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Respect. (A Catherby conversation)


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I'm fishing in Catherby until I get 63 fishing (2 levels) and a depate about capes and respect started...Supprisingly it wasn't all spam.


The first question was, Do you think an obby cape holds more respect then a legends cape.


Most people said yes. I was the only one arguing for the legends, you need to acomplish something to get it, not just spend money.


The debate went on to God capes and fire capes, still involving the obby cape.




So what do you think about capes,clothing and armour and their respect levels?


Just started my new account.

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I'm fishing in Catherby until I get 63 fishing (2 levels) and a depate about capes and respect started...Supprisingly it wasn't all spam.


The first question was, Do you think an obby cape holds more respect then a legends cape.


Most people said yes. I was the only one arguing for the legends, you need to acomplish something to get it, not just spend money.


The debate went on to God capes and fire capes, still involving the obby cape.




So what do you think about capes,clothing and armour and their respect levels?




I have complained to Jagex and explained to everyone this problem,




Anyone can get an Obsidian Cape, But a legends cape is something you work for!.




I Personally got my Legends cape before the Obsidian Cape and The Fire cape came out, So it was the best cape and i trained for weeks....Then the next few days i see a level 14 wearing a cape with better stats that he got for free! that's right for free! he used safe-spot! this is pathetic how getting 1337 stats is worse then killing a level 100+

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I agree there..Earning something and then seeing low level's with cash, wearing a more defensive cape then you would be annoying. Personally I don't like the obby cape.


I'm sticking with my guthix cape until I do legends...


Just started my new account.

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I agree there..Earning something and then seeing low level's with cash, wearing a more defencive cape then you would be annoying. Personally I don't like the obby cape.


I'm sticking with my guthix cape until I do legends...




I'm happy i'm not alone, and the Zamorak Cape used to be my favourite before i got Legends because of it's great look with red and black mystic/ Zamorak Robes....




or to cut it short my two favourite colours are Black and Red...


i used to run around with full zamorak robes, zamorak book, zamorak staff, zamorak amulet (unholy), zamorak cape, red head-band, canafis (red) boots and gloves.... GO ZAMORAK!

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1. Fire Cape


2. Legends (me)


3. God Cape


4. Fremenik Cape


5. Obby




this is it i think firecape is the hardest while legends cape is really easy and god cape is evne more easy liek fremmy and an obby cape just shows of youhave money to buy a cape and do not a ques to get 1 for 650 gp :D

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Only to buy it from the shop..


You can get it from other players..Now the conversations has turned to, "Girls gone wild, spring break" [-X


Mabey they aren't so smart here.


Just started my new account.

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1. Fire cape (you get bugged the most with this dont you?)


2. Legends (I actually got a guy telling me I was the lowest lvl with a legends cape he saw. This was at 79, you wouldn't get that with obby would you?)


3. God cape


4. Obby


5. Fremmy (you can buy this and wear it even if you didn't do fremmy trials, am I right?)

18/22 skills at or better than 60.

1300+ skill total.

Barrows:Torag's Helm x2, Guthan's Helm, Guthan's Warspear, Dharok's Greataxe, died to dharok, Guthan's Platebody, Ahrim's Hood. All in a total of 104 runs.

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1. Fire cape (you get bugged the most with this dont you?)


2. Legends (I actually got a guy telling me I was the lowest lvl with a legends cape he saw. This was at 79, you wouldn't get that with obby would you?)


3. God cape


4. Obby


5. Fremmy (you can buy this and wear it even if you didn't do fremmy trials, am I right?)






Yeh you are, just remembered my light blue Fremenik cape from the day I became a member.




But, I still stand by my decision as Obby is a cape for n33bs who can't be bothered working for Legends - Fremenik is for looks \'


RSN: Scotay444 ~ 90+ Attack ~ 107+ CB

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1) Fire cape


2) Legends cape


3) God Cape


4) Obby cape


5) Normal :)




Normal ones are cheapest, obby cape is 300k or so, a level 3 couldn't have one, unless they have a main account where they were given it, if it was some newbie who just started, there's no way they'd have an obby cape, duh.

Wolfy is Officially Retired.

I miss you all (Well, mostly my friends n stuff)

If you want to talk to me, send me a message, I check the boards daily. :D

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But, I still stand by my decision as Obby is a cape for n33bs who can't be bothered working for Legends - Fremenik is for looks \'
Did you think that through? I wear an obby cape, does that make me a n33b?




I don't think that respect for capes means anything except for legends and fire. Most everything else is buyable, and the god capes are very easy to get, so IMO they hold little respect. ATM I'm killing my way up to big Jad to get a firecape using muggiwhplars guide, so I can have the most "respectable" cape in the game.




I'll post a topic in achievements tomorrow with how it turns out.








1) Firecape


2) Legends

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LEGENDS(My fav cape in game, also have it)


God cape


Obsidian cape(meh)

Pier pressure?

I can just see you being threatened by a wharf or jetty because you're a teleporter. Yes, I can see a large wooden wharf uprooting itself from the shore, walking over to you and slapping you in the back of the head for teleporting.

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I only got legends and obby cape and god cape.


Fire cape is best but i don't have it.


In places where you can die easy i use legends cape (like kbd or kq)


But in normal training i use obby cape because it gives more def than legends


In mage training i use god cape.


They are all good but fire cape is best (i want it)

6221st to 85 Slayer. ( Yippee)

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1) Fire cape


2) Legends cape


3) God Cape


4) Obby cape


5) Normal :)




Normal ones are cheapest, obby cape is 300k or so, a level 3 couldn't have one, unless they have a main account where they were given it, if it was some newbie who just started, there's no way they'd have an obby cape, duh.




u forgot about pure skillers they have alot of money


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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1. Fire


2. Obby


3. Legends


4. God


5. Normal, fremmy e.t.c.






Legends quest was piece of cake...


Everyone is talking about how hard it was to get so high skills...


What there was so hard?

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