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lking 4 hawt bf! lulz 226 names


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i do not c y their allowed them names in the first place like who are they some edifiles and perverts wanting to get to kno u and want free stuff?




well guess what..im 100% behind ur back so sign me up against this profane names!!! remeber i support u 100%








rsn: wee_ranger7 =;

main:nathon (cb 85)

1st pure:59 mage (cb 37)

2nd pure:xxx endo xxx(42 combat 61 range)

3rd pure:steel purely (35 combat 5 def)

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Why not, more then enough annoyng to have people following you for hours just for like 30k to 1mil.


And if you ignore them, they follow you till you go into a dangerous area, just to get rid of em, you have to risk your life!?


there really needs to be a report for.... STALKING! thats a good name for it!




*gets stalked*


*Goes to demons*


*Person flees*'


*Mister evil9(me) dies.*


*kicks computer out of rage and trows it out of window*'


*meanwhile... player(the annoying person) looks, sees stuff*


*takes it and runs as hell*


*bad end*

Known in-game as Mister evil9(lvl 93)(P2P).

Modding gta2(making maps, scripts,editing it).

On world 54 mostly.

Made a nice GTA2 site!

A little in-active...

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Yes, I find unsolicited propositions annoying. However, as long as it's nothing more than a "please be my bf/gf", it's no different than "Need free stuff please!"




Particularly annoying when I (a guy) am playing my F2P female character! However, I tell them that I am a 41 year old man, and they usually desist. If they don't, I put them on ignore.




As for offensive names, there is already a rule about it. If the name gets kicked out by the in-game sensor, you can't create it anyway. For names that make it past the sensor, well, you can do the same thing - ignore them. Typically these characters are non-mains and don't last particularly long anyway (how many of these types of names do you see in top scores?).




Therefore, my opinion on this suggestion is that nothing needs to be done since the game already handles these situations adequately.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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For instance....X0cexybabe...u luv me 99, those kinds of names, I believe should be banned, or, for the gentler soul, forced to change their name to something less profane.




'u luv me 99' is profane?




Yes, I would say it is.




Interesting. If we can't agree on what is profane and what isn't, then how can we have a discussion about what should be banned and what shouldn't?




In a lot of cases, profanity and obscenity is subjective.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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For instance....X0cexybabe...u luv me 99, those kinds of names, I believe should be banned, or, for the gentler soul, forced to change their name to something less profane.




'u luv me 99' is profane?




Yes, I would say it is.




Interesting. If we can't agree on what is profane and what isn't, then how can we have a discussion about what should be banned and what shouldn't?




In a lot of cases, profanity and obscenity is subjective.




- Sligo






Sligo that is a very good point. However if I saw someone with a name similar to 'cexybabe' or 'u luv me' which are, actually, commonly used names, I would immediately jump to the conclusion that the players were suggesting profane ideas, although it may not necessarily be true.




Thanks Sligo






And thanks everyone else for replying.

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I Fully Support this post!




I am tired of walking into a bank and see some1 say "Looking for BF" or "I need a GF" it is just plain stupid. It is a game what are you gonna do hook up a webcam and kiss the screen for god sakes? such immature ppl.

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I Fully Support this post!




I am tired of walking into a bank and see some1 say "Looking for BF" or "I need a GF" it is just plain stupid. It is a game what are you gonna do hook up a webcam and kiss the screen for god sakes? such immature ppl.






lol that was SO FUNNY!!!!!




rofl I have a weird sense of humour, but thanks for supporting this idea and makign it funny.




*falls off chair laughing and chokes to death*

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I Fully Support this post!




I am tired of walking into a bank and see some1 say "Looking for BF" or "I need a GF" it is just plain stupid. It is a game what are you gonna do hook up a webcam and kiss the screen for god sakes? such immature ppl.






lol that was SO FUNNY!!!!!




rofl I have a weird sense of humour, but thanks for supporting this idea and makign it funny.




*falls off chair laughing and chokes to death*

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I support/ But what would happen to people who know eachother irl and are married? If they talked to eachother like a married couple would (who actually live a long way away from eachother :( ), would that fall under the reportable category?

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No, it wouldn't. I'm talking about the random 'looking for gf/bf' thing.



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Lol I support 110% it is incredibly pathetic...I saw some dude asking a girl to go out with his pure mage...lol. Then there was this guy who was talking to his girlfriend apparently and he goes "ur so hot"...its pixels. Wow.




Anyway I think its hilarious to watch these nerds "go out" on an online game and compliment each others' pixel resolution, but its gotta end.




I support/ But what would happen to people who know eachother irl and are married? If they talked to eachother like a married couple would (who actually live a long way away from eachother Sad ), would that fall under the reportable category?




Well hopefully, if they really are married, they can just talk to each other in real life...what kind of a couple is married and don't live with each other? They shouldn't have to resort to talking on RuneScape.


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Lol I support 110% it is incredibly pathetic...I saw some dude asking a girl to go out with his pure mage...lol. Then there was this guy who was talking to his girlfriend apparently and he goes "ur so hot"...its pixels. Wow.




Anyway I think its hilarious to watch these nerds "go out" on an online game and compliment each others' pixel resolution, but its gotta end.







I mean...yeah. What kind of guy gets turned on by pixels...?

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i agree with this...not every girl account is a girl and visa versa...and plus its kinda like scamming because ive seen people selling themselves for items. i wish i got a screen shot of a girl i saw who was gonna be the gf of anyone who gave her an addy pickaxe lol.


as for dodgy names im also in favour. i once started a pure called "the RS tramp" which got banned for having an "offensive" name...it was just a protest against people who beg but i think jagex didnt see the funny side...however i still cant see why its "offensive" when i see people who have really insulting and offensive names...


Empire Mind:Nbk killed your clan.



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