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This does make me wonder...

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Sooo many rants..... :cry: :cry: :(

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99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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Lol, I barely go to offical forums unless to sell stuff. That's funny :lol:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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we did this in statistics... more people are gonna be compeled to go out of their way to complain and see changes made, rather than to just make a compliment ;)









Because bepo is always right


RSN: Z A M 0 (it's a zero)

74 att - 45 def - 76 str - 72 hp - 52 pray - 91 magic

Feel free to give me a shout, private is always ON

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we did this in statistics... more people are gonna be compeled to go out of their way to complain and see changes made, rather than to just make a compliment ;)












Hehe, I don't think it has anything to do with change being made, more that people just don't deal with their own anger well and take it out on others and keep all their praise for themselves.




*Mutters* Greedy little praise keepers.

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Its just like if you go to a resturant. If you get a good meal its like it was expected, so you dont really think about it much. But if you have a bad meal then you complain and tell your friends how bad it was. Just the same with runescape, also little punk kids want their way all the time.. :evil:



currently smithing

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I'd even suggest that is taken to further extremes with gaming. People who are happy are busy playing and don't have time to post compliments, people annoyed because they can't play will obviously be more likely to post

Remember your country code, and SHUT THE GATES!

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I'd even suggest that is taken to further extremes with gaming. People who are happy are busy playing and don't have time to post compliments, people annoyed because they can't play will obviously be more likely to post




Im always busy, well to busy to post a 12 page rant. The lenght of some of those post's in shocking. 18 pages reservations all ranting about that same thing.




People fail to realise Jagex is only a human company, they have kids, families e.t.c, and i guess they're generally busy with endorsements and advertisements. Althought their job is Runescape, it is not their duty to fullfill everyones needs, if they did, we'd never get any mayjor break throughs.




I just did a browse a minute ago, and there's already about 200 rants of the new guild. Its the first day its been released, cut them some slack. It's not like they set out to 'fail' as some people crudely put it.

Low level player's with life,'s 'noobs, make high level players with out lifes feel good about themselve's. But, it's only untill the high level player realise's how unfulfilled his life is, it's to late to apologise.

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