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In remembrance of Steve Irwin


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Steve irwin in my own words was the greatest australian conservationist ever personally. He was a great father and role model to inspiring kids and adults all alike. Steve will be missed but I hope everyone will honor Steve in his family into what he has did to know that the world's conservationist "croc hunter" icon is now never given the chance to say crikey or however he said it from losing one chance to get away from a deadly crocodile. No more talk show apperances, No more movies of what he is doing movies will be now of what he did do. I hope you all remember steve irwin as a great roloe model and conservationist icon R.I.P steve irwin

vroom .... vroomZ?

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im kinda upset about this, atfer my senior year my plan was so go to australia, and go there just to see him, and spend a day at the zoo, looks like there no plan for that:(





Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
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Just saw on the news, Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter) has had a heart attack after being stung by a stingray :cry: Left behind 2 kids and his wife, I'll get a link later or if someone could post one for me that would be great. (Have to go out now).




the sting went through the chest into his heart, if wasnt a heart attack. well, i suppose u could call it that. RIP, i watched his shows a lot. i suppose it was suspected, but its stil sad. Wrestles 12 ft crocs and is killed by a fish. Irony pls? poor mrs irwin (and the kids), widowed by a fish.




RIP steve




(and i dont think all austrailians go 'Croigy, issa big 1 mate' thats just austrailians being paranoid)

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It's such a complete shock :( I've been watching his shows since I was a kid and I loved him for his passion for wildlife and his unique style. He had such a childish enthusiasm for all the creatures he encountered... He was one of the very few people who made me want to make a difference in this world. Really a person whom you could look up to. A legend indeed.




I was starting to think the guy was invincible, he had so many close calls, and he had been unbelievably lucky so far, but I guess his luck ran out this time...Most likely it was his mistake, which I think he himself would have agreed on, since animals never attack unprovoked. I imagine he died saying 'Oh, crikey, look at this little beauty' and getting really close to it for a better view. He wasn't quick enough to see this attack coming and move out of the way. Also the fact that this stingray got him straight to his heart...what are the chances of that happening? A few milimiters away and he could have been saved. Stupid thing to happen, really, when you consider what he's been previously up against, venimous snakes and crocs and all.




But come to think of it, it's not a bad way for someone like him to go. I can't imagine a man like him dying of old age in his bed. As everyone has said, he died doing what he loved and he fully knew the risk of what he was doing. He wasn't just a crackpot pouncing on animals and not knowing what could come of that. He knew exactly what he was doing and he had a great amount of experience doing it. But even knowing the great risks he was up against, he chose to do these things nonetheless and live life to the fullest. Not only for his personal fun but also to instruct and entertain others. And what he left behind is really impressive, not least of all those people who watched his shows and who decided to become involved with protecting wildlife (not just the cute and furry animals).




But yeah, I can understand how some people who posted on this thread gave undermining replies...I even expected to see more of those. If someone will choose to be original and not make compromises he's bound to be disliked by some. But it's important to understand that his work made a difference, and it's a tragedy that the world has lost such a man, especially in these days when so few people feel passionately enough about things to make a difference.




Condoleances to Terri and the two kids. It must be really awful for them. :(




EDIT: He also had some very unpopular opinions on "sustainable use", which is considered very fashionable today. (Sustainable use means, among others, raising wild animals, crocodiles for instance, like you would raise domestic ones - to ultimately kill them for their skin or whatever else they can be good for.) He saw this for what it was, a comfortable compromising solution, when the less popular but more reasonable and fair idea is to get people to ask themselves whether they really need purses made of crocodile skin... :roll:

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I don't care FuBai. I wont have have people calling someone who has just passed away 'an idiot'. It just causes pointless arguements and is offensive to some. Causes more grief than it's worth.




If you don't like this then please don't post at all.




End of discussion. Anymore off topic chat will be removed from this point.

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I just came back from camp wen i heard about this terrible news.


i was so sad im still very depressed. i dont know what it is about steve irwin but hes kindof


a hero 2 many including myself. he was very good


at his job and enjoyed it so greatly. he is such an inspiration to millions


spanning throughout the world. steve irwin is the one and only greatest


hero that exists in the lives of many.


To those who say his death was "coming to him" or he deserved it,


they obviously dont know who he was. steve irwin was the best at his job.


period. he was a world famous zoologist and animal expert. he had his


own tv show. he was that good. this is simply a tragic accident and people


should celebrate his life rather than look back on the negative. all in all,


the life of steve irwin was a joyous one that should be celebrated.




R.I.P. Steve Irwin, the one and only Crocodile Hunter

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yeah his show is nice.....




btw is a sting ray a device?



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thedepressedsquirrel Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:18 pm Post subject:








I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet.




He pulled the stingray barb out before losing consciousness.


Umm well someone hasnt told you this if he would of left that barb seeing that it was so close. He would of died in less than 3 minutes so you decided would you die instantly or die in 3 minutes but be blacked out so you cant really do anything you just feel the pain?




rip steve

vroom .... vroomZ?

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Its very sad this happened. He was once quoted saying he would die doing what he loved. I guess it was a instant why to go with limited suffering. His legacy will live on for a long time yet through his wife, daughter and son.




R.I.P Steve you were truely a great man.

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Wow... It finally happened. All those times you watch his shows and wonder when an animal is finally going to kill him. Not that I wanted him to die or anything... That's sad though...
On that note, I know a lot of people who will be disapointed that it wasn't a croc that got him.






Like in Dr Doolittle or whatever it is. Dunno which one it is - I'm sure someone knows.




Well, he was fast on land but in water you don't dodge animals that way like on land. It wasn't his element and it seems he did mistake too getting too close this one. Btw, he was way out of luck anyway because that ray didn't even attacked him but just took defensive position. I call it just freak accident...like brick falling top of the head and such unfortunate things that sometimes may happen.

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Just saw on the news, Steve Irwin (the crocodile hunter) has had a heart attack after being stung by a stingray :cry: Left behind 2 kids and his wife, I'll get a link later or if someone could post one for me that would be great. (Have to go out now).




As metioned before, Steve Irwin, died when swimming with a stingray, he floated above it, and the stingrays fin popped up and shot a barb though his heart. He pulled it out, and died almost instantly.




Steve Irwin was a really good person, i used to love Crocodile Hunter Diaries, on ITV2.




R.I.P Stevie

Merry Crimbo!


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I've never really watched anything much of him on TV, but I've got a lot of respect for all the work he's done for conservation and the environment.




I don't think any of the "he had it coming" stuff is warranted at all, it's like saying a taxi driver who had a crash "had it coming" - it's just a part of the job.




I reckon he should've been wearing sunscreen (stops the harmful rays.)

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It's depressing to realize how rarely stingray attacks happen, and it happened to him in the worst place. It's like winning the lottery of death. It's really hard to believe how unlucky he was. :(




True, but in the end something was going to get him. It's like any death, there are common killers like alcohol, drugs, heart disease etc. but then there are many people that die from 'rare' disorders or forms of death. There are a lot of forms of 'rare' deaths, but collectively they make up a significant percentage of deaths.




My bet would have been that a crocodile would get him, but it looks like he fell into the 'rare' category. Anyhows, his father released a statement today, does anyone have a video link to it?

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Many of you probably know that September 4th Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray. I am not australian, I am canadian but i know Steve Irwin was a big thing, And everyone was shocked when they found out about his death. Talk here and leave thoughts for Steve Irwin if you would like.

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