat and some mid-range stuff (read in interview). You think because few people got upset, jagex should make 150k customers mad? Go back to school, learn some more about real life business and come back when you get some more brains.








Oh PLEASE...we already understand there will be no rollback, but my point is that it's all of you greedy little girls that make it hard for JAGeX to decide whether or not to go through with a rollback. Look at half of these posts...these kids are saying "oh no you BETTER not take my 2 strength levels away!"




The whole moral of the situation is to be able to put yourself in another's place and feel/understand their situation. However, the overwhelming majority of you seem to be incapable of that. A lot of people keep blaming the people who got killed, saying that it's their fault they were there, and they wanted to be killed. You know that's a load of bull. What are you going to do when you're standing in Falador park selling some gear, and some guy comes out of nowhere and pretty much 4-hits you? That's what I thought.




See how bad you feel about losing your 2 hours of work? Now think about how these other guys feel about losing half a year's work, if not more.




I'm not debating JAGeX's point of view, I know they did consider a rollback, but by the time it had come up, it was far too late to follow through with. My only argument is for those of you little punks who post about Durial saying he's so greedy and corrupt, then you turn around and post that you would rather keep your 80k ranged experience than let another guy keep his hat.

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Do you know how selfish some of you are sounding? A party hat takes a very long time to get, mine took months to get. I would give up the few hours of training if it meant that the people who lost months of work would get it repayed. Put yourself in their shoes. You are walking along, not doing anything wrong and all of a sudden someone starts attacking you, and you lose a phat. Just think how happy you would feel if they did a rollback and you were in their position. Oh big deal, you lose a bit of training. They lose 90m+ and are probably going to quit now. Selfish selfish selfish people nowadays.




And by the way, I didn't lose anything. I wasn't even on during the event.

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A few months ago, I had about 20m and thought I would never get enough for a phat.




I did have one, again a few months before that (a green) but stupidly decided to sell it when it was 11m. At that time my precious green had almost gone up 5 times it value. Whenever I logged on I was thinking about my "loss" and that I would never get a phat.




But i stayed rational and said myself that IF I atleast want to make a bit more money in the long run, that I should invest in smaller rares. Duke (who i know I little bit) advised me to invest in masks, so I did what he told me to and bought 2 green, 2 blue and 1 red mask.




A bit later, I decided to quit Runescape for a while (that was around November 2005). When I logged in again at RS in Januari I found out that my masks had doubled in value. I saw that the red boosted my money the most, so i made enough money to upgrade my blue mask to a red. Then again, I lost the sens to play and quit for another 3 months.




Now, 2 weeks ago, when I came back, i found out that my masks had again, doubled in value (and even more). But then Construction came out, and I quickly sold my masks before they dropped to much. I came out with 97m which I merchanted in 2 days to 101M. But I still hadnt enough for a purple, the cheapest, phat. Suddenly, someone was selling it for 100.5M and I jumped on it like a tiger on his prey and bought it.








So you see, if you hold on, you can get there. Believe me, 5 months ago I would never have thought that I would have a phat and now I got one, and even 3M left :-).




Counterside: I bought the phat for 100.5M. 3 Days later it was only 80M anymore. Not too bad if you know that I'm planning to keep the phat forever (not merchant it or something, or sell if its high enough IMO. I dont make that mistake again!), but still, I could have left with 20 spare mills (a santa and green mask anyone :D)...








Ow yeah, I'm f2p so dont say that only members can afford it.

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Do you know how selfish some of you are sounding? A party hat takes a very long time to get, mine took months to get. I would give up the few hours of training if it meant that the people who lost months of work would get it repayed. Put yourself in their shoes. You are walking along, not doing anything wrong and all of a sudden someone starts attacking you, and you lose a phat. Just think how happy you would feel if they did a rollback and you were in their position. Oh big deal, you lose a bit of training. They lose 90m+ and are probably going to quit now. Selfish selfish selfish people nowadays.




And by the way, I didn't lose anything. I wasn't even on during the event.

Personally, I agree with this guy, and I wasn't even online either.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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See ya have fun in life. My God i have heard some very dumb ideas. But this is the stupidiest without the smallest doubt in my mind. People have been playing for 5 years and you want to earase everything they worked for? MAn it sounds like somebody is angry they didn't find out about RS earlier PM me when you have your drop party.

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

Would you?

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if jagex doesnt have a reset if proves they care nothing for there players and only money.




It IS a company after all. Besides, didn't you read that little fine print that comes with signing up on an account? Is it MANDATORY for them to rollback their servers just because you lost ONE partyhat, and thousands of others may have done COUNTLESS other things?







considering the fact that to get a partyhat you need to be rich really rich, and most people with then are players from the very beginning of runescape.




Yeah, nothing wrong with that. The people that were around in the beginning deserved to have one since they were initally gifts. If you've earned it the first time, you can earn it the second time.





if they dont reset im quitting this game for good. i did not even lose anything. i would quit even if all it ment was they lost 5 dollars a month from me. i just cant play a game for people that care so little for players.




the messed up, if they cant own up to that, then they dont deserve my bizness




Uh, they HAVE owned up to it, as far as I know. Lookie, lookie, a Rants' sticky in their own forums.




If you want to quit, I'll hold the door open for you. Go ahead, leave. You don't need to play if all you're cared about is every little detail. They apologized; no one knew that this could happen, but you're going to blame Jagex for not rolling back? How unjust.




By the way, I'd love to see you try to talk to over 500,000 players at once in the name of being a good company. It's not as easy as it looks.

Linux User/Enthusiast Full-Stack Software Engineer | Stack Overflow Member | GIMP User
...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Its your fault you lost it. The common sense rule is if you dont want to lose something leave it in your bank.




That glitch affected .00001 of RS players. If you expect jagex to roll back for that, than you sir are an idiot.

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I know a rollback won't happen, but I think they should have actually done it when the event happened.




I feel for those that lost over 100M worth of work, and a rollback would lose me maybe 100k cooking exp? Big deal. I already have the fish in my bank, I would just have to cook them over again. Most of you dolts don't even grasp the situation...you would be reset to earlier that day, and you would only lose any items or experience you gained that day.




Oh no! I would lose 34 magic levels I gained in one day! WAH! You gained 34 magic levels in one day, you can certainly do it again...others lost months and months of work when they lost their hats.




Oh no! I would lose the final 2 million coins which would buy me a hat! Get a grip...you can make 2 million coins back in a day easily. You cannot, however, make 100M+ coins back in one day easily.




You say thousands take priority over the maybe 100 players affected...however, it's not quantity, but quality which counts in a situation like this. Big deal, thousands of players lost a few hours of work.


Compared to those that lost months of work, I really don't think your one strength level matters that much.




And to that one MORON that claims the threadstarter is a narcissist...WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING? Use words when you KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN! I don't know about you, but the threadstarter seems a whole lot farther from narcissism than most of the others posting on this thread.






Have a little heart people.






So you think deleting hundrets of hours total work for runescape characters is fair? Deleting millions of transactions is also fair. Deleting awesome drops that people had this day is fair? And all of that because few pople lost some stuff.


Total amount of loss doesn't exceed more than 500 mil. He barely pked 1 phat and some mid-range stuff (read in interview). You think because few people got upset, jagex should make 150k customers mad? Go back to school, learn some more about real life business and come back when you get some more brains.








Oh PLEASE...we already understand there will be no rollback, but my point is that it's all of you greedy little girls that make it hard for JAGeX to decide whether or not to go through with a rollback. Look at half of these posts...these kids are saying "oh no you BETTER not take my 2 strength levels away!"




The whole moral of the situation is to be able to put yourself in another's place and feel/understand their situation. However, the overwhelming majority of you seem to be incapable of that. A lot of people keep blaming the people who got killed, saying that it's their fault they were there, and they wanted to be killed. You know that's a load of bull. What are you going to do when you're standing in Falador park selling some gear, and some guy comes out of nowhere and pretty much 4-hits you? That's what I thought.




See how bad you feel about losing your 2 hours of work? Now think about how these other guys feel about losing half a year's work, if not more.




I'm not debating JAGeX's point of view, I know they did consider a rollback, but by the time it had come up, it was far too late to follow through with. My only argument is for those of you little punks who post about Durial saying he's so greedy and corrupt, then you turn around and post that you would rather keep your 80k ranged experience than let another guy keep his hat.




Did you think this through before you posted it? It's not us greedy kids that make it hard for Jagex to decide if they'll do a rollback or not, it's the majority. Think about it for a second. It's not like they save it every hour, i'd say they make a recovery point once a day. On World 111, there can only be 2000 players at most, and based on the video, there was i'd say top 300 players in fally. One lost a phat, others some barrow armor and then some other random stuff. There is mostly always a minimum (sp?) of 100k people playing. If they did a rollback, at least 99k players would be mad. Hmmm...which would they choose? 1k players mad or 99k? I want to see you try and tell 100k people that you're doing a rollback because 100 people lost items.


Dragon drops: D med x3, D Spear x2, Left Half x1, D2h x1

Crawling Hands X4, Cockatrice heads X2, Basilisk head X2, Kurask head X1

Support me in the drop race

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