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Endasil's Top 10 High-Priority Fixes


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Sometimes I wish I worked for JAGeX. Let me explain. I'm a Java developer/student and my basic modus operandus is that if there's something in a program that needs fixing, I fix it. No questions asked. That's why I'd love to just be able to let loose on JAGeX's code on these things.




What you find following are my idea of high priority bug fixes which, being high-priority, should take precedent over new features. JAGeX spends a lot of time working on new features to bring in the masses, but in turn they have not spent enough time working on the user interfaces.




I have thought about these, and really don't think there are any disadvantages to them, though they are open to discussion. I would moreso like to see support for these so that we can catch the eye of the developers.




1. Save the attack-mode state at log-off. As a mage, this one definately irks me the most. When I log off momentarily, and log back on, I click attack only to find myself in melee with a lesser demon with no armour and a wooden staff. This one has actually happened to me: I wanted to train def, switched to defense mode. Logged off momentarily, then back on and continued fighting. 20k xp later I realized I had gained an attack level. Not good when you're trying to be a mage. This would take minimal effort to program, as we already have save states for all other preferences.






2. Scroll lock on the chat window. For anyone that has ever been in Varrock on world 1. Enough said? No? Okay, I'll explain. It's great that you can see everybody's text above their head and all, but when you've got 500 people squashed in a little area, you can't even see someone's text long enough to find out who said it, never mind carry a conversation. This fix would simply stop scrolling the text in the chat scroll-box when you start to scroll manually. Translation: when you manually move the scroll bar, you then would have full control of what you see in the chat area until the box "loses focus" (until you click on something else).




3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level. As a developer, I know the benefits of using the keyboard over the mouse as much as possible. I find it extremely tedious, when levelling against a more powerful monster, to have to right click, find the attack item, and click it. This is particularly bad when there are multiple monsters under your mouse, and you don't know which is the one you're trying to attack. A shift-click would automatically attack ANY monster, regardless of level, and in the case of multiple monsters within the mouse range, would attack the one "closest to the mouse" (with the highest z-order).




4. Word wrap on the chat window. There's not a single person in the RS universe who can say that it doesn't bother them that they can only say 15 words at a time. Why can't the chat system be reprogrammed to word-wrap? If you go over the limit, while typing, the typing window would display the words closest to the cursor location, and when submitted, would wrap over multiple lines. Picture msn, or virtually any other chat client.




5. Clicking anything in the UI would not stop current action You know what I'm talking about. Right now, you're in a battle with something/someone. You click on anything in the menu, ex, you change from walking to running. You change your music. Whatever it is, you stop attacking the monster/person. You could argue this is for protection, but its not! The other person continues to attack you while you don't fight back. GREAT... This one needs to be fixed.




(withdrawn) 6. ON/OFF for chat filter. I'm all for protecting our young people, but this has got to stop. We need to be able to turn off the filter if we want to. Ever tried typing in "'s" in the chat window? Yes, that's right, the letter "s" is now profane. In conjunction, see 10.


EDIT: I have conceded this point due to high opposition of people not wanting others to have the choice to disable filtering. I understand this, and think that a cleaner vocabulary is still more important for the children then having random things blocked wrongly. However, I do think that more work is needed here






7. Bring back the tell feature This feature, way back in the day, allowed you to pvt message someone without going to the friends list and finding them, and then clicking on them. Only problem was, back then, you just typed "tell username (message)." But the tell keyword was too common. It should be changed to /tell or something with a non alpha-numeric prefix.




(withdrawn) 8. "Listen" feature. Related to the issue in 2, this new feature would allow you to "listen" to a certain, say 3x3 area of land. It would essentially only display chat occuring in that area, so that you could carry out a conversation in a busy area.


EDIT: I have conceded this point due to the complexity of the idea, and its limited usefulness. While I think it's a good idea, this would only be used on certain worlds in certain areas (mainly Varrock world 1&2). Because I entitled this topic high-priority "fixes," and this is a feature, I'll take this off of my list.




9. Action macros for most actions I know this is a feature as well, but it's late. Forgive me. Now, don't object to this because it has the word "macro" in it. This is not suggesting making auto-(insert verb here) a legal part of the game. What I am describing are shortcuts for repeated tasks that take too much clicking. They would not need to be saved in the database, for storage reasons. Basically, they would allow you to save an action up to the point of choosing a target. So you could save a shortcut "cast high-alc", and when you clicked on that from your shortcut list, or pressed a bound key, it would just come up with the normal "cast high-alc on...". Again, this comes from a firm belief that games need a nominal amount of keyboard activity to have a good user interface, and runescape lacks that. Whatever, this probably won't happen because of too much rejection from people who feel like autoers rule the world or something. But in reality, it would decrease the gap between normal users and autoers. This might mean autoers can program their macroes easier, but I mean, autoers can find a way to macro without this feature. It's the legit players who really benefit from this. The real reason that runescape suffers from macroers is not because they cheat, but because they cheat AND there's no feasible way for legal players to keep up with them.




10. Language preference Well, I speak english natively, and I haven't done the research to see how internationalized RS has become, but I can see great need for being able to set your language of preference. With this would come great things:


  • Filter predicates mapped to a language. This would improve the chat filter by only blocking offensive language in your language of origin.


  • Allow non-english players to communicate more effectively. This could include muting all but people of your own language, so you could communicate better. We needn't force english on the general population. It's a pretty gross language. If we all need to speak one language, can't it be something nice like spanish?


  • Internationalization of UI. Basically, JAGex could translate the user interface components into the major languages, and it would display the one you have chosen. Useful for ESL people to complete quests, where the language is more complex than they would be used to.




I just wanted to get that stuff off my chest. With the exception of 8-10, I think that these are essential parts of the game interface that have gone largely unnoticed for the 7-ish years since the first testing stages. These are things that would truly push RS to a professional level.




Tell me what you think. Give this stuff support, because JAGeX will continue just ploughing forward with new features if they think that's all their paying members care about.






I'm adding a section for keyboard-based command ideas.




Basically, RS should give up the idea that whenever you type something it automatically goes into the chat window.




Enter would activate the chat window, letting you type a message. Another enter would send the message.




ASDW should be used instead of arrow cursors b/c it's a lot more comfortable, and better for your body than using the cursor keys with your left hand.




Escape would escape any window, be it help window, bank window, pm box, a box for specifying a number of items to give, etc. It could also be used to cancel an action at the mid-point (like cast- high-alch on... (escape) and it would be cancelled).




Tab key or something else could switch through the menu tabs.[/b]

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I suppose I agree with most of them, but there's one thing that I'd add: keyboard shortcuts for walk/run as well as switching between tab panels. When my right hand is using the mouse to move around, the only thing my left hand can do is to play with the camera, which gets boring quickly. Using keyboard shortcuts for tab panels gives my left hand something to do.

I am a tree.

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i agree except for 9 and 10. i hate autoers and spanish.


Being racist now?


I agree with most of then, #9 is the one I dont like. #3 best one though \'

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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1. Save the attack-mode state at log-off.


Yes, definately. This, although no more than a minor annoyance, would really make the game a lot more streamlined.




2. Scroll lock on the chat window.


In addition to this, a bit more of how much text can be there. In world 1, it will take only 5 or 10 seconds to have gone through all the text so that even scroll locking won't be much help.




3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level.


I think they need to revamp that system. This was originally built on the pking/non-pking principle of early RSC days. This way people would only have the option to attack those near their level as how it was made in old RSC pking. I see that it may be used to protect people, but 90% of the dangerous monsters are aggressive anyway. Perhaps not shift clicking, but something would really make it easier




4. Word wrap on the chat window.


Word wrapping would be good, but let's face it, there are few times that you need to type that much.




5. Clicking anything in the UI would not stop current action


I would have to agree here too. Interruptions are just annoying.




6. ON/OFF for chat filter.


Eh, maybe. Chat filters arent necesarily bad. However, they need a full time person working on editing this.




7. Bring back the tell feature


What runescape needs is a command key. Like in blizzard games, the "/" is used for commands. Runescape needs to adopt one of these because typing can really streamline how things work. The complete lack of textual commands is slightly annoying




8. "Listen" feature.


Eh, I find this unnecessary. If this did come, it should also come with different levels of talking. Itd be helpful if when your telling your team to attack in the wilderness, you don't let that guy know. A whisper command as well?




9. Action macros for most actions


I'm gonna have to say no to this one. It's just not in the nature of the game. What would runescape be without 10 billion clicks to do well?




10. Language preference


I believe there were rumors of Jagex looking into other languages for Runescape. I would think this is more of a long term project. It requires a significant staffing group to do this as well.

RSN: Mutashi

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Being racist now?


Easy now, he said "spanish," not "spanish speaking people." I've already said I don't like english, but if I hated english speaking people, I'd be in real trouble! I am one.




2. Scroll lock on the chat window.


In addition to this, a bit more of how much text can be there. In world 1, it will take only 5 or 10 seconds to have gone through all the text so that even scroll locking won't be much help.




True. I'm not sure RS would resolve this one though. There doesn't seem to be a great easy fix. Maybe that's why I suggested 8 as well.




3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level.


I think they need to revamp that system. This was originally built on the pking/non-pking principle of early RSC days. This way people would only have the option to attack those near their level as how it was made in old RSC pking. I see that it may be used to protect people, but 90% of the dangerous monsters are aggressive anyway. Perhaps not shift clicking, but something would really make it easier


I know the purpose of that system, and I'm not suggesting we change it. It actually had little to do with PK-ing, because in those early days, you could only attack people really near your skill AT ALL. (It would be similar to being stuck in lvl 3 wilderness all of the time). People need to be able to click on a rock without accidently attacking monsters that will likely kill them. Out of curiousity, what would you think as an alternative to shift-clicking?




4. Word wrap on the chat window.


Word wrapping would be good, but let's face it, there are few times that you need to type that much.




I dunno, I like being sociable when I play. If I'm telling a story or explaining something, I don't appreciate having to trim my sentences. I mean, I can already type fast, so why not be able to use full sentences?




Personally, I have to truncate my sentence or go to a new line many times in every RS session I have.




6. ON/OFF for chat filter.


Eh, maybe. Chat filters arent necesarily bad. However, they need a full time person working on editing this.


I didn't say they were bad. I said they are good for protecting the virgin ears of the younger players. That's why you could turn it on or off. Alternatively, RS could collect your date of birth (if they don't have it already, I can't remember) and give you the option to turn it off if you're over 14 or something.




7. Bring back the tell feature


What runescape needs is a command key. Like in blizzard games, the "/" is used for commands. Runescape needs to adopt one of these because typing can really streamline how things work. The complete lack of textual commands is slightly annoying


Yeah, totally. I'm not sure what other commands would be useful to add, however, the more I think about it, the more I think they need to just drop "auto-chat" (that is, whenever you type a character, you're typing a message). I think there should be a chat activation button, probably just enter (return). That would bring the cursor to the chat window to type a message. Then you could have "w,a,s,d" as your view changing keys, which is MUCH more comfortable than the cursor keys.




8. "Listen" feature.


Eh, I find this unnecessary. If this did come, it should also come with different levels of talking. Itd be helpful if when your telling your team to attack in the wilderness, you don't let that guy know. A whisper command as well?


Yeah, or friend groups where you could send a private message to a group of players.




10. Language preference


I believe there were rumors of Jagex looking into other languages for Runescape. I would think this is more of a long term project. It requires a significant staffing group to do this as well.


You'd be surprised by the support they'd get from people who would translate for free. If they set up a wiki-based operation, where people would contribute and other people who spoke the same language would peer edit, JAGeX would not need to hire on many translators.




Thanks for your responses.

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if you knew anything about computers you know there is a way to auto alch, everycomputer has the abillity.




I'm not sure what you're responding to, but of course I know there is the ability to do so. Don't pretend to challenge my knowledge of computers. Right now, you can program a mouse macro to repeat the mundane steps it takes to perform a spell. There are likely more sophisticated programs which do not require mouse clicks.




But of course, none of these are legal within runescape's rules, and neither are they supported by Runescape code. What I would suggest is a type of simple macro that goes below the user interface level...ie would not use mouse clicks...which would allow users to simplify some of their mundane clicking.




In the future, please make an intelligent argument if you think I've said something false.

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They all sound like good ideas, except maybe #9. You mean like making an High Alch-all-of-(item) command/spell or cook-all command? Or actual macros recording the mouse movement? :anxious:

XXXX says I'm a noob. And then keeled me with his troop of lvl 100 CW buddies.

Yay for being a Dead Noob. XD

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3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level.


I think they need to revamp that system. This was originally built on the pking/non-pking principle of early RSC days. This way people would only have the option to attack those near their level as how it was made in old RSC pking. I see that it may be used to protect people, but 90% of the dangerous monsters are aggressive anyway. Perhaps not shift clicking, but something would really make it easier


I know the purpose of that system, and I'm not suggesting we change it. It actually had little to do with PK-ing, because in those early days, you could only attack people really near your skill AT ALL. (It would be similar to being stuck in lvl 3 wilderness all of the time). People need to be able to click on a rock without accidently attacking monsters that will likely kill them. Out of curiousity, what would you think as an alternative to shift-clicking?




Eh, that's what I was talking about, the early pking system. At this point you can still one click monsters up to 3 levels higher than you, jus tlikeyou could still one click players up to 3 levels higher than you. One of the problems I would see with shift clicking though, is if your mouse is already over the enemy, and then you click shift. It'd get a big awkward with the changing command. Additionally, people who properly type (as I do sometimes) are in the habit of actually using the shift key, but that shouldn't be much of a problem either being as few type and click at the same time, much less hold shift.




7. Bring back the tell feature


What runescape needs is a command key. Like in blizzard games, the "/" is used for commands. Runescape needs to adopt one of these because typing can really streamline how things work. The complete lack of textual commands is slightly annoying


Yeah, totally. I'm not sure what other commands would be useful to add, however, the more I think about it, the more I think they need to just drop "auto-chat" (that is, whenever you type a character, you're typing a message). I think there should be a chat activation button, probably just enter (return). That would bring the cursor to the chat window to type a message. Then you could have "w,a,s,d" as your view changing keys, which is MUCH more comfortable than the cursor keys.




I suppose this would be the best way to work instead of a shift key. Without compulsory chatting, this opens up a lot more keys to use. It also opens up errors. I mostly speak from my experiences on Warcraft III which has a nice but sometimes annoying system.




I'm really not sure what would work better than a shift key, it is the only key that would seem plausible at this point. Perhaps another option to set how much higher than you an enemy can be when you can one click it? That would be a pain to program though. It's like in diablo when you can set limits on who can join your game. Yeah, I play a lot of blizzard games.

RSN: Mutashi

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They all sound like good ideas, except maybe #9. You mean like making an High Alch-all-of-(item) command/spell or cook-all command? Or actual macros recording the mouse movement? :anxious:




Ahh, I don't think many people are understanding what I am saying for 9. Essentially what you would be making is a "shortcut" for common commands. Ultima Online has it. You would click "create shortcut", it would come up with available actions, like:














and then once you clicked on an action, it would come up with available items, spells, etc.




Cast (choose spell)


High level alchemy


Fire blast










Wield (choose item)


Rune 2-Handed Sword


Adamantite Medium Helmet






And that would be it. For casting shortcuts, it would save you ONLY the clicks of going to your magic book, and clicking on the spell. You would still have to manually choose a target every time.




These shortcuts could then show up in a different shortcut menu, or could be bound to keys.

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1. Save the attack-mode state at log-off.


Very good point, but maybe with a maximum. I don't need my attack mode saved when I'm going on a holiday.




2. Scroll lock on the chat window.


Just set public chat to hide to click the trade request and you're done.


What I would like to see however is a second chat window (just below the current one) which only consists of 1 line. It would only show what the person you trade with is saying so you can talk about the deal a lot better.




3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level.


Most monsters are agressive anyways, so it wouldn't matter much either way.




4. Word wrap on the chat window.


No. Even though I can make pretty long sentences when talking to someone on pm, I'm against this. Think about how people would spam with this function. Imagine your whole window filled with @@@@@@@ or !!!!!!!!! or whatever key the spammer found.




5. Clicking anything in the UI would not stop current action


I'm not to sure about this one, because I think some of them are intentionally implemented. If you're pking and you want to switch from walk to run, that will cost you time (not a combat round if you time it right) and it should. If you want to change your music... that's not something that should be on your mind during combat :wink:




6. ON/OFF for chat filter.


No matter how much you want this and how good your arguments are, it will never happen.




7. Bring back the tell feature


Good point, but not if someone has their private chat set to off or friends. People have chat settings for a reason.




8. "Listen" feature.


Good idea, but in world 1 it would still be hard to have a conversation with the person you're trading. I like my idea of an extra chat window better :P




9. Action macros for most actions


Maybe you could re-word your point, because I'm not sure what you mean here :?




10. Language preference


The main language is English, but other languages are spoken too, mostly at local servers (Dutch on Amsterdam servers). But adding filter predicates is not a smart idea. Firstly because you'd need to make the new filters (which languages would you include?) taking a lot of time and secondly because if I'd switch on the Dutch filter I could tell everyone to go f themselves since that wouldn't be filtered anymore.


Jagex is already planning to make Runescape available in more languages. I think German, French and Spanish versions are planned for release somewhere this year.






I'm all with you on the idea of increasing the use of the keyboard, but since I don't know anything about programming I have no idea if this is easily implemented or even at all possible.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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keyboard shortcuts for walk/run




ever tried holding down ctrl while walking? :shock:












On another note, as a student programmer myself i fully agree with everything you've said. I often find myself thinking "wow I could fix that." In my opinion thats not something that I should be thinking about in a corporate run game.

You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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2. Scroll lock on the chat window.


Just set public chat to hide to click the trade request and you're done.


What I would like to see however is a second chat window (just below the current one) which only consists of 1 line. It would only show what the person you trade with is saying so you can talk about the deal a lot better.




The main problem I found was not with being unable to click a trade request. It was that I couldn't even see the name of the person who was advertising a trade. In this way, stopping public chat would not help.




3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level.


Most monsters are agressive anyways, so it wouldn't matter much either way.




Aye, but you say this from a pure fighter's perspective. Rangers and magers might not want to be close enough to a monster for it to attack them.




4. Word wrap on the chat window.


No. Even though I can make pretty long sentences when talking to someone on pm, I'm against this. Think about how people would spam with this function. Imagine your whole window filled with @@@@@@@ or !!!!!!!!! or whatever key the spammer found.


Agreed. Maybe just set a maximum of two lines. One line is simply not enough.





5. Clicking anything in the UI would not stop current action


I'm not to sure about this one, because I think some of them are intentionally implemented. If you're pking and you want to switch from walk to run, that will cost you time (not a combat round if you time it right) and it should. If you want to change your music... that's not something that should be on your mind during combat :wink:


I had not thought of that; however, the point still stands. Even if you click anything non-combat related (you might disagree, but when you're levelling for hours, something has to take away the boredom), you stop doing your current action.




7. Bring back the tell feature


Good point, but not if someone has their private chat set to off or friends. People have chat settings for a reason.


If I recall correctly, in the past your message would just bounce if the target was not online. (In fact, this was before friends lists, where you had to check the server status page on the RS website to see who was online).




9. Action macros for most actions


Maybe you could re-word your point, because I'm not sure what you mean here :?


See previous responses.




10. Language preference


The main language is English, but other languages are spoken too, mostly at local servers (Dutch on Amsterdam servers). But adding filter predicates is not a smart idea. Firstly because you'd need to make the new filters (which languages would you include?) taking a lot of time and secondly because if I'd switch on the Dutch filter I could tell everyone to go f themselves since that wouldn't be filtered anymore.


Jagex is already planning to make Runescape available in more languages. I think German, French and Spanish versions are planned for release somewhere this year.




Good to see they're progressing in that direction. Remember though, that I wasn't saying that the langauge would be mapped to a server...it would be mapped to a person. Therefore, even if you told everyone to f themselves, only the non-english players would see it. And I'm sure in these cases there could be a "general" filter predicate which would filter out words like the f word no matter what language you are.




I'm all with you on the idea of increasing the use of the keyboard, but since I don't know anything about programming I have no idea if this is easily implemented or even at all possible.




Not too hard. If RS is well structured, the actions you find in the menu are likely just surface level buttons for core actions, that could be triggered from a key just as easily as a menu.

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Introducing the keyboard would also open the door to weirder suggestions, such as a first-person mode. Ever thought of what the RS world would look like from your player's eyes?




With the 3D engine, this would really just be a matter of changing the camera location/angle. You could then click+drag the mouse to change where you're looking (Java applets cannot lock your mouse cursor within its boundaries, I believe, so just moving the mouse wouldn't work), and use wasd to move around. I wonder if the developers have fooled around with first person? I almost guarantee it. They probably weren't too impressed with it, because with the current graphics set, there wouldn't be anything to see past the 50m away horizon (and no sky, ceilings, etc).




I'm not going to call this a suggestion, more just a curiousity.

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5. Clicking anything in the UI would not stop current action


I'm not to sure about this one, because I think some of them are intentionally implemented. If you're pking and you want to switch from walk to run, that will cost you time (not a combat round if you time it right) and it should. If you want to change your music... that's not something that should be on your mind during combat :wink:


I had not thought of that; however, the point still stands. Even if you click anything non-combat related (you might disagree, but when you're levelling for hours, something has to take away the boredom), you stop doing your current action.


It's so annoying to be mining in the Wild, see someone who is obviously wanting to pk you, try to switch to Run so you can take off as soon as you get your ore, only to stop mining said ore. If they want to keep this for combat, then that'd be understandable, but not for mundane actions (like fishing, mining, etc.) I mean, who hasn't growled in frustration when they do something simple like adjust the brightness and discover they have to restart their fishing, smithing, or firing sets?


Everything else sounds nice, too, even the macro one. I'm no programmer, but I do agree that so many things in RS need to be fixed that it's almost mind-numbing.






Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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Great idea, I especially like the idea of increasing the use of the keyboard. Also, for number nine, from what I understand, you want to make it so players can set (for example) ALT + H would Cast Hi-alch, and then the player would just click an item to Hi-alch. If so, then I think it is a good idea.

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Sometimes I wish I worked for JAGeX.




Here's my take on your ideas...




1. Save the attack-mode state at log-off.


I agree. Same goes for run/walk mode.




2. Scroll lock on the chat window.






3. Shift-click to attack regardless of level.






4. Word wrap on the chat window.


No. Problem is someone leaning on their keyboard (255 character limit?) and that would fill up all 5 lines of the chat window with their spam message. Keep it at one line.




5. Clicking anything in the UI would not stop current action


This depends. Some actions (like using items in inventory) are non-combat actions.




6. ON/OFF for chat filter.


No. No. No. Leave the chat filter alone. Yes, it's annoying. Yes, it's a pain. Don't allow it to be turned off, or even have a "security level" setting.




7. Bring back the tell feature


Hmm. Has merit, and would make it easier to not say things to the wrong person. Drawback is you have to type the name, and if that name has spaces, it could be a problem. Alternative: Have a "last" button in your friends list that when you click it, it sets up a message to the "last" person you sent a message to.




8. "Listen" feature.


Interesting idea, but I don't think it would work. Perhaps a right click option on a character that says "focus on", so that his writing is a different color or font (italics would work) in your chat window. It would remain so until that person either logged off (or you logged off) or you changed your focus to someone else.






9. Action macros for most actions


Interesting idea. I'd call it a "repeat action" button. Only problem is this would make things easier for external macro-ers. Also, part of the repetitive clicking keeps you from auto-logging.






10. Language preference


Hmm. This would be tough. Only thing I can suggest here is to dedicate certain servers to certain languages (i.e. server 200 is for spanish speaking players, etc) Though the game mechanics would be unchanged and any player could still log in, this would allow those players to converse easily amongst each other. The drawback to this is we'd lose the international feel of this game. I think it's kind of cool to walk into a bank and see people speaking (typing) in German.




Those are my thoughts on your ideas.




- Sligo


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but, I am not sure you realize tht what you heard is not what I meant.

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