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~>collaboration2, 27/27 squares done!


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why not?




Because it messes up the dithering. I've done more work on the sky than him (No offence Bee) and I didn't stick my name on it. I know I'm going to get credit at the end (Not that I mind) so I don't stick my name in.




It's fine on the tree, it's supposed to be there in a way, It's an etching, but there aren't any etchings of "Bee" in the sky.

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i did almost all of the grass.helped on the sky...improved the water some...did parts of the tree, fixed the sun and did some mountains..and i dont have my name anywhere...yeahhh doesnt make much sense


to put it in there but o well




dont notice it in the shading so why change it




EDIT: fixed cropping







thanks everyone for the sigs!

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..fixed agian cause well last time... PS was *








i still dont se it without zooming




1) We're not suppose to be using PS. B2D said.




2) Why did you just ignore mine? Just because you can't see it doesn't mean other people won't be able to.

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1. im using pencil tool thats it...NOTHING is wrong with that




he meant no opacity changes, or color changing, dodge and burn etc.




im not breaking the rules




2. I presumed eckered would use all previous edit since thats what were supposed to do



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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hey pyro, we will give you credit anyway, but would you change the wolf thing to mabe a bunch of flowers? or something that actually matches the picture.....




me: ahha... a nice scenic view... a tree, some flowers... a blood thirsty wolf howling over its dead kill.... =; woah... hold up... whats that doing there?... lol it just doesnt match

wop wop

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lawl it wasnt supposed to be a dead carcass by the howling wolf, jus another wolf laying down




i agree it does kinda unsettle the sig, but i was goin for tranquil and its not overly bloody is it? :oops:




ill work on something later

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