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It puts some body functions to rest so that you can devote more energy toward processes that are pretty much ignored while awake. Necessary processes.








It also helps restore chemical balance in the brain.








Some scientists further speculate that sleep provides an evolutionary advantage. As you may or may not have noticed, it is rather hard to see when it is dark. Animals are more or less stationary when asleep, and are thus unable to go wander off the edges of cliffs in the middle of the night.








Which is freakier/scarier: the McDonald's clown or the Burger King king?

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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Neither, as they both are the same colour as the background, really depends if it is above the wall/floor/ceiling as you would see the shadow, so for all purpose sake, it is flat on the floor.








Why do we bother living, if we are going to die anyway, so everything we do to improve our health is utterly pointless.

This space is reserved for "Them"

I'd eat Mackerel anyday over cake, because i know if i die i can make more :D

Guards are selfish with their clue scrolls, for god's sake we practically have to kill them for their clue scrolls! :D

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seize the moment.








how come some people drink water, and some people don't, and the people that drink water don't die and the people that don't drink water die, but also why do some of the people who drink water die anyway? (lol really stupid question, it's not like i don't know the answer but it's supposed to be stupid so...).

I'm addicted to placebos.I'd give them up,but it wouldn't make any difference.

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Same reason boys do. Because lice enjoy human blood.








A man has a completely wooden ship. One day, he notices a plank is rotting, so he replaces it. He continues to do this with every piece of rotting wood he finds, until he has eventually replaced all the wood in his ship. Is it still the same ship?

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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Same reason boys do. Because lice enjoy human blood.








A man has a completely wooden ship. One day, he notices a plank is rotting, so he replaces it. He continues to do this with every piece of rotting wood he finds, until he has eventually replaced all the wood in his ship. Is it still the same ship?








It may look like the same ship, but the planks are not the same, so technically it's not the same ship.








When the TV's remote is broken, why do we push the buttons harder?

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just in case we get lucky and manage to squeeze that last bit of power...plus, changing the batteries would have to make us get out of our chair








how did the creator of the guitar come up with 6 strings?





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just in case we get lucky and manage to squeeze that last bit of power...plus, changing the batteries would have to make us get out of our chair








how did the creator of the guitar come up with 6 strings?








He didn't. There are 3 types of guitars. 4; 6; and 12 stringed (some guitars ha 5 or 7)...








Now for a tricky question:








Why does life (and everything else) exist?

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people in japan speak japanesse because japanesse is the main language in japan








can i cut off my head and live?








No, because most people have their brains in their heads, and if you cut off your head, your brain won't get blood and your body dosen't have an organ to control the body (and other reasons :P), thus you die.








Why are (most of) the girls so hissy? (or how do you say it...)








Try to answer this :twisted:!

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Usually because they feel neglected and unloved.








Why won't i find an appropriate question after five minutes of pondering?








People are too busy to always monitor this topic...








What's the pi-s first 1000 number? :mrgreen:




This pi i mean: nvtelenpl6.png

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