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RS2 SIG SHOP!great Colab artists available! PREMADES ADDED!!


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Ok, gunna try this again, i'm making an Rs2 sig shop :P








First off, payment stuff:








I accept either cash or runes (runes being either chao's or air, good ammounts :P) i will sell i sig for a min. of 100-150k (depends :P) Unless other wise noted. (most will be anyways, i.e some might be a small one for like 35k or something)












styles i can do include:




















Grunge (not well)




brushed (not well)




technical (so-so)




Photo-manip (ok)




photo-manip horror (decent at it)








And a few others too i cant think of, minus pixel :D












Forum: (Fill out this if ordering a custom sig)




















Quote/other text(stat's ect):




Price offering(higher you offer better sig will be :P):




Description of what you want kind of:












I also will sell "pre-made" sigs for the price's i mark them. Usualy they will be like 100k or so :P And I may have a few that are on "sale" such as they come with a free avatar ect. (note: for custom sigs avatars are 20k extra)












Premade sigs: (min price 100k unless otherwise noted)
















Runeknightsig.jpg (was never sold, if buyer comes back will sell to him)
















FallenAngelSig.jpg (don't think i've sold it, if i have tell me otherwise)








nightstalkersig.jpg (can fix up text if wanted.)
























































Ryan (Crate)
































How colab system works: Specifiy if you want a colab, if so it will be a min. of 300k and me and ______ will both work on it. This option will most likly insure an OWNAGE sig :D












UPDATE: 9/20/04








Tomorrow i will be adding some premade sigs for sale. They will have an a/w (depending on sig) and a min bid. This is maybe to get the shop moving a bit faster :)








Also, if you want a picture in your sig and are paying bellow 500k than please post the picture you would wish me to use :)








ALSO, now i have made it so that you can just CLICK on the colabers name for their example :)
















Note to colabers: blank names means i need an example from you :)
























COLABER PREMADES: (made by other people, no min bid)








number-15.jpg (made by kngkyle)

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Heya, good luck with the shop, oh, and the colab selling idea, Im interested ;)












heh i'll pm u with details :D












btw, thanks vlad :D I hope it is.

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Hey, I'll buy one;








Colour: Dark with some white maybe




Style: Not sure what style it would be




Name: Led-Zeppelin top left




Quote: Penguin Patrol - The Evolution in small text on the bottom left




Description of what I want: A cartoony looking penguin to the right, his face half in shadows. 300x100 pixels. My name in white font.








I will pay 230k plus an r2h or more, depends how it turns out :P.

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I'd like a Demented Collab :).








Color(s): I hate when you ask this... I refuse to answer.




Style: See below.




Name: Peter




Quote/other text(stat's ect): None




Price offering: 300k, more if I feel like it.




Description of what you want kind of: I want whatever style you and Demented can do the best together. I am really open, so I hope this doesn't discourage you.

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sounds sweet you two, i'll get to work on them tonight or tomorrow (depends how much h/w i get :D)








Sweet, can't wait, good luck :). Oh, and I'd like a Demented Collab too :), I'm doing some fishing now so I can hopefully pay you some more.








EDIT :: And if it comes out nice, I'll purchase an av aswell ;).

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sounds sweet you two, i'll get to work on them tonight or tomorrow (depends how much h/w i get :D)








Sweet, can't wait, good luck :). Oh, and I'd like a Demented Collab too :), I'm doing some fishing now so I can hopefully pay you some more.








EDIT :: And if it comes out nice, I'll purchase an av aswell ;).








heh cool :P i'm not sure if a demented colab would work well on it (i'm thinking of a technical style, i got a good idea) but if it will i'll be sure to do one :D Depends if he can contribute to it :P

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Siiick sigs! I could colab if you'd like as well.








:twisted: F!r3$70r/\/\ :twisted:








heh cool.












btw, if uncovrd see's this i'm gunna keep this the way it is :D This way people can choose for colabs, so they can get a sig they like :P Instead of it having to be ect. ect. ect. :D








Plus, in the end for the sig makers it should help us out, and give the media board some ownage sigs :D

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Gl with the shop nad.








Oh yeah, stick me in your colaborator column if ya want, I love playing with other people's peices.








awsome :P








Thx :) btw.

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Lol i had fun with urs zep :D It's a pengu making something in bryce+photoshop :lol:
















Hope you like :D Change's can be made :)








Haha, it looks cool as, not too keen on the bryce/photoshop thing, but it's an awesome idea, would it look silly without it? Like if it was just a blank black spot?








And maybe for the colaborators, you could put up a sample of each of thier work under thier name? So people know what they're capable of?

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That would be a good idea led, Nadz, go add some samples of our work :P




Ill select some of my own soon :wink:








yeah sounds good.








Led, i'll try and do something else with that space :D Maybe i'll have the pengu programing something or something lol :) that would be cool.




























Theres your sig peter. You like? :)

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You can add me to the colab. list if you want. Unfortunately, I will only work in Photoshop. :)
















// Azvi.








ownage :D








This shop is gunna be the best shop evah!

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