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HYT INVASION!! - Had a blast! Thanks to all.


Next HYT invasion event?  

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  1. 1. Next HYT invasion event?

    • Pyramid Plunder
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    • Dagganoth Armor II
    • Kalphite Queen Massacre
    • King Black Dragon Massacre
    • Pit Fight Invasion

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ooo question from the new member




just read in the original post about using glories to get to karamja and um i dont have one yet :oops: and i doubt i can afford one before tonight




Is there a house mounted one i can use or shuld i just run speedy to the port sarim




plzzzz i stil hope i can come :D




leesters will have 1 in his house, and if he doesnt, i do, so no problem getting there

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In one hour from this post, I open up my house.




30 minutes later, we head to the pits.




You can use all house anemities at this time.




Time to rock! Cya there!

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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me got bored of it after nano and i couldn;t go 1v1




Yeah, very boring. I left after first round, after K0 unit took it over. I noticed alot of others did too. Party got crashed, just like I feared. Oh well, won't be doing *that* again.




Next event looks to be KBD massacre, should be better.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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I did a round or two before going to the figh caves (Or whatever the place you get the firecape is called) for fun.






I made it to the round with the lvl 180 with only rockshell plate and legs, beserker helm, glory, barrows gloves, legends cape rune defender and d scimmy... and 2 monkfish and 56 prayer points. (I'm lvl 91 btw)




I killed the lvl 180 just as he killed me though... but it was fun.




The fight pits where fun also, but.. K0 unit was its name? Owned me everytime.

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Meh, i was able to pull out a win against KO unit once. Cafefully hiding and picking them off as they tried to find me, got over 3.2k tokkul for it too.








I knew this was going to happen, clans have... and always will have controll over the pits. What really bugs me is just how once everyone else is dead, they wait around for the mobs to kill them, and arbitrarally chose who in their group who they gang up on next.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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K0 unit is not a clan, just a small group headed by cdub with sodb/tif members, but it was not a clan.




I personally had fun, i know how the other people felt when they died early, luckily i managed to stick in there and pull off a win for the 2nd main round. :D




I might go to the KBD, will be truly insane, 5 seconds to kill it lol, just have to find out.

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Seeing as im a low level (93) compared to most of the people there, i really enjoyed it. But KO got so anoying piling everyone and basically wrecking it all, but it was funny when cdub got jumped :P




KBD should be wicked next week. But id love to do a Barrows one, but i guess that would get extremely out of hand.



one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:
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K0 unit is not a clan, just a small group headed by cdub with sodb/tif members, but it was not a clan.




I personally had fun, i know how the other people felt when they died early, luckily i managed to stick in there and pull off a win for the 2nd main round. :D




I might go to the KBD, will be truly insane, 5 seconds to kill it lol, just have to find out.




Sorry, my mistake, I never heard of them before so I just assumed they were a clan. Although for all intense and purposes they could be considered one. A large group, sticking together not killing each other till then end of the game. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against them. In fact it was fun to go up against them (and lose more than once lol)


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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Fight pits was fun sure, but my favorite part was that I was durial for 10 minutes lol. No one lost stuff cuz they were in your house, but I could attack anyone without them attacking me lol, for 10 minutes that is until you pulled the lever :lol: :lol: :lol:

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K0 unit is not a clan, just a small group headed by cdub with sodb/tif members, but it was not a clan.




I personally had fun, i know how the other people felt when they died early, luckily i managed to stick in there and pull off a win for the 2nd main round. :D




I might go to the KBD, will be truly insane, 5 seconds to kill it lol, just have to find out.




Yes, we aren't a clan. I thought the clan-evasion thing was to avoid outsiders, or to prevent TIF members from calling in whatever clan they were in. I guess I misinterpretated the rule. I wasn't trying to gain an unfair advantage by sticking together with my friends. I'm sorry, I misunderstood the rules: my bad. I had to go after the first round or so, but it's good to know people had a fun time taking out the remaining KO members, and just beating the brains out of eachother in general. :) Sad to say I don't think I will be at the KBD thing.




Lee- I'm sorry if the KO-Unit thing was against what you had in mind. Like I said, I guess I read the no-clan-thing as a request for TIFers to not call in their respective clans. Had I known you didn't want groups of any type, I wouldn't have assembled my friends. I should've asked, I didn't know, I goofed. So, I apologize to anyone who got piled unwillingly, but I'm glad some people had fun with the whole "take down KO" thing after I left. Congrats to whomever won the later rounds, and sorry Lee if I messed up. :-#

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>.< i lost count of how many times i got owned within the first minute of pits :( still funny though lol i guess it was my fault for starting on the high lvls



Ex-Wilderness Guardian


Retired from F2P clans indefinitely

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This would have been a much better event if I would have kept with the team concept. Maybe we'll do it again, and assign two teams, like I wated to to originally.




Apologies to all who got piled by KO unit...my fault... I should have assigned teams. Next time we'll do that. :) Everyone will get a free team cape. Hehe.

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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only problem with kbd massacre is that everyone has to travel through the wild and someone could call people to kill everyone/we might bump into a clan pk trip :?




Safety in numbers, my friend.




I have thought of this, and have preventative measures and precautions in mind. Dont worry, the only white dots we'll see will log out promptly when they see 100 white dots coming *their* way. :P

A circus in Runescape?? Oh my.




REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

I'm back, add me if you deleted me. :)

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