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HYT INVASION!! - Had a blast! Thanks to all.


Next HYT invasion event?  

442 members have voted

  1. 1. Next HYT invasion event?

    • Pyramid Plunder
    • Dagganoth Kings for Noobs
    • Dagganoth Armor II
    • Kalphite Queen Massacre
    • King Black Dragon Massacre
    • Pit Fight Invasion

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It all started with an idea inspired by many inquiries on Dagganoth armor, and requests from friends to get them some.




Dag armor is something that everyone can do, and is quite a fun little adventure, but you gotta know what to do. And since you do need a partner or group to get into the area, I figured I'd invite Tipiters on an adventure to learn how to get it.




So, HYT Invasion was born.




And it was such a great success... 100 people running around my house, everyone learning everything they need to know about getting and making the armor, and everyone walking around with their new, cool outfits.... Everyone had a blast.




So, HYT Invasion scheduled more learning events.




We killed KQ, some seeing the big bug for the very first time. We taught folks how to do Dag Kings, completely upsetting the balance of mages and rangers in the Dag King slaying community, as everyone wanted to range after they learned how, and doubling the number of hooked slayers.




And not only that, but I really enjoyed having a gaggle of TipIt family in my house running around. My house always feels empty now....




But, all good things come to an end.




For me... I feel like I've finished this game. I have 99 combats. I can mine rune. I can make Sara Brews. I can fletch magic bows. I have reached my Construction goal. I have raised Farming, and now have my own Spirit tree. I've gotten D-chain drops, mudstaffs, and whips as drops. I have all the equipment and items I've ever wanted (times 2), and Santa hats are gathering dust in my bank. 80 Thieving, 70 agility, all my goals are reached, and without goals to reach, the game is boring me. Even the Dag Kings are not luring me, as I've been there done that, and have no ambition to make more money. The fire cape is the only thing missing, and Fight Cave is not fun.




I log in, stand in a bank, and look at my stats and my inventory looking for inspiration to do something. That inspiration has stopped coming.




The game has kept me interested with updates. First it was Barrows. Then Dag Kings. Construction, Farming, Slayer. They've done a great job keeping me hooked. lol




But, alas, I'm no longer hooked. No, I'm not quitting. This is not a retirement post. I'll still log on. I'll still read the forums.




But "HYT Invasion" events will be no longer.




I hope everyone had a great time to the events that they showed up for, and I hope you learned a thing or two. Thanks to the masters who helped teach. Thanks to everyone who showed up in mass and made these events so fun. I really had a blast doing them.




I already see other "Invasion" threads, and I hope you all spin this thread off on other Tip It events.




Thanks again, everyone, this thread has been a treat! Ciao!

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Bah, you don't need many, no worries. We'll work something out. All it takes is like 5 per trip, I'im sure you can get pray restores to fill it out.




No, I will not tackle all three at the same time. I (we) have a process that lets us stay for over 2 hours per trip, and it only takes 3 people.




One person alone handles rex (the mage), and then two of us will range prime till he's dead, then rush over and kill supreme with guthan healing us up before prime respawns, and then rush back and do it again.




No damage from Kings = lengthly, productive trip..




Anywaaaays... You got me wanting to do kings now. lol.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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  • 1 month later...

well - i came, i saw, i died.




that said, it was fun and i might try it again when iv got a decent armour set and more money




ack! i died to the poison - i cant believe it - i teled out and THEN died

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It wasn't going too badly until the end, a bit of trouble here and there. The problem arose when rex spawned when we were engaging supreme. I tried to lure him back to the safespot, however noone was there to keep him there so he wandered off again. As far as i know, everyone got out ok, except from one person who died in the beginning




Excuse me while I limp back to abyssal demons.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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well - i came, i saw, i died.




that said, it was fun and i might try it again when iv got a decent armour set and more money




ack! i died to the poison - i cant believe it - i teled out and THEN died


Thats why you tele with house tablet. :(

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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I staffed all the other teams, and then my own team was undermanned. lol. We ddin't do well, but I don't think anyone lost anything too valuable.




It was a very short trip. How are the other teams faring?

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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It wasn't going too badly until the end, a bit of trouble here and there. The problem arose when rex spawned when we were engaging supreme. I tried to lure him back to the safespot, however noone was there to keep him there so he wandered off again. As far as i know, everyone got out ok, except from one person who died in the beginning




Excuse me while I limp back to abyssal demons.




Lol. Hey, you did good. I thought it was a good learning experience. At least we got to do a couple rounds of switching.




It was funny, on the first supreme switch, no one came with me. lol. Sign of a bad leader. :P Charge!!!!!!! Uh, people?? Charge?? Lol.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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Ha ha , was a blast there. Charge !!! huh?? oh right !! lol ( poor Lee) .


I nearly died there also down to 38 hit points wasn't looking at my


health one bit.. Oh My !!! that was fun , my heart is still pounding ..


Only drop I got was a bunch of battlestaffs. Still what fun !!


Glad I went now. :)


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i got like 10 drops before i ran out of food AND pots. i had alot of fun =)


i kept messing up prayers grr, took me down to twelve hp lol.


i got 2 half keys (loop)


earth batlestaff


42 rune arrows


earth runer


spined body


nothing and fremenik blade lol


no rares grr


i wanna go again




and 1 guy got a mud staff :o


dont know what the mages got tho

Tip.it's 2nd unoffical Go player






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I just teled from masters team, we were doing great, someone got a mud drop, and i got 13 kills total, a mix of supreme and prime, but no rares.




Had fun, never really ranged before, i usually mage, lol


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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was fun, i had to tele out with 29 doses of restore, 7 doses of anti poison, 21 doses of sara brew, 632 casts left because some guy accidently lured prime ( i had mage pray on asoon as i saw prime was close and just clicked my house tele tablet when i saw the 41), but it was 100% worth it, shame that happened.

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Reb died, Me & Blur killed one Prime solo, drop? Only a Mud battlestaff! \'




Me & him get it all to ourselves :D




1.3m each




That was fun, we did REALLY well..I messed up twice, almost died




I just tele'd with a pretty mud staff( Lee, feel free to buy it :wink: )




I had to tele with 7 hp because I didn't have tele grab( Brought waters instead of airs on accident :P , Supreme got on me on the when I went to pick up mud, so I ran up and tele'd.




Was fun and we did good

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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