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Umlimited Mining?


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hello players :lol:




i got an idea with mining in the game!




unlimited ore




when u mine copper, iron....ect, the ore runs out, so then u hav to wait ages for the ore to come bk again e.g. silver, gold, coal...ect! so i thought maybe the ore will stay there forever and never disappear. so people get a chance to get some ore their after?




Like it or not?


replie bk




game mad2

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no, because then mining would be the easiest money in the game. also it would be like woodcutting and fishing which it shouldnt be. mining is meant to be a hard gathering skill. and the respawn isnt long, just be patient.

liek omg rly?

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I think he's getting at something like ess mining but for ores. It would be way to simple too make cash and it probaly cause a crash in the RS economy. Same for ideas like unlimited woodcutting and fishing.



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If it was like that, I'd just camp to hero guild rune rocks and get full inv of rune ores in no time. AFter that just smith into rune items, alch for nice money and make easy millions in no time.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

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There is an unlimited rock if you are that desperate. It is called the Rune Essence.




But I would like it if ores are like trees though: each rock having multiple ores, but hey I'm not complaining. The present way of mining is good enough.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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im not moanin, i never played the old runescape so i didnt no about tht there was umlimited ore so....... sorry but i jst thought of something:




do u hate havin a full bag of stuff? and hate the long journey's bk to the bank and all the way bk?




maybe when ur bag becomes full it automaticly goes into ur bank, unless u hav no more room left in bank for new items?




i like the idea but do u?

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im not moanin, i never played the old runescape so i didnt no about tht there was umlimited ore so....... sorry but i jst thought of something:




do u hate havin a full bag of stuff? and hate the long journey's bk to the bank and all the way bk?




maybe when ur bag becomes full it automaticly goes into ur bank, unless u hav no more room left in bank for new items?




i like the idea but do u?




Stop whit these [developmentally delayed]ed "ideas"! :x

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jagex purposefully makes all decent mining spots far from banks and makes all ores take time to respawn. Yet there are still many lvl 99 miners. Can you imagine what would happen if they made it easier? I could mine rune ores in 3 days from my current mining lvl! It defeats the entire purpose of TRAINING. As for woodcutting being faster, it evens out since logs cost less.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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Let us check the prices of the best things from all gathering skills:




Woodcutting - Magic logs = 1,000 each


Fishing - Raw sharks = 900-1,000 each


Mining - Rune ore = 10,000-12,000 each




See what I mean? Mining is fine as it is. :P

"300 programmers make their futile but glorious last stand against 1000000 angry players in The battle of Misthalin. They fight for honor, glory and new content sacrificing themselves so that their game may live on. This is Madness! This Is JAGEEEX!"
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Let us check the prices of the best things from all gathering skills:




Woodcutting - Magic logs = 1,000 each


Fishing - Raw sharks = 900-1,000 each


Mining - Rune ore = 10,000-12,000 each




See what I mean? Mining is fine as it is. :P




Of course rune ore's high price might be helped by the fact that the nominal high alch value per bar of rune items is 12900...

there are no stupid questions

just way too many inquisitive idiots

balance is scary to people who like things easy for them


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I don't see why you guys like so much to flog dead horsies. We have all made our point, I think.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Not even funny man... That just has MACRO written all over it... See you just can't do that... The smithing industry would skyrocket and people wouldn't barely have to lift a finger to made 50k... Stupid idea

So... If Pro is the opposite of Con, does that mean that Congress is the opposite of Progress? ...?

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