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Worst update in rs history?


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i have no idea what people are talking about when they say thing about how the non-tradeable holiday items was a bad idea. How is trying to help the economy bad? there are already enough rares out, we dont need more coming in every year. people will just stockpile and sell after a year to get $ since they know what happened with phats, santas, masks, etc.




worst update i think, would have to be pure essence, or more randoms. We don't need more more randoms, we need the new ones to be varied and changed at least once a month. this keeps the auto designers on their toes, trying to sell a product that wont last for a month because the randoms change around.

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Destroying maul and whip special.

gah!!! he is bumping after 1 minute, IT HAS TO BE A RHQER!!! KILL THE RHQER!!!


my 10 year old nephew plays grand theft auto and ive never seen him runover a prostitute in a stolen police car so i doubt little kids playing rs will go pickpocketing
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when they released barrows armour, making the entire combat system much easier, and making dragon useless

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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1. Pure Essence. What is it good for? Just that F2P can't make money with it anymore and P2P RuneCrafters have to pay more. The only one who gets an advantage are the P2P Ess miners, if they exist.




2. The update this week: Tweaks and Bugfixes. I was waiting for it the whole month, and I saw: Game Update in: 2:00. I was so excited. Then they say its for net month. I know, it's better that it's bug-free. But they could have put it in Behind The Scenes July then.




Also, can someone explain what fatigue is?

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Alright, this is someone who's seen all 5+ years of RS...




1. The Wilderness




Don't get me wrong, the wilderness itself is a fun place to be. However, it brought to an end forever the era of danger and honour that made RS one of the greatest games on the internet.




2. Fatigue




This one was just a complete pain in the arse. For those of you who didn't experience this in all its glory, basically every time you did something (like fighting, fishing, or anything) it added to "fatigue". And when you got up to 100%, you had to "sleep", either using a bed or later a sleeping bag. After a while you got used to it, but for the first few weeks it was seriously annoying.




Hear that Jagex, don't ever do that again. :shame:




3. RS2 Combat System




As an old RSCer I didn't really like the RS2 update as a whole, but what really got me was the combat system. It made training difficult and it absolutely KILLED pking as we knew it. Running before 3 rounds of combat? Please. Jagex turned a whole generation of RSers into complete pansies.




4. Farming




Does the expression "boring as watching grass grow" not exist in the UK? :wall:




'Nuff said.




5. The Year 2005




Not an update, but a movement in RS. They put Runescape on Addictinggames and Miniclip, and brought in a wave of noobs. Don't get me wrong, there are many great people who joined the game during that era. But opening the game up to the bottom of the internet destroyed the great sense of community that the game once enjoyed.




When you hear RSC people talking about the good old days, they were talking about before the boom of people. This really started before 2005 - even in late 2003 it was showing signs of it. But 2005 is when the numbers really shot up, and the old RS changed fully into the new.

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I kind of liked the RSC style of not having a Wilderness, just PK-able areas outside of towns. I wish I had actually been around for that.


Sorry for the double post, but the entire PK'able areas was before my time even, and before many people even started playing RS (RSC). It was before the wilderness, but the wilderness goes with a story which we learn about as we dwell further into the God wars and whatnot. Wilderness has more than just the PKing. And the problem with being able to PK anywhere is you could be minding your own business and WAM you're pked, lose your items, it's really an idiotic idea. I have a friend (who long quit) who played RS during the first year of it or so when the PKing was everywhere, and there was only Falador, Lumbridge, Al-Kharid, and Varrock. And he said it was only good for the high levels because they could go own anyone because they could attack anywhere! Thanks, but I don't like wandering around, doing a quest and some high level comes and PKs me and I lose my stuff.




Depending on how you look at it, it's kind of a good thing. It makes the game more than something you click and leave alone while your character trains automatically. It makes you concentrate on the game, and be more cautious. Less boring, if you will. It adds a new dimension to the game. Plus, the PKers on RSC were legendary. Everybody heard about the famous ones, since PKing was so local. I don't know, maybe I'm nostalgic.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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wost up dates probally any thing thats pimp and isnt f2p...








rip the old nite :pray:




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Pure ess...


but the most pointless updat was probably changing "use x with y" to "use x -> y"


It was completely unneccesary and obviously had to take some time to test it out, therefore wasting precious BETA testing time.

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Just wonding? WHy do you guys hate fatigue so mcuh? It didn't affect the game that much enless you were a newer player, and then you just had to walk to a bed quick!




At least that's with fatigue just stopping you from training when you reached "0", did it have other affects?

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construction.... jagex should have tested it more...cough 6/6/6 cough. (I don't care how much money is spent going into con, jagex made it that way for a reason, lower the economy, which is good)

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construction.... jagex should have tested it more...cough 6/6/6 cough. (I don't care how much money is spent going into con, jagex made it that way for a reason, lower the economy, which is good)
Construction wasn't the peroblem i think it was a great update i think they just realesed it to soon



Dragon Drops:2 Chains, 4 Meds, 1 2H, 2 Left Halves, 2 Legs, 1 Skirt

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Other than the few bugs (ok, the one major bug and the few bugs), and the fact that it lagged up my server for a little bit, the one thing that i find wrong with construstion is the fact that it killed the woodcutting trade for f2p.

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