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People whom play differently, and respect...


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The uniqueness of multiplayer online role playing games, such as RuneScape, is that there is no one way to play the game. You can be a hero, or a villain. You can keep to yourself, or join a clan. You can specialize in a single skill, or work on a bit of all of them. You can be a player killer, or a highly skilled merchant. The possibilities are large and vast, and can indeed make for quite a bit of fun and entertainment.




However, this very fact, one that should be praised and respected for its ability to make the game that much more interesting, is often slagged and bashed by quite a few players. Players whom, seemingly, think everyone should fit into some sort of "generic" mold of how the game is played.




From playing the game, and reading the forums, as a player one of the first things you will notice is the fact that if you decide to play the game in an manner inconsistent with what the majority deems "normal", you will find yourself on the receiving end of being flamed and insulted.




Say you take the path of a merchant, a path that can take quite a bit of money, time, persistence, intelligence, and knowledge of the economy to turn an profit. This was once a highly respected ability amongst the masses, but nowadays it seems to be considered a disrespectful thing to do, and has since been lumped into the "scamming" category amongst the masses.




How can that be? Has the average players foresight on merchanting been clouded by lies? Do they really believe it is nothing more than scamming, or being lazy? It is not just "long term" investments, such as purchasing a blue party hat, and waiting 6 months down the road to sell it. Nor is it lying and misrepresenting an items worth.




One popular form of merchanting is dealing in items that can be refined or are disposable. This is the ability to buy small amounts of items, in short quantities, and selling them in bulk amounts for a higher price. For example, many small trades of iron ore at 100gp each, and reselling as a large amount for 120gp each. Such trades are mutually beneficial, as the merchant profits from his time, whereas the purchaser willing pays more for the benefit of getting all his supplies quickly and painlessly, with no intensive labor or spending his whole day in an bank purchasing it bit by bit.




There are also opportunists, such as those that stumble upon a player whom does not know the average rate an item is presently selling for. Or those whom take advantage of new releases, such as construction, and sell supplies and equipment for many times more than they would be worth once things had settled down. Would either of these be considered scamming? Not really, as long as you do not intentionally deceive your fellow players. An example of not scamming would be to say "I am willing to pay you 10k for that yew seed", as it does not claim that the yew seed cannot be sold for more, but rather simply states that what you are willing to pay for it. However, if you had said "That seed is worth only 10k", when you know it can be sold for more, is indeed deceptive and an attempt to scam an fellow player. Are either of these moral or right? It depends on whom you ask. Remember, an item is worth what a player is willing to pay, no matter how low or high. There is no rules against getting a bargain, or charging above average price as long as you do not mislead a player. When in doubt, buyers or sellers alike, should do their research before making a transaction.




Other examples of play, which you will usually find yourself on the receiving end of flames and insults for, is role playing, RuneScape relationships, or just doing something entertaining even if silly.




Lets start with the third, an example would be getting together with a couple of friends whom had kept their sleds, and just head out to trollheim to enjoy yourselves either racing or just messing around for fun. However, if you so much as dare mention this anywhere in public, it is inevitable that someone is going to be immature enough to approach you, and say something along the lines of "Thats not productive. It sounds stupid to me".




Productive? I was not aware that I am suppose to be doing something productive, as I am playing a game. The point of playing a game, in my own opinion, is to enjoy yourself and relax while having fun, so long as it does not disrupt the fun and enjoyment of others whom are playing. What usually comes to mind, is a quote many of us heard growing up, that reads "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all".




Role playing goes along the same lines, where some players enjoy getting into the roles that they are playing. Some happen to go as far as creating a back story about their character, and the character takes upon a life of its own, sort to speak. This sort of activity rarely happens around the world of RuneScape, however, out of fear of judgment and being flamed. Some players enjoy playing in such a manner, where as others do not. Since it does not effect you if you do not, then please be kind enough to show some courtesy and respect for those whom do, and let them be.




Finally, we get into relationships. There are quite a few variations on how, and why, this is done and they differ as wildly as the players whom play this game we call RuneScape. Some happen to be close friends, either in real life or online, whom tend to spend most of their time in the game together anyways and see playing such roles as the next logical step. Others start out as friends, and actually end up developing feelings for their fellow player, which in some cases has led to them going on to eventually marry each other in real life. Then there are those, whom already happen to be married offline, and carry their relationship over to the game. All three of which used to be more common and respected, in the earliest days of RuneScape, but it seems to have changed over time. Again though, I still see no reason to show such disrespect for the way others choose to play their game, regardless of your personal opinions on the subject. Whether you think its an good idea, or an bad idea, does it really stop you from enjoying your own game? I think not.




Then there are those whom are doing it as an attempt to gain rewards in game, be it cash and equipment, or just to toy with the other party. These types are quite easy to spot usually, as they are normally either complete strangers, or people whom you have just recently met that approach you for such purposes. They prey upon their victims, milking them for what they can, before they most likely move on to their next victim. These types of people should be ignored, and are not even worth the time of day it takes to respond to them.




However, I think the moral of this article is "Do unto others as you would have them do to you", or in other words treat others how you would like to be treated yourself. Be it in the game, or in life, its an good policy to live by, and ultimately the world would is much better off from it.

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yeah, good point, but I don't think a long post like this would be needed. Thanks for putting effort into writing this article though, I respect that =D>




And speaking of which, there's always this saying:




"It's better to give than to recieve"




Isn't it better to give a dude a punch than to recieve one yourself?

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Better than the tip.it times recently I'll tell you that!


You should write something for them. That's a really nice article.




lol i agree with you there




a very nice article very interesting, bravo, a very nice read =D>

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You just owned the editor on the Tip.It times this week. :roll:




"Do unto others as you would have them do to you"




It is a quote that I live buy, and so should others. Let's get the message out there, lol. :D




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Better than the tip.it times recently I'll tell you that!


You should write something for them. That's a really nice article.




I think you should submit it to be published in the next tip it times.

RSN: Hellomoron

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Did anyone else see alot of the word "an" in there. Reading it, and thinking about how it would sound with the word "an" there. It sounded horrible. Maybe im just really stoned or something but i think too many "an" 's are in there

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Did anyone else see alot of the word "an" in there. Reading it, and thinkign about how it would sound with the word "an" there. It sounded horrible. Maybe im just really stoned or something but i think too many "an" 's are in there
Posts like this make me lose faith in the human race.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Say you take the path of an merchant, an path that can take quite abit of money, time, persistance, knowledge of the economy, and intelligence to turn an profit. This was, at one point, an highly respected ability amongst the masses, but now, its seemingly considered an disrespectful thing to do, and has been lumped into the "scamming" category amongst the masses.




















bloodveld, .... pffft

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Say you take the path of an merchant, an path that can take quite abit of money, time, persistance, knowledge of the economy, and intelligence to turn an profit. This was, at one point, an highly respected ability amongst the masses, but now, its seemingly considered an disrespectful thing to do, and has been lumped into the "scamming" category amongst the masses.












bloodveld, .... pffft




Calm down you grammar nazi

Retired from runescape

(Banned for bug abusing)

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Oh, I know what you're saying, I'm just saying that you're pathetic to completely ignore what he posted just to nitpick. Also, your grammar is quite sad, especially for one who is mocking another's.

bloodveld, people like you make me wana castrate everyone to prevent more of you
Why thank you, I am quite manly. Although I doubt you'd have the strength cut off anything of that size.


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Sheesh....................................................... =D>


You put a lotta time into that.............

A mad scientist in the attic, the owner is a vampire that dwells in the basement, a witch, skeletons, ghosts....

And you thought YOUR neighbors were weird!

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I miss the old days. :(




Very nice article. VERY nice.

I quit RS.

Dude the past is past. Don't work yourself too much...it'll only make it worse.

Don't think about what could be, make it so.


P.S This kinda stuff also works with girls :wink:

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