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Hi? i know why you are here! You surely want that nice full mime outfit or the funny zombie dance right? Or maybe the great leatherhorsen or whatever is his name!




Ok this is 100% experimental and im 98% not sure of this...




But i did it and i got full prince outfit in my lvl 20 pure, so it must be truth!












Why Jagex introduce soo many random events? Firsty to make the game funner and gift nice stuff to players...But we must see the dark side... Jagex do this to fight against the evil crew of macroers, those runescape players with no skill in game but high skills in hacking. So how to get many random events? Easy! Make jagex believe than you are a macroer (people only in game!).








Ok, im not asking you to use macros, it isent acceptable and i'm 100% against macros (believe me, i play Gunz and i hate be owned by hackers with no skills lol). So, how to start?


First you must spend many time, so, the best you can do is to train, why train? because that is what macroers do!








How a macro works? It only do repetleady the same tasks. So, if you are fishing, try fishing in the same spot ever and when the spot changes, stop a min and then go to fish. REMEMBER! if you character is doing nothing for more than 60secs it will logged out, so keep spinning your cam!


NO SPEAK! you must be quietly and train without tipping nothing, this includes chat, chat to friends, type stuff in the window and then erase it, etc... WHY? did you ever see a macroer chatting will fellow players? NO! because they are slepping or playing with his Xbox.


Remember REMEMBER, if you need to walk many times trought the same route, try click the same squares, WHY? because macros only controls the mouse to make it click and move your character.




IF you are fighting, try click on the same spot of your monster. Why? because some figting macros moves his mouse to the color of your election, for example, if you are fighting varrock guards, ever choose to clik the helm to begin the attack. If you have the oportunity of power training it will be best!


Never talk to anything or do human stuffs like examining objects or changing armor! Only eat if you really need to!








Ok, this is the most important part, maybe if you follow this you cannot get the randoms but you accoutn will be never banned! Remember, you are ACTING like a macroer but you AREN'T a REAL MACROER. So donnot be stupid, ever do this in places with no too many ppl, they can report you. If random ppl is saying you macroer, defend yourself, defend you reputation say very proud to them: "IM NOT A MACROER" and prove it and continue playing common, if a mod appears to report some macroers explain to him the fact: YOU ARE NOT A MACROER!. If a Jagex mod appears and ask you, them answer to him and talk to him, you are not a macroer and you can prove it! EVER play with private chat off, but never public chat! you must read what others are tipping, because if they believe than you are a macroer the wil lsay stuff like "HEY NOOB MACROER, PREPARE TO BE BANNED" you must answers or tell some jokes.








Remeber, this form of play is to get random events and not to macroing, you must only be seeing as macroer to the system, never to Jagex or to the player. Only to the machines that controls the game and cannot do anything against your account but only send randoms what you are searching for! This doesnt work all the time, but the practice is all!




Guide by darkluniux, no one cares about copyright because the original owner "me" doesnt care about this guide so you can copy paste or whatever you want lol!




No rights reserved.









Behold my blog! Thou shalt visit it and rejoice!

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Why did you bump your topic after 15 minutes. :?




IMHO i'd rather die than click the same squares, not talk, and ACT like a autoer with the chance of being banned (Go Jagex.. :roll: ) Just for some robes, but w/e.



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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Good theories. I don't think that's the point though; when I'm doing something like cooking 7000 lobsters I get bored and examine random things and play with the camera angle. I still get plenty of randoms (especially the Dwarf... ugh, hate him).

I am a tree.

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lol sorry to burst you bubble but frog even is most common. i get too many of them. droped around 50 tokens because they took valuable inventory space.

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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you can see mods talking when you have your chat off


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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I think it does work. I was fishing and got two frog events in about 20 minutes.




Oh, wtf. I've spent like, days fishing in the same spot, ocassionally talking, true, but not that frequently, and got no frogs! Onlt the boring events come to me, like, the old dude or the sandwich lady. No fair! >_<

"Metal isn't about violence or faggy whiny lyrics. It isn't even about who plays the heaviest and fastest. It is about invoking a sense of wonder and magnitude that no other genre can depict."


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I havent actually tried this like, but it doesnt really make any sense. If 'the system' was able to tell from the way u play the game if u were probably a macoer, then y not inform a mod or something. If the system was able to tell, then the problem of macoers wud b nowhere near as bad as it is now.

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