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Most annoying skill!


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Farming allow me to show:




De Weed












--Wait like 40 mins--


Pick up.

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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You hate agility. Its my favourtie skill, i just love the agility arena in birmhaven. I could spend hours there. It was a but boring when i went to the gnome stronghold but then i heard about the agility arena and i went there i leveled up so quick and i enjoyed every min of it.




My least favourite to level up is range. I would really like to have a high range but i can be bothered i get bored to easily with it.

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Goes for 1 trip to body altar for 210 exp

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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Most annoying is Firemaking since it is completely pointless and only affects total level, it burns me up (no pun intended) how people waste their time on it and are able to beat me in total level because of it!




P2P- Worst to raise... farming (just from my experiance on my friends members account when he quit for a month and gave it to me)


It takes forever waiting for the seeds to grow and you have to make sure nothing happens to it, and even when there's someone there to look after your plants you have to run to another patch to plant something else to raise it fast.




F2P- Worst to raise is definatly prayer (runescrafting isn't because you don't have to look and fight for anything)

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Prayer is pretty harsh on f2p... im 100% f2p myself and i only have 60 prayer.. its my lowest skill =\




Smithing is pretty damn hard too, expensive/VERY time consuming.


1543 Skill total, 100% F2P

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I got to level 82, and bam, they bring out cook x!!!

Visit Popsumpot's Regular Log's Shop on Fletching, where we specialize in getting Regular Logs.


Buying all Regular Logs around 82ea, highest anywhere

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PRAYER makes me so frustrated :wall: :evil: . u either get a reasonable amount of combat xp for a very slow and low amount of prayerxp, or bad combat xp for reasonable prayer xp.either this or u gotta go buy big bones 4 insane prices and get no combat xp 4 ur trouble :wall: . this can be as much as 300k for 1k big bones, which is only 15k prayer xp!, so if ur trying 4 lvl 63 def lets just say, thats a crazy 600k just 2 gain 1 lvl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I am not going 2 buy big bones 2 gain xp,but u know how much work it would be 2 gain 13000000+ xp (lvl99)!


thats way over 3000000 normal bones. :shame:



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Dunno what you guys are talking about prayer is easy! I had 43 before I was a level 60. I got 43 prayer on f2p only. Even when I was a member I was too nooby to bury anything better than giant bones. The most annoying is farming >.< Totally not worth doing




[EDIT]The secret to my prayer success was when I first started my nooby friend from school told me that if you bury enough bones you become invincible (protect from melee.) That sounded awesome so whenever i met a monster I'd kill it for it's bone and if I saw one on the floor I'd bury it straight away :P Several times I stayed at the monestery burying bones until i reached a certain level. You have no idea how disappointed I was when I realised that protect from melee on worked on NPC's and with hand to hand attacks :(

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Guest AshKaYu

Umm, they are talking about F2P skills, since this is the F2P forums. K thankx buhbyew






Anyway, I'd have to say . ..




Ranged. I absolutely hate it, crowded training spots, if you die in the wild you lose EVERYTHING(even if you three-itemed), and there are no alternate training ways, like with Mage there is non-combat skills.

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Umm, they are talking about F2P skills, since this is the F2P forums. K thankx buhbyew






Anyway, I'd have to say . ..




Ranged. I absolutely hate it, crowded training spots, if you die in the wild you lose EVERYTHING(even if you three-itemed), and there are no alternate training ways, like with Mage there is non-combat skills.




Hmm what :-k

Retired from runescape

(Banned for bug abusing)

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I don't know, what you people are on aout i have levelled from 1-49 and from 53-60 prayer as f2p, and have never bought a single bone, I don't "buy" my skills like you lot so to me it seems moronic to spend money on big bones when you can just train and get them.

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Prayer, it's almost pointless, and it's extremely expensive to raise.






Hahaha, lets see you fight the high leveled boss monsters of runescape later on without prayer, considering you will become/are a member






I would say smithing, used to be awesome, now pointless and boring


Pretty much, I only raise simithing so I can smith my own armor for pking. I hate rasing prayer and herblore.


Currently going for 76 fishing

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I'm surprised only one other guy said ranged....




Prayer is not hard to train! It just requires dedication. Range, on the other hand, is soooooo slow! I only have 41 ranging and that took forever! I think of range pures who trained range to 50+ and still have mains with 1000+ lvls and I wonder how much time they have on their hands.




Prayer, at least doesn't cost anything to train. Range = Spend money on arrows + Train + Pick up arrows + buy more arrows etc etc.

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