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I could agree to F2Per's getting some more bank space, this comment may get me flamed, but I will voice my opinion. Remember, F2Pers have nothing on jagex. What do they do for you? allow you to play their (A limited version) game. what do F2Pers give to jagex? Well, they take up server space. You protest, but it will be no harm on jagex's part to not listen to you. F2P really has no right to demand anything (New quests, armor, weapons) etc, let alone bank space.

The greatest glory lies not with our inability to fall, but our ability to rise again after falling

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:wall: :wall: :wall:

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1. Not all f2p is autoers, and hardly any are scum, I could call a fair number of p2ps that I've met scum, but I won't, you know why? Because I'm more controlled than them, there are numerous members who come onto f2p servers just to call f2pers noobs because they are f2p, and they say they are better than us. Also, there are those who overprice their objects immensly, like once I caught a p2p trying to scam a f2p for 6 mill for polished buttons, which have no use




2. F2p contributes in 3 ways:




1. Economy: Participatiing in it, and buying/selling with members




2. Helping others: there are many who play the game well, and will help if asked, that helps numerous players, and sets a great example!




3. Ads: nuff said



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I could agree to F2Per's getting some more bank space, this comment may get me flamed, but I will voice my opinion. Remember, F2Pers have nothing on jagex. What do they do for you? allow you to play their (A limited version) game. what do F2Pers give to jagex? Well, they take up server space. You protest, but it will be no harm on jagex's part to not listen to you. F2P really has no right to demand anything (New quests, armor, weapons) etc, let alone bank space.




and i bet some people in Africa have no right to ask for help from the UN either.




you don't get it, do you? we're not asking for the same as members. we would never, ever dare to surpass you guys. (we're lowlier than you, if thats what you want). the problem is that as jagex throws in more updates for f2p, meager as they are, they aren't giving us any added bankspace. members get extra bankspace along with their updates once in a while. we've been coping all along, but now things are getting too difficult to accomodate. we hope you, and jagex as well, understand that money should never be the main issue here.

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I could agree to F2Per's getting some more bank space, this comment may get me flamed, but I will voice my opinion. Remember, F2Pers have nothing on jagex. What do they do for you? allow you to play their (A limited version) game. What do F2Pers give to jagex? Well, they take up server space. You protest, but it will be no harm on jagex's part to not listen to you. F2P really has no right to demand anything (New quests, armor, weapons) etc, let alone bank space.




Your essential question is what I put in bold text. To answer your question, What do f2pers give to Jagex, the gift is simple. We give jagex their subscribers! Every subscriber has been a free player at least once I would say. I doubt many people just decided to pay the five dollars right away when they just made the account. Free players do significantly impact this game. If Jagex got rid of the free-player community, there would be major penalties Jagex would face. So, if we have nothing on Jagex, why would we inflict major penalties on Jagex if they decided to cut us from Runescape? Also, are you trying to also imply that subscribers do not take up server space? They just magically do not because they pay Jagex money every month?




Free players do have a right to demand things. The need for bank space is very urgent. Like what has been said before, we get updates rarely and no bank space to cover the items the updates rarely give. It would also be in Jagex's best interest to give us more bank space because it encourages us not to mule. A mule is another account that is used just for bank space. Most free players do not wish to break the rules set down by Jagex. The shortage of bank space though will either make them sell semi-important items, drop them or trade them to another character.




Also, you have completely switched views from your beginning to your end of the post. You said at first you could agree, than you say that free players have no right to ask for updates including bank space. Compare what is in the italicized text. So, which is your stance, you agree we should get bank space or we should just shut up and stop voicing our needs? I am curious as to your view on this matter.




On a lighter note, I am wondering when this new rally will take place. I am eagerly awaiting for my hands to be very sore.

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i agree F2P need mroe bank space i was a f2p not long ago.




anyone but i got a question..




why does F2P need more bank space. there isn't much your going to keep in there are you. maybe armor, food, quest items and thats about it.




i didn't have bank trouble when i was a F2P.. but i didn't keep junk i didn't need either

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Tis a tricky one indeed.




Personally I still cant see a problem with bankspace, I went though my F2p time never having any trouble and got to a fairly high level before I went p2p so on the ground of needing more space I don't know if I can support - but if somebody can post a full f2p bank where I can't find anything unnecessary I'd be more than glad to change my view.




It may also have terrible consequences as well... As soon as F2p get more bankspace they will want more things to fill the space, more quests, more minigames. The old saying "give them a foot and they will take a yard" seems well applied in this case.




Also as to the "right to demand things" sure, nothing wrong with that, but you have no right to expect them (made my point on this clear in many threads, mostly OMG updates suck ones in gen p2p).

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@Supremis - I think you said you supported. Good enough to me. But apparently not for other people, people I''ll both back up and argue against.


Jagex can do whatever they want. They can get rid of F2P, they can give weekly updates to F2P, they can give more bank space to F2P. But they won't do stupid things. They'll only do reasonable things. It's been pointed out too many times before how this is reasonable.


And F2P CAN protest and demand updates. It's just a matter if Jagex will listen to them. This brings me back up to my other point. They'll only consider listening if it's reasonable. Is this reasonable to Jagex? I don't know. Ask Andrew.


F2P gives quite a lot to RuneScape and Jagex. What would happen if F2P was removed...? There would obviously be good sides (No more F2P macroes...) but the most important thing would be a lot less players, meaning a lot less money for Jagex through ads, and possibly even less members. Not to mention the effects on the economy in game.


So F2P IS important. They CAN demand updates. They WILL demand updates. Will they get the updates they demand? It's all Jagex's decision. Not yours, not mine. So let's just sit here and wait for their decision. Meanwhile, we'll be gathering more supporters.






Take a look at a members bank when his membership runs out. Or take a look at the list compiled in the first post. Either way, there's not enough space.






Once again, take a look at the list. To me, there's no useless items other than stuff with no use at all. Random event items have a use - To make you look weird, and to show you've gotten the event. Yes, items like hammers and chisels can be bought each time you need them, but what if the general's store out of stock? What if there's no nearby general store? I suppose taking the extra time to find one is better than running out of bank space, but there are la lot of people that'll disagree.


And the people that take a "foot and want a mile" are the people that give F2P a bad name. And like I've repeated many times in this post. It's Jagex decision to give them that mile or not. If they decide it won't have any bad consequences, other than more "foot for mile" complains, they may do it. And like you said, F2P can demand it. The true F2Pers, the ones that don't come in here saying


"OMG yes yes yes yes yes im lvl 5 nub i need more space nubs p2p sucks lol nub" would take this update, thank Jagex, and continue playing. And if they feel they owe Jagex something, they'll eventually pay the $5 and Jagex will make more money.




My main point:


It's Jagex;s decision to go through with this or not.


Supporters - Keep on supporting. Come to the next rally. Send messages to Jagex. Get their attention!


Non-Supporters - Every suggestion has some. But you don't have to flame. You aren't Jagex. You don't know this will never happen. And using the argument of "They haven't gotten any before, they won't ever" s just proving our case. It shows that F2P haven't gotten ANY new bank space in ever, although have gotten more and more items.


Meh, that was long...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Thanks for a mature reply, I posted on the mage robes thread only to be personally flamed and deemed to have lack of integrity :lol:




Anyway, on topic.




Having had a scan over the list I take issue with only a few things (although I concede right now I havent been F2p for a while so I'm not insulting you in anyway, only asking)




What use is there in f2p for daggers and maces?




Bars and Ores - surely you cannot have both at the same time? If selling the raw ores then you simply have to take the plunge and sell, or make them into bars.




Thinking about it perhaps the biggest problem is the random event clothing, would you agree? Perhaps some form of storage akin to the Members only Costume room would be the best solution to this problem although I am unsure as to how it would be implemented.




Never seen a gen store out of stock either but I take your point :wink:




Once again thanks for a pleasant response




*EDIT* just adding in something I missed - I of course did not mean all F2P would attempt to "take a yard" as I have a great deal of respect for F2P, but the unfortunate fact is these people exist, and must be taken into account when attempting to understand Jagex's reasoning.

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As I'm a little short on time at the moment, I'm only going to adress the question about the next rally.




The planning for the next rally has been a little difficult for me, because I have alot going on in the next few months. My goal is to get the rally set for May, or at the latest, June. I know this isn't exactly applying as much pressure on Jagex as I would have hoped, but I'm sure we can get alot more rallies arranged in the coming breaks (especially Summer). :)



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Daggers and Maces - No use in F2P, and other than Dragon Daggers and Void Knight Maces, there's not much use for them in p2P either.


Bars and Ores - When you smith, you start with ores. While you're smithing, you have bars and ores in your bank. Otherwise, I'd sell one. But some people like to keep them for that small bit of XP.


And yes, random event items area huge problem. I agree, something like the costume room of P2P is needed for F2P.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Thanks for a mature reply, I posted on the mage robes thread only to be personally flamed and deemed to have lack of integrity :lol:
I saw that post, it amused me. :lol:




Anyway, on topic.




Having had a scan over the list I take issue with only a few things (although I concede right now I havent been F2p for a while so I'm not insulting you in anyway, only asking)




What use is there in f2p for daggers and maces?

They are rarely used, and rarely in a bank, I think they were just there because they are, in fact, weapons.




Bars and Ores - surely you cannot have both at the same time? If selling the raw ores then you simply have to take the plunge and sell, or make them into bars
If you mine in bulk before smelting, you will need a space for each. And few people I know mine one load of ores and smelt them.




Thinking about it perhaps the biggest problem is the random event clothing, would you agree? Perhaps some form of storage akin to the Members only Costume room would be the best solution to this problem although I am unsure as to how it would be implemented.
This has been suggested somewhere in this mess of 81 pages. I'm not going to be the one to look through and find it, though.




Never seen a gen store out of stock either but I take your point :wink:
Believe it or not, I have seen the general stores sold out of hammers and chisels before. Both Falador and Varrock at the same time, it was complete madness... Although, it does not happen often.
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I took a look at your post in the mage robe thread....And the reply...No offense to Komodo, but some people just can't see the other side.


And good, we actually have supporters that understand the arguments and calmly reply to them, and non-supporters that don't flame.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I would love to see more bank space in F2P. I agree, 60 slots is not enough for anything! I support, but honestly don't think Jagex will do anything. If they do, which I highly doubt they will, I will be surprised. Good luck with this, though.


Hey, (wo)man (I don't know which you are, that's why it is written like that!), join the next rally when it happens. Then you can help gain support for this if you want! You don't have to just sit and wait. Stand up for yourself and take action! :thumbsup:




~Mr. Devnull


....under my avatar, it says Male...and my avatar is a male..


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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I'm certainly not going to plough through 80 pages either :lol:




Point taken on the ores/bars thing, but I still think we need maces/daggers struck from the list.




You've certainly argued your point well, I support!




P.S. might need even more if mage robes are added :wink:

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I would love to see more bank space in F2P. I agree, 60 slots is not enough for anything! I support, but honestly don't think Jagex will do anything. If they do, which I highly doubt they will, I will be surprised. Good luck with this, though.


Hey, (wo)man (I don't know which you are, that's why it is written like that!), join the next rally when it happens. Then you can help gain support for this if you want! You don't have to just sit and wait. Stand up for yourself and take action! :thumbsup:




~Mr. Devnull


....under my avatar, it says Male...and my avatar is a male..


Alright, it is possible I didn't notice that before in your sidebar profile. Thank you for telling me :) ..., and sorry for the confusion. :(




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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F2ps, like me, really needs more bankspace, I have a suggestion;


(don't know if its allready posted here, but i can't read through 81 pages ;))




Well, the random event clothes would be storable at Varock Clothshop, like holiday items at Diango, if we could be able to store the random event clothes we would have like... full zombie, camo, mime, frog,prince, lederhosen.. Like, 15-20 free spaces. And that would be great :D




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F2ps, like me, really needs more bankspace, I have a suggestion;


(don't know if its allready posted here, but i can't read through 81 pages ;))




Well, the random event clothes would be storable at Varock Clothshop, like holiday items at Diango, if we could be able to store the random event clothes we would have like... full zombie, camo, mime, frog,prince, lederhosen.. Like, 15-20 free spaces. And that would be great :D

That would free up exactly 19 spaces if you have every event costume. If they did this, we wouldn't need more bank space, so I must agree it would be nice. Also, something along these lines has been suggested somewhere in these 81+ pages I think, but I'm not gonna be the one to try to find it.
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F2ps, like me, really needs more bankspace, I have a suggestion;


(don't know if its allready posted here, but i can't read through 81 pages ;))




Well, the random event clothes would be storable at Varock Clothshop, like holiday items at Diango, if we could be able to store the random event clothes we would have like... full zombie, camo, mime, frog,prince, lederhosen.. Like, 15-20 free spaces. And that would be great :D

That would free up exactly 19 spaces if you have every event costume. If they did this, we wouldn't need more bank space, so I must agree it would be nice. Also, something along these lines has been suggested somewhere in these 81+ pages I think, but I'm not gonna be the one to try to find it.


Actually, that depends on a person and their bank. :? ... As it stands, I end up with a maximum of 4 spaces locked up by random event items at any one time. This means the other 56 are all being used by items for combat or skilling, and even then, I still need much more space. Right now, I don't even have room for f2p melee and range combat armors, and I still don't have room for most of the ores and bars I need for my skilling, along with a few other things! :(








Trust me, 12 more spaces will be enough for me to get by for some time. :)




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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