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Jagex using...profanity???

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I was doing the new quest Death to the Dorgenshun at 4:55 AM Saturday June 24 2006 Arizona Time. I usually examine things cuz jagex puts in funny examines...This time it was different...I was shocked when examined Zanik and it said..."She's Kicking HAM ***." whatwasjagexthinking5kp.png


Mi meriz lemantolly prit es priw

I kill stupid-man with a tree

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the "A" word lol. I think they would of locked it if i didnt sensor out the word




well i do remember someone saying something about an NPC saying the word "Damn" so why cant we say it. although i dont know what the situation was. it could have been "Damn the torpedos" or whatever

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If it was actually just asterisks, then it is the user who descriminates to what should fill in the asterisks. If it was the actual word... Jagex is finally opening up a bit. :lol:




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


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Thats no fake. Jagex is trying to humor us...in some, rule-breaking way. :?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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the word begining with a is censored in rs because a lot of immature users would use it as a derogatory term, for example "i'll wipe my (a) with you" jagex used it in such a way that it does not offend the person it is directed at, especially seeing as its an npc.

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the first butler guy u can get at like 10 construction, when u ask him to get drinks he goes "ahh having a piss up are we" so jagex still swear and then censor these words so we cant use them omg stupid or what


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No, it is fair. There are far to many immature RS players that would use the words in arguements or to hurt another. Jagex uses them against no person, and it is somewhat comedic.




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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No, it is fair. There are far to many immature RS players that would use the words in arguements or to hurt another. Jagex uses them against no person, and it is somewhat comedic.




No it's hypocritical. If Jagex tells us that we can't swear, for any reason, then they should be the role model and not do it either.

Always selling amulets of strength 3k ea

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No, it is fair. There are far to many immature RS players that would use the words in arguements or to hurt another. Jagex uses them against no person, and it is somewhat comedic.




No it's hypocritical. If Jagex tells us that we can't swear, for any reason, then they should be the role model and not do it either.




I think Jagex doesn't mind showing people light profanity. The reason why words are censured in Runescape is not only because they are "bad" but also because they can be used in a bad manner such as insulting people.




This kind of profanity doesn't insult anyone, it only shows us a bad word, but it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings. Bad words become bad if you use it in a bad way.




Case closed...




Self Edit: I apologize to purepure, I missed his post and we share the same opinions.

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I think Jagex doesn't mind showing people light profanity. The reason why words are censured in Runescape is not only because they are "bad" but also because they can be used in a bad manner such as insulting people.




Still, it is a little hypocritical when they ban people or give black marks for using the word.




But it is their game, they can do as they please.

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I have no issues with profanity, I just think that if Jagex wants to promote a game environment that is free from insults and cursing, they should not be the ones to start using curse words, because as I mentioned, it's hypocritical to tell us to do one thing, and then for them to do something completely different.




It's like telling your kids not to smoke while you're in the middle of lighting up.

Always selling amulets of strength 3k ea

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I have no issues with profanity, I just think that if Jagex wants to promote a game environment that is free from insults and cursing, they should not be the ones to start using curse words, because as I mentioned, it's hypocritical to tell us to do one thing, and then for them to do something completely different.




It's like telling your kids not to smoke while you're in the middle of lighting up.


I don't completely disagree with you. In fact, I mostly agree.




On the other hand, it depends why you're telling your kids not to smoke. If you're preventing them from lighting up because it's bad for their health, yes, there's some hypocrisy there. If you're telling them not to smoke because it's illegal for them to do so until they're 18, I don't see any hypocrisy.




I'll throw back a beer occasionally, but I don't let my kids do it.




I guess I like your overall point, but the analogy doesn't hold up for me.



I'm being kind of a jerk for splitting hairs, I know.

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I don't completely disagree with you. In fact, I mostly agree.




On the other hand, it depends why you're telling your kids not to smoke. If you're preventing them from lighting up because it's bad for their health, yes, there's some hypocrisy there. If you're telling them not to smoke because it's illegal for them to do so until they're 18, I don't see any hypocrisy.




I'll throw back a beer occasionally, but I don't let my kids do it.




I guess I like your overall point, but the analogy doesn't hold up for me.




Yes if you're only objcetion to your children smoking is that it's illegal, then that is a fine objection, but every single person I know whose parents smoke and who tell their children not to smoke, tell them not to because it's bad for their health.




Regardless, this is not a topic on child rearing, and while I have no issues with Jagex using profanity, if they feel that it is okay to use a particular swear word, then we should have the same right to use that same swear word. If they feel that we might misabuse that word, then they should not be the ones introducing it into this game for the poor impressionable children who can't even be told about google in case they happen to stumble onto some website of questionable content using that search engine. Since the previous sentence didn't even make sense to me, what I'm trying to say is that if Jagex wants to censor words such as google, so that we can't direct the younger children in this game to doing something bad, they shouldn't be the ones introducing swear words into this game.

Always selling amulets of strength 3k ea

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Saying that Jagex is hypocritical for putting light profanity into their own game Is pretty mush like accusing every single older role model type adult or brotha/sista or whoever when they tell you not to swear yourself. They are in a world that has swearing and profanity of all kinds and they are bound to one day swear themselves. This does not mean that what they are saying(when they tell you not to swear) is wrong in any way or that they should never swear themselves. They know that you will swear given the chance but they are in turn just looking out for your best interest. This is what Jagex is doing, they are themselves alowed to use profanity, it's their game not ours, so who are we to say "No Jagex, bad Jagex. Go to the corner!" Now the fact that they block the words that they have used in the game for us is also just looking out for the best interests of the game. Do you want a bunch of newbies going around and singing some stupid song like "**** the ******* poo poo in th *** "etc...(most profanity was blocked out for reasons, use your imagination poeple) Personally I do not want them to be doing this, it would annoy and upset me. So in the end Jagex has all the rights to do whatever thay want with their game.

EDIT - Signature far exceeds our sig limits but since it's so colourful you can keep it.

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Um... Can you please watch your language? There are kids reading this.




Seriously though, yeah, I tend to agree with you.




Smackapotato, I really only skimmed your post, but if what you're saying is - basically - "Yes, it's hypocritical, but they have a right to be hypocrites because it's their own game" I would tend to agree with you too.

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If used when appropriate, they can be rather funny. Jagex used it appropriately, IMO. Players would just be morons with them...




I have nothing against it. They've used the word damn before in a quest too, although I forget where...

Runescape Name: "unbug07"


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