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i agree that one or two rows are needed for f2pers but no more than. i mean, f2p doesn't have acces to all that much and what they do have access to is just a bit more than they're prepared for.

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I find this idea that pressuring us with no bank space will make us want to join members. When I see the message, If you want to store any more items, you have to become a member, I just get irritated and think of any way I can save a slot. This usually means dumping useless items like my hammers and tinderboxes and chisels. Too bad they are pretty useful though. Than I get the nagging thought about muling. It is getting tempting. The things that make me want to become a member are the other skills and the extra items and places to go. The bank space is not one of those things that makes me want to become a member. So, if their idea was to pressure us into becoming a member by giving us extra items to store and not increasing our bank space along with those items, they have failed. All it makes me want to do is use a mule.

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You say that we don't pay to play, but if you think of all the members that exsist and the amount of money they must pull in each month, the cost of awarding us with an extra 12 spaces is negligable. It doesn't matter that we don't pay to play. Does anyone here know someone who, unless told to by a friend about the benefits of being a member or has more money than sense, didn't start out as a f2player? A few extra bank spaces will encourage us to stay loyal to the site and that means more members will join, so more money for Jagex

I am the Nutta! Bow to me, Lord of Arkum Asylum!


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does anyone think it would be unreasonable to just give us the 60 bank spaces and add more to cover all the holdiay items and random event things you cant throw away? i think its at about 20 things now? so 80 spaces sounds reasonable to me. sure, i doubt jagex will add more space, but to hell with it, all the random event and holiday items are cluttering my bank space i could use for coal, iron, mith, addy, gold, ess, armor, weapons, crafting items, and cooking/food items. im a merchanter and a miner so people like me know that takes up lots of room as it is already, let alone having to squeeze in aforementioned items. sorry for the rant, buy cmon now thats just being harsh now jagex. pretty soon were going to have no room to store and actual items, itll all be holiday and random event items. let me hear you say nay to that 8-)

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You say that we don't pay to play, but if you think of all the members that exsist and the amount of money they must pull in each month, the cost of awarding us with an extra 12 spaces is negligable. It doesn't matter that we don't pay to play. Does anyone here know someone who, unless told to by a friend about the benefits of being a member or has more money than sense, didn't start out as a f2player? A few extra bank spaces will encourage us to stay loyal to the site and that means more members will join, so more money for Jagex




Everyone starts playing f2p, then they read about why to become a member, one of the reasons is more bank space. They decide they don't really need it so they keep playing, well soon they need more bank space so they become a member. Pay the 5 dollars a month, that's nothing, don't eat a big mac 1 day out of the month and you'll be fine. It's really not serious.

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yeah, just to crush you a bit here IgotGrapes, I NEVER eat junk food, lead an extraordinarily healthy lifestyle, I row for 8 hours a week, and chop logs for money for a further 3 hours each weekend. I'm sorry if I don't want to spend my ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã1000+ cash in my bank that I've been saving for 15 years (i.e. my lifes savings) on a game, just so I can have a few extra bank spaces.

I am the Nutta! Bow to me, Lord of Arkum Asylum!


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words cannot describe how much i support the idea of more f2p bankspace nor can a number. i loved the way you explained the reasons to, it needed to be said.






btw: when's the next rally?




Anyone who likes tacos is incapable of logic.

Anyone who likes logic is incapable of tacos.


PSA: SaqPrets is an Estonian Dude

Steam: NippleBeardTM

Origin: Brand_New_iPwn

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Everyone starts playing f2p, then they read about why to become a member, one of the reasons is more bank space.


It was never one my my reasons. Because I knew the bank space was only temporary and I would have to deal with a bunch of other members junk when the month was over. f2p definitely needs more bank space.

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if you made a good game would you give it all away for free, no you would want people to be jealous about the paying part so they pay...well thats at least what jagex does if im getting anywhere :?

check out my pure harmless foe's gallery


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i dun care what u mems think but f2p NEED MORE BANK SPACE

my bro said,"get a life" so i asked "where do i download that...



98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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if you made a good game would you give it all(All? I thought we were just going for 12-20 spaces) away for free, no you would want people to be jealous about the paying part so they pay...well thats at least what jagex does if im getting anywhere :?




Weren't we just going for 12-20 slots or something along those lines...

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i love ur idea and i want to join the campain for more F2P


bank space






i have several accounts for bank and i am sick of using them


















:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

go the aussies

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Ya, many people have complained and wanted that. It would be good. It says subscribe to members for bank space. Although I am a member, I have an F2P account, I would like to have space for it. Because if you have a holiday or random even outfit you like, you have to remove it or good items you need in order to have room. The space should be a lot bigger. Good idea.

1/= '/0(_) C4/\/ R34D 7H15 7H3/\/ '/0(_) J(_)57 G07 />\/\//\/7!!!!!!!!!!




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I'm with u on this, i am so tired of moving things around in my bank and having to drop my precious random event clothing! :evil: Argh! I miss my full mime!




U can add me on ur petition!


brainiacjr.png 286/326 Quest Points

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You say that we don't pay to play, but if you think of all the members that exsist and the amount of money they must pull in each month, the cost of awarding us with an extra 12 spaces is negligable. It doesn't matter that we don't pay to play. Does anyone here know someone who, unless told to by a friend about the benefits of being a member or has more money than sense, didn't start out as a f2player? A few extra bank spaces will encourage us to stay loyal to the site and that means more members will join, so more money for Jagex




also read your post.




all you do is say stuff that makes no sense as a reason to give you more bank space.


"they have so many members who PAY for something so we should get it for FREE because we can't spend 5 dollars a month"




And as for the everyone starts as F2P issue.


you're right, but then you become a member and PAY because you LIKE and SUPPORT the game, and when you become a MEMBER you do A LOT more QUESTS and have a lot more SKILLS and so you need A LOT more BANK SPACE. F2P does not need more bankspace, they need less players.

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You say that we don't pay to play, but if you think of all the members that exsist and the amount of money they must pull in each month, the cost of awarding us with an extra 12 spaces is negligable. It doesn't matter that we don't pay to play. Does anyone here know someone who, unless told to by a friend about the benefits of being a member or has more money than sense, didn't start out as a f2player? A few extra bank spaces will encourage us to stay loyal to the site and that means more members will join, so more money for Jagex




also read your post.




all you do is say stuff that makes no sense as a reason to give you more bank space.


"they have so many members who PAY for something so we should get it for FREE because we can't spend 5 dollars a month"




And as for the everyone starts as F2P issue.


you're right, but then you become a member and PAY because you LIKE and SUPPORT the game, and when you become a MEMBER you do A LOT more QUESTS and have a lot more SKILLS and so you need A LOT more BANK SPACE. F2P does not need more bankspace, they need less players.




but you mems have 4 bank pages i mean honestly cut us some slack we still support the game through the ads and the fanbase. 12 extra spaces is not as neerli as much as 4 bank pages !!!

my bro said,"get a life" so i asked "where do i download that...



98% Of teenagers surround their minds with rap music, if you're part of the 2% that stayed with rock, put this in your signature, ROCK IS BETTER!

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but you mems have 4 bank pages i mean honestly cut us some slack we still support the game through the ads and the fanbase. 12 extra spaces is not as neerli as much as 4 bank pages !!!




what he said!!! we still somewhat support the game!


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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Armor (Platebody, Plate-Legs, Shield, Helm)


-ok this is reasonable, we all need armor


Weapons (Swords, Battle Axes, 2hers)


-what kinda idiot keeps different weps, just use w.e u feel gets best xp and maybe a 2h


Ranging Armour (Body, chaps, vambraces, cowl)


-ya this is ok




-yes thank u for trying to make this look like a longer list, but ya we need this


Arrows of


several sorts (Most people have at least two)


-ok at the most 2, 1 for pking 1 for training, iunno wth ppl would be doing with steel and iron arrows


Mage Clothes (Top, Hat, Skirt, and Anti Dragon Shield)


-ya this is needed too


Mage Staves (Earth, Fire, Water, Air)


-u dont need em all, unless if ur rapidly lvling-even then, buy and sell as needed, at decent lvls people would have found a spell that suits them, they wont be using more than 1 staff


Runes (Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Laws, Natures, Chaos, Deaths, Cosmics, Bodies)


-like i said above, unless ur like an idiot, u should just sell the runes u wont be needing bulk of






Woodcutting Axe




Fishing Supplies (Feathers, Bait, Harpoon, Lobster Pot)


-uhh no, 2 items at the most, either feather and pole(if u wanna fish lobs buy it right before getting on ship for like 5 gp), or else if ur a lob fisher then just get 1 lob pot, no1 will be like fishing 10 differnt kinds of fish at a time


Ore of various sorts (Tin, copper, iron, mith, addy, rune, gold, silver, clay)


-only stupid nubs hold like every single kind, smelt w,e u dont need or sell, ppl who have rune will only have rune and coal, i dont see why they would want tin at the same time


Bars of various sorts (Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, Gold, Silver, Addy, Rune)


-same as above, wth would u be doing with that many dif. kinds, just smith em or somethig


Wood of various sorts (Regular, Oak, Willow, Yew)


-once again same as above, plz stop naming items and acting like f2pers collect them or something, at most we have 2 types of logs


GP (Money)


-1 space, oh noez


Random Event Outfits (Full Zombie, Full Frog, Full Mime, Full Camo, Full Lenderhosen) [Make up a large bulk of the bank]


-ya i agree this part does get kinda cruddy, maybe have an "outfit rack", and upon using, u can retrieve any of these outfits


Quest Items (May have an average of 5+ items for quests) [Not valid for players that have completed all the quests]


-ok not valid for players who have completed all quests, and for the players who havent, i doubt ull be high lvl enough to be holding many other items anyways, and also by quest items u mean the stuff i can throw away and just get back again? or by the items that stupid ppl hold instead of just giving them to sum1 to complete the quest.


Food of many sorts (Swordies, Lobbies, and under)


-many sorts my but, once again no1 holds this many, if u wanna ur stupid and shud just sell the types ur not gonna use


Strength Potions


-potions, as in 1 spot, btw usually its jsut pures usin these and and they dont need many items anyways


Trimmed Armour and Clothing of all sorts


-if ur high lvl enough to get this kinda stuff, then what are u still doing with ur normal sets of armor, i guess this doesnt apply to those who wish to train with a normal set




and most importantly, sell whatever ur not using, i dont see any1 running around fishing a lob, cutting a tree, then mining an ore, if so ur crazy, jsut stick to 1 stat at a time and sell the supplies u currently do not need, i find i can hold all my random clothing and have space to supply 4 stats at a time for skilling




nice try writing out a massive list of all the items, half of which are unnecessary(such as holding more than 1 kind of food) and the other half being items u can quite easily sell then rebuy when u actually need it




and im f2p with an acc. that could probably own urs, i have hardly any trouble at all leaving up to 7 spaces empty at a time



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Armor (Platebody, Plate-Legs, Shield, Helm)


-Ok, this is reasonable, we all need armor.


Weapons (Swords, Battle Axes, 2hers)


-What kind of idiot keeps different weapons? Just use whatever you feel gets best experience and maybe a two handed sword


I use a scimitar and a battleaxe. They are both nice weapons. The scimitar is a great slashing and fast weapon but the battleaxe is a great crushing and powerful weapon. If I am fighting monsters who are weaker to crush attacks or are wearing platebodies, I use a battleaxe, If not, I use a scimitar. Choosing the right weapon to get the fastest experience is what you said would be good. You sometimes need more than one weapon to get the faster exp.


Ranging Armour (Body, chaps, vambraces, cowl)


-Yes, this is ok




-Yes, thank you for trying to make this look like a longer list, but yes, we need this


Arrows of


several sorts (Most people have at least two)


-Ok at the most two types of arrows. One type of arrows for pking and one type for training, I don't know people who would be doing with steel and iron arrows.


I know people who train with iron, steel and bronze arrows.


Mage Clothes (Top, Hat, Skirt, and Anti Dragon Shield)


-Yeah, this is needed too.


Mage Staves (Earth, Fire, Water, Air)


-You don't need them all, unless if your rapidly leveling. Even then, buy and sell as needed. At decent levels, people would have found one spell that suits them, they won't be using more than one staff


I do agree with you on certain parts and disagree with you on other parts. I don't carry all four staves. There isn't enough bank space to hold them, although it would be sort of handy to have them. I am a fairly high combat level, 78, and I use two staves. I use a fire staff and an air staff. I use them both frequently while training. I do the fire class spells (Strike, bolt and blast). If I run out of air runes, I switch on my air staff and use the fire runes I have in my inventory. A lot of the time, you go in the store and the stave shop is out of staves. I had to hop to about four different worlds to get a fire staff once after I died.


Runes (Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Laws, Natures, Chaos, Deaths, Cosmics, Bodies)


Like i said above, unless you're an idiot, you should just sell the runes you won't be needing in bulk


Well, You really need the runes to teleport to the towns (Falador, Varrock, Lumbridge) I use the normal lumbridge teleport when I need to get there quick or if I have already used the teleport in the past 30 minutes. Those three towns require Air runes, fire runes, water runes, earth runes and law runes. I also use Nature runes for high alching, death and chaos runes for spellcasting now. I use to use mind runes for the most part because I could craft them and it was less expensive to make them rather than buy the runes. I would also get good runecrafting experience. I use body runes to curse while I fight with magic. Good exp and it also weakens up the monster you are fighting. (I use curse to lower defence, well, I think it is called curse) You will get the level you want faster because of the extra experience and the faster you kill them because they have a lower defence.






Woodcutting Axe




Fishing Supplies (Feathers, Bait, Harpoon, Lobster Pot)


-I disagree, two items at the most, either feather and pole(if you want to fish lobsters, buy it right before getting on ship for 20gp), Unless you're a lobsterman then just get 1 lobster pot, noone will be like fishing 10 different kinds of fish at a time


It is actually 20gp to buy the lobster pot from the store, not 5gp. At least check your prices before you post false prices. Well, I agree with you that you only need two fishing items. It would be more convenient to just have the lobster pot in your bank though.


Ore of various sorts (Tin, copper, iron, mithril, addamant, runite, gold, silver, clay)


-Only stupid "nubs" hold every single kind of ore. Smelt whatever you don't need or sell it. People who have (and/or smith) runite will only have runite and coal. I don't see why they would want tin and copper at the same time


I like to smith Iron, steel and mithril and soon adamant. These require Iron ores, coal ores and mithril ores and soon adamant ores. It would save time to just be able to keep the ores instead of having to waste time selling them than buying them back. This wasted time is time that could have gone back into training the skill. Miners would like to have coal and gold and rune because all of those are really good money. They also might love to smith so they would need more than just those. Probably some iron ores also.


Bars of various sorts (Bronze, Iron, Steel, Mithril, Gold, Silver, Addy, Rune)


-My response is similar to the response I said above. Why would you be carrying that many different kinds of ores? I would just smelt (and smith) them or sell them People who are smithing would like to be able to hold the bars. And if you smith them, they don't just disappear, they have to be either stored or alched, If they are alched, it would be convenient to have the nature runes to have them around, but maybe we followed your advice and sold them. More wasted time buying them back. Hey, and maybe the prices changed. Maybe nature runes are more expensive now. Seems like you could have lost quite a bit of money.


Wood of various sorts (Regular, Oak, Willow, Yew)


-My response is similar to the response I said above and the one two responses above. Please stop naming items and acting like f2pers collect them or something, at most we have two types of logs


GP (Money)


-1 space, oh noez (I didn't edit this one because I couldn't think of anything else similar that would mean the same and make him look somewhat smarter all the while)


Random Event Outfits (Full Zombie, Full Frog, Full Mime, Full Camo, Full Lederhosen) [Make up a large bulk of the bank]


-Yes, I agree. This part does take up a large portion of the bank space. Maybe free to play should have an "outfit rack", and when you choose to visit the "outfit rack", you can retrieve any of these outfits


There is a problem here. This would make the construction update useless for members. They got to that level to have this ability and now they can just have it for nothing.


Quest Items (May have an average of 5+ items for quests) [Not valid for players that have completed all the quests]


-Ok, this is not valid for players who have completed all quests. Those players who haven't completed them all, I doubt you will be high level enough to be holding many other items anyways. Also by quest items, do you mean the stuff I can throw away and just get back again? Or do you mean the items that stupid people hold instead of just giving them to someone to complete the quest.


There are quest items you can not get after the quest is over. The blurite sword is one example and the maze key is another.


Food of many sorts (Swordies, Lobbies, and under)


-There are many sorts of foods but, once again no one I know holds this many varieties, if you want to, in my opinion, you're stupid and should just sell the types you're not going to use


People who like to use Lobsters or Swordfish or both to train have them. You also have people who fish salmon and trout to gain levels. This is a nice way of leveling fishing. Too bad this could be at least three types of fish you need.


Strength Potions


-Potion, as in 1 spot. There is only one kind of potion the free players have access to. That is the strength potion. Actually there is another potion, but it is completely useless. There is also the potion used in the quest for Romeo and Juliet. In my opinion, usually its just pure accounts using these and and they don't need many items anyways


I use strength potions to train melee. They are a nice way to get the upper hand on the competition and to train faster without loosing more food. If you kill the monster faster, he won't hit you as much which means less food eaten. I use strength potions at the Ankous because they are pretty tough and you want to kill them faster and more often to get more combat experience and drops like law runes or adamant arrows.


Trimmed Armour and Clothing of all sorts


-If you're high level enough to get this kind of stuff, what are you still doing with your normal sets of armor? I guess this doesn't apply to those who wish to train with a normal set




Most importantly, sell whatever you're not using. I don't see anyone running around fishing a lob, cutting a tree, then mining an ore, if so you're crazy. Just stick to one stat at a time and sell the supplies you currently do not need, I find i can hold all my random clothing and have space to supply four stats at a time for skilling.




Nice try writing out a massive list of all the items, half of which are unnecessary(such as holding more than one kind of food) and the other half being items you can quite easily sell then buy again when you actually need it.




I am a free player. I have hardly any trouble at all leaving up to seven bank spaces empty at a time




Ok, I attempted to fix some of your grammar and spelling to make it look nicer. Chat speech is just irritating to see when reading what could have been a nice argument. It just makes you look like an idiot.




Some people wouldn't like the hassle of selling away all the items they won't use at the time. Do subscribers sell all the items they are not going to use at the time? I don't think that many would because they have plenty of bank space. They also have the construction skill which can take away the amount of bank spaces needed.

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F2P doesn't really need more bank space.




Keep 2 sets of random that you like (Camo and Mime for me), armour you use (honestly I've got full rune and full zammy with scimmy/2h), you only really need 2 types of weapons, (usually a scimmy and 2h), keep food down to 2-3 slots and the rest will be stuff you need. Before I started using up my runes I had like a row left when I had my mage gear out. Going F2P from members, I though bankspace would be a problem. No problem really when I saw what I didn't need. (Kept 3 members items.)


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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