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world war for water in near future?


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ok ok ok, ive read newspapers (british) and this cool magazine called Focus(hope someones heard of it) and the fact that we are wasting water and not actually gainin much, :shame: ,anyway, in this magazine, it tells about the future wars that may soon take form, and one of them was the war for water :-k


i cant really get much info but surely, britian might fight for water reserves soon and maybe some other countries... :shock:




post your thoughts, love, flame hate or gain, this might even get locked :shame:



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I think I'm going to do some loving in this thread, as my thoughts aren't worth much and it's too hot to flame or hate. I love you, Troymantis.


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With little things we could save a lot of clean water and make it last decades longer. For example toilets at least in Fennoscandia contain water that's clean enough to be drunk. Do we need THAT clean water at our toilets?




My point is that we still got plenty of clean water to waste and we would have things to save it. That means that there will be enough water for still a long time. If water was so rare that it would be worth declaring a war, we wouldn't act like this. I personally believe that at least our generation won't see a war because of water.



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the fact that britain currently has a low pressure weather system over it and has had for the last 2 years means that the south east has a hosepipe ban.




That doesnt mean we need to go to war for water. there is so much water its unbelievable. britain is surrounded by water and has some of the lushest most well watered forests in europe. water is not scarce here

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I think I'm going to do some loving in this thread, as my thoughts aren't worth much and it's too hot to flame or hate. I love you, Troymantis.




<3 :3> .




I realy don't think there will be a war over water.

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So you're saying, with over 70% of the worlds surface being water over 1000m deep, were going to fight over it?








well, most of that you cant drink. yet. i dont think there will be a war over it, because if we start running low, more and better desanitillation (spelled something like that :lol: ) plants will start to be built.



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Meh, I was joking. Its very expensive to distill large amounts of water, and uses large amounts of energy.




Along with climate change, with less rainfall in some areas, water will become less and less available. Wars won't be fought over it though.

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Guest mmortalone

nah, but you might want to save up scrap metal, because someone i know did a equation to see what would happen if everyone in china lived the same lifestyle as those of us in the US.....guess what?






theres not enough aluminum in the world for everyone :)




he assumed a lot of stuff though, but still...

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Meh, I was joking. Its very expensive to distill large amounts of water, and uses large amounts of energy.





I recently read on New Scientist that new nanotubes should make desalination a lot more energy efficient. Unfortunately the full article is for Premium users only, but here's a quote











Even in areas of the US where drinking water is particularly expensive and desalinated water relatively cheap, desalinated water still costs around 25 per cent more. New membrane technologies are expected to reduce this cost significantly. Olgica Bakajin and her colleagues at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, for example, have created a membrane filled with carbon nanotubes between 1.4 and 2 nanometres in diameter - around six times the diameter of a single water molecule.




Unlike the pores in a conventional membrane, which are randomly orientated, vary in size and are spaced relatively far apart, the nanotubes are smooth and uniformly spaced. This reduces resistance and turbulence, allowing the water to flow through more smoothly. The nanotubes are also tightly packed together, increasing the number of pores per square centimetre and allowing more water to flow through. As a result, water flows through the nanotubes 10 to 100 times faster than existing membranes, reducing energy costs.


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Canada has something along the lines of 20% of the world's fresh water and most places charge more for a litre of distilled/bottled water than gas stations charge for oil :-k

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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I think it's like 2% of the worlds water is fresh. Something miniscule anyway. The only viable options really are desalinisation plants or even re using water a few times before it isn't particularly safe to drink anymore. Maybe build a few dams in the mountains and let nature take its course with the weather cycle. Or we could always try and harvest some from space, like comets/asteriods or whatever. :shock:




A war because of water though? Maybe in a 100 years, but not anytime soon.

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Distillation technologies are impressive. For example California gets like what, 60% of its water from the ocean? If it was really scare I'm sure they could ramp up those sectors.




Then there are the simly yet ingenious things like LifeStraw:


http://www.time.com/time/business/artic ... -2,00.html




War for water? Ha, a single cruise missle costs a million dollars, that straw costs 3 dollars

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nowhere in our life time at the current rate we age will we ever notice any struggle for water

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dude you do realise that we have more water then land right?


people complain that the polar caps are going to melt and we will be flooded and now you say we are going have a war over it?


yeah maybe in about 400 million years.


sounds like the story for battlefield 2142




just thought id put that in




edit: dude i have 777 posts from this message, that is awesome

i finally quit runescape to play world of warcraft. i play on frostmourne, alliance

check out my thread


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World War for water..


Well the possibly remains.


For scientists have yet to understand how water is created.


It seems practical.. H2O


We already know the elements that create water.


Yet we don't know how to arrange them to actually form water.


And if we did it would probably cost millions to create a tiny drop of water.


But I think it will be hundreds of thousands of years before we start worrying about water.


And by that time, science hopefully will have blessed us with instant water.


A machine in our homes that creates water, 100% pure water that has never touched dirty rivers. Hopefully inexpensive by that time as well.






But what I truely think we should be worrying about at this point is our fuel. We're still using gasoline.. It's getting to the point where we're having wars for oil.


America should've taken the money from the war, and put it in Hydrogen Fuel Cell research instead.


But sadly war-mongering dictators rule our earth..

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Canada has something along the lines of 20% of the world's fresh water and most places charge more for a litre of distilled/bottled water than gas stations charge for oil :-k




Drink totally pure distilled water and you die :o

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