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Tip.It Times Presents: I had a Wonderful Vacation...


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i agree that i would also like some higher level equip but you were off a little in your facts. Barrows and whip have 70 Reqs and are better then dragon stat wise(the value can be argued but stat wise barrows has dragon beat). And for prayer, the "Lasting longer" thing in and of itself helps considerably. more time fighting and less time recharging = more exp and loot faster. Also you get more Prayer points from a prayer pot the higher levle you are which also means you get a bigger bang for your buck. Then theres the smite issue. if your prayer is barely high enough to do the prayer; there is a good chance you will run out of prayer points before you run out of hp meaning bye bye whatever your trying to protect in wildy, as it is now in a fight were i dont eat i would die before my prayer ran out; very good for suicide pking :)





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The one thing I wish people would realise is that how are Jagex going to release level 80+ armour and weapons? We'll be able to 2 hit each other :roll:




This is what I was thinking. Unless jagex finds some way to raise hitpoints (Not happening), the combat system is pretty much complete.

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Well, did the writer this week forget about barrows armour, whips, black dhide, cbows? There are lots for higher levels to do which were overlooked, and the games never really complete. Every week theres something new to do, something to achive. If you have completed everything wait a month and there will be something new for you to do :P


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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how about making us choose once in a while though. how about you finish a quest and you get the chance of an untradable set of armour. wither melee magic or range. the main problem with rs atm ias that anyone can chnge their mind and do anything.




for example the new prayers would have been a reward for the quest. choose which ones. the mage ones or the range ones? or with a bit of extra programming the melee ones


let fire spin and parafin burn. ill call it fun.



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Wow I have to totally agree with this article. Bloggish? who cares? It basically states what every high level out there is thinking - Where the hell are my updates?




And at the moment Jagex has gained about $270 Cdn. from me :?




I'm not in the mood to argue with anyone....I just think this article was right on the mark.




HeartUnit ftw? :thumbsup:

Lazyboy164 - 126 combat - 16 99's - 2215+ Total


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Great article. Smithing needs a boost; you need to get 99 smithing to make something anyone wants, because it only takes 40 to be able to wear what you make at 85 smithing.




Dragon is not the best armor, Barrows are. Dragon is little better than rune, the problem is neither Dragon nor Barrows are smithable.

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Dragon is not the best armor, Barrows are. Dragon is little better than rune, the problem is neither Dragon nor Barrows are smithable.




Uhm, what about those "Dragon Half-shields"??? Far as I know, you have to get 2 parts then smith them together, right?




(Btw, I am F2P, but study P2P heavily... I could be wrong about this "Dragon Half-Shield" thing, but I don't think I am... :-k ...)

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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You know wat, the editor aint perfect! hes done so much for us a now ur taking him down!! :evil:




i did realise he missed barrows but theres more to combat. after 75 theres no point firemaking




in mining (I'm 75 mining) theres no point gettin it up. wat kind of idiot wants to powermine for 2 months




we could use new ores and we dont need a dragon pick cuz thers like barely any ores!




i think there should b an 85+ armor even for mages and rangers cuz seriously, in my member file, i own ppl with dragon lol




its kinda even nooby now <.<




and with a new armor, raise it to like 40m :ohnoes: , we all know its gonna get to 20m and then thats reasonable




and with whip, u cant train only str, cmon! we need a weapon for that. ther giving us these updates with bows. i got 30 to 70 range, i didnt use those crossbows at all.




dragon armor is overpowerd. barrows are to cheap. like i dont know how many sets of guthans i can buy (actually 5) and i'M lvl 88! like imagine a lvl 80 with guthans, considering more ppl think its the best armor in the game (not torags) torags is cheaper, barely any1 likes it.




and prayz, we need new prayz, if 15% range and mage is better than 43, thats messed up




thats all i have 2 say :boohoo: =D>




Right well, for a start, yeah we do need a weapon to train str with at the same decency as a whip, but overall, thats the only decent comment you made? and if you'd care to even look at the firemaking guide before you commented, you would know that the top log to burn is actually at level 80... About mining, 85 mining is one of the best ways to make cash in the game, how about you go flaming about how pointless it is after you have it and know that its actually worthwhile, if you don't wanna train thats great... why on earth are u asking for more high level stuff then?




Also, nobody wants to hear you bragging on about how rich you are, 5 sets of guthans is not that much, people have like 10bn in items, nobody cares if you have full drag? and no its NOT overpowered! it costs around 25m and its worse defence than torags ok? oh and trust me you don't own =/




Also whats this about guthans being better than torags? look at the stats before u post rubbish =/




oh and about this:




and prayz, we need new prayz, if 15% range and mage is better than 43, thats messed up






english please? "prayz" is not a word, and that is not a sentence.




Oh and thanks to i m darkness for the compliment :)




guess wat, i made a few typing mistakes, and who gives a [cabbage] about our mistakes, like wat are you? sum 60 yr old pedofile/teacher? like lightn up. and dragon is not overpowerd, sorry, its overpriced! like wdf! best armor in the game is torag's and its cheaper. 2 say its reall cheap! it should b like 40m




guess wat, i aint mabey a billionaire, but i have a life, theres more 2rs. i never bragged about being able 2 afford a lot, i just stated how its say @ my lvl i can afford that.




and guess wat noob, i am f2p, i dont own, like no1 ever said i own. i love training skills, that don't include combat, but on my noob, da water man, id like somthing stronger. like once i owned a 112, u know why? cuz drg is like for noobs now, and i think that there should b better prayz, im a pray addict, and guess wat, 52 is noob pray!




now if u have a problem, y don't you keep it to yoursself cuz were discussing the post from the editor and not mine.




so relax man, its just a game




oh and rune mining a ogood way 2 make cash! lol i dont know how u make cash but thats hard earnd cash, i merchant easy cash and i do skills




and guess wat, my pure owns (ask ppl i fight if u have another problem <.< )




my files, miguellee381, da water man, maraci pker \'

Anyone Want My Santas.....

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