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Potentiol Pest Control Change


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I hope they don't change it, as it's a great way to train and I find it fun (I often compete with friends to see who can make the most damage). It's been a while since they first released it and technically they shouldn't change it, but as posted before, they often nerf things that a) don't need changing, or B) things that are overpowered, like the rewards XP.






And to those who kept talking about the "Mod Paul" thing, Jagex currently have four employees called "Paul", one being Mr. Gower, one on the Graphics Team and two on the Customer Support team. Click me! for proof.

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Ffs if they nerf it im gonna quit , ill go play WoW or something. :x




I'm sorry, but R0FL! You're going to quit over a minigame?




That has got to be the most pathetic, RS2 Product (I know this term is overused, but I think it applies here.) thing that I've ever seen typed on a screen before.




"o gn0eZ my phr3 Ex Pee is gawnd!!22@ 1 KwiT!1!"

Working on a new pure, since Try Suicide was hacked/stolen.

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Lowering the xp rewards would KILL the minigame.




I've been there recently and in one day (well about 3ish hours) i barely got over 50 points. The amount of games i've lost is unbelieveable. There are just noobs standing around gettting the 50 hits then stopping. Its really hard now to get 5 wins in a row.




Its shocking.

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YAAAY =D> Congratulations Jagex you have finally taken away something that needs to be fixed even though I am sure you know it will be ranted about to an extreme extent.




Stop crying everyone, PC makes 120 combat a joke. I saw another few Mods at Pest Control today since the world changed to 100 which also shows me some suspicion that Jagex has some ties in the community.


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