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Rate my first layout >_< VERSION 5 NOW UP!


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Nadrillayoutv2.jpg (V2)








Nadrillayoutv3.jpg (V3)








Nadrillayoutv4.jpg (V4)








Nadrillayoutv5.jpg (V5)








hope v5 works :D








heh heh, doing it for my battle against vRhymez. I know, it's preaty chalanged (not near as spiffy as some layouts :P but i'm learning so hopefully it will be better :D (Rhymez said he'd post two so i will too probaly :D v1 and v2)








anyways, what you all think? The space scene is made by me :P












Version 2 is up, any better? :P

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nice ;)




only thing i would change is the pics to the left and to the right .. maybe something that isn't as bright .. i think it pulls too much attention . .








ok :P maybe i'll kind of dim them a bit, or choose something more plain? not sure, layouts are a new concept for me :D

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The space scene is fine. As to the layout part... yea. The context box/nav bar are very plain. Do some work to those instead of plain black with a pixel font (!!)




Also, instead of using the same image on both sides of the content box, try adding in something where you can put the thumbnails there instead of throwing them in near the bottom. Do those changes and see how it looks. [try adding more color perhaps]

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The space scene is fine. As to the layout part... yea. The context box/nav bar are very plain. Do some work to those instead of plain black with a pixel font (!!)




Also, instead of using the same image on both sides of the content box, try adding in something where you can put the thumbnails there instead of throwing them in near the bottom. Do those changes and see how it looks. [try adding more color perhaps]








All this and the layout is way to graphic heavy. Would not do well at all as a real site.

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It's actualy an highlighted circular spot around some cloned groups of stars that are 2 close one another so that the overall result isn't that realistic...however minor problem i think.




I like the work...but i'll fix a couple things :








- The border images are 2 big, 2 bright and 2 boring...maybe add some elements in them , slim and darken so that they are more nice to see but less eyecatching.




-I'd realy work on the font and expecialy on the bottons...i don't realy like them...lack of something.

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Don't make your cloning so obvious...
















Geez Nad...that's pretty obvious.
















anyways, working on a much sleeker one now, it doesn't even look the same now :P So it should be a ton better.

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Well, if I have to be honest, it isnt very good :(








The layout is way to graphical, and the menu buttons, could use some work..




Dont just use a bar, filled with black and a white outline, and defenitly no pixel fonts in the menu bar ;)




I know ur addicted to pixel fonts, but just try something else..




Give the layout some interesting shapes, because it now has the dull square shapes, which dont give it the interesting look..








The header is looking good on its own, but in a layout, it doesnt really work too well, unless you manage to work it into the layout a bit more, right now, it looks like just a header, not really a part of the layout..








This isnt ment negative, its ment as constructive critisme (sp?) , I hope you keep that in mind ;)




And I hope it helps you..




But ofcourse, keeping in mind that it is your first layout, its not that bad..








Just go around the web, look at other layouts, study what they did to make the layout look good, like colour combinations, shapes, contrast, menubars, anything..








Just keep going i'd say, You'll get there ;)

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Well, if I have to be honest, it isnt very good :(








The layout is way to graphical, and the menu buttons, could use some work..




Dont just use a bar, filled with black and a white outline, and defenitly no pixel fonts in the menu bar ;)




I know ur addicted to pixel fonts, but just try something else..




Give the layout some interesting shapes, because it now has the dull square shapes, which dont give it the interesting look..








The header is looking good on its own, but in a layout, it doesnt really work too well, unless you manage to work it into the layout a bit more, right now, it looks like just a header, not really a part of the layout..








This isnt ment negative, its ment as constructive critisme (sp?) , I hope you keep that in mind ;)




And I hope it helps you..




But ofcourse, keeping in mind that it is your first layout, its not that bad..








Just go around the web, look at other layouts, study what they did to make the layout look good, like colour combinations, shapes, contrast, menubars, anything..








Just keep going i'd say, You'll get there ;)








Thanks. my v2 one is turning out a ton nicer, i'm taking note of different sites (even went to good-tut's, didn't realy read them just looked at stuff they had there for inspiration) and i think i have a good design coming up, should be done by today and post a v2 :D

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The new one has like 3 different styles, which is really weird. I think it looks a little better then the old one but needs work. First pick one color, and pick one style.








ok :P I'll fix that up :)

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