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Grammar - Your forum appearance


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Lately it seems that I've been noticing alot more people slacking off with their grammar, and it just bothers me, because I see alot of people with good posts that most likely get ignored because of the incomplete grammar/sentences. I can't stress how much better your forum appearance looks if you use proper grammar. I guarentee the most well known and respected people on these forums use great grammar, which in a way helps them to be noticed and such. I get to the point now where if the post doesn't start off with a capitalized letter and uses proper comma's and periods I just don't read it. I'm sure other people feel the same.




Basically, what I'm trying to get at is, if you want to be a respected and noticed person on this forum you might as well learn to use grammar, as it also helps you in school (I know this by experience). I usually get very high scores on my english papers, but hey, I'm not here to brag, I'm here to tell you to use grammar! Not only does it improve your appearance, it makes for easier reading of your posts. To all those who say they dont care about what anyone thinks of them: Any sort of forums are obviously not for you and I don't want to see meaningless posts like that.




Use grammar!


I am an Atheist, and I take pride in it.

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wht u men i ctn tklk lkki tisi wt u wt u dd. Yeah...I don't even know what I typed...And I've actually done better in English (That means grammar) after I started playing Runescape.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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As one of the forums worse spellers and gramaticle users, I find it my duity to reply:


Lately it seems that I've been noticing alot more people slacking off with their grammar, and it just bothers me


Well thats your opinion, I dont have to care.




people with good posts that most likely get ignored because of the incomplete grammar/sentences.


If you do not read a post based off of Spelling and grammar, then you are pre judging the poster, and anyone that knows me on the bored, knows that i dislike pre-judging. Oh wait, they dont, cause no one reads my posts, cause they have bad spelling/grammar?




I can't stress how much better your forum appearance looks if you use proper grammar. I guarentee the most well known and respected people on these forums use great grammar, which in a way helps them to be noticed and such.


People who make spelling errors/grammar errors seem to get just as much attention, but its negative. And why should I care about my appearance? Its like in real life when you dress to look good to society, do I follow suit? No, cause I could care less!




I get to the point now where if the post doesn't start off with a capitalized letter and uses proper comma's and periods I just don't read it. I'm sure other people feel the same.
Then you could be missing some of the big picture, and some times, parts of the picture are not perfect, just like the spelling or grammar. Why should you over look something if its not to your liking? I thought we were humans? the ultimate species? Guess not, since we cannot adapt to the simple errors of others without complaining.




Basically, what I'm trying to get at is, if you want to be a respected and noticed person on this forum you might as well learn to use grammar, as it also helps you in school (I know this by experience).
Please prove this statment? I can spell and use grammar fairly well (Ok the spelling part is less just cause I have a hard time spelling some words) when writing in school. It's just cause im typing on the web and not in a classroom that I have im-perfect spelling and grammar.




Not only does it improve your appearance, it makes for easier reading of your posts. To all those who say they dont care about what anyone thinks of them: Any sort of forums are obviously not for you and I don't want to see meaningless posts like that.


Meaningless posts my [wagon]. Sure my posts dont always get their point across because i write in a diffrent fashion (Not talking about the spelling and grammar), but I do have something to say, and a valid point. I could even argue that with perfect spelling in your post, that is meaningless just becasue I don't care about your opinion, just like you dont seem to care about the opinion of those that have in-perfect spelling.




Use grammar!






Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Well thats your opinion, I dont have to care.




If you don't care then why are you getting worked up about it?






Please prove this statment? I can spell and use grammar fairly well (Ok the spelling part is less just cause I have a hard time spelling some words) when writing in school. It's just cause im typing on the web and not in a classroom that I have im-perfect spelling and grammar.




I think what he was saying is that if you practice bad spelling/grammar online, eventually it's going to be transferred into your schoolwork.




The better your grammar is online, the quicker it will come to you when it really matters.

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Please prove this statment? I can spell and use grammar fairly well (Ok the spelling part is less just cause I have a hard time spelling some words) when writing in school. It's just cause im typing on the web and not in a classroom that I have im-perfect spelling and grammar.




I think what he was saying is that if you practice bad spelling/grammar online, eventually it's going to be transferred into your schoolwork.




The better your grammar is online, the quicker it will come to you when it really matters.




Exactly. I've decided to start typing properly, back in the day I played Runescape, when I caught myself writing 'u's instead of 'you's in my English test. And since then, forums have worked as the place where I practice my English --and improve it-- the most, since I don't speak English on my everyday life.


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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Well thats your opinion, I dont have to care.




If you don't care then why are you getting worked up about it?






Please prove this statment? I can spell and use grammar fairly well (Ok the spelling part is less just cause I have a hard time spelling some words) when writing in school. It's just cause im typing on the web and not in a classroom that I have im-perfect spelling and grammar.




I think what he was saying is that if you practice bad spelling/grammar online, eventually it's going to be transferred into your schoolwork.




The better your grammar is online, the quicker it will come to you when it really matters.




I am sick and tired of people make assumptions, that is why! And what i ment is that i dont care if poster has an opinon on the bad spelling and grammar, all I care about is that past that, im making some of the best posts, and all you all see is the errors. Maybe if people tried looking at the good (What i mean) instead of the bad (The errors) the world could be a diffrent place.




And my bad spelling and grammar do not transfer over to school work. I may not be the best speller(I do learn new words some times) but I am awsome in Grammar




BTW, i dont need to write (IMO) or anything like that, cause everything is my opinion. If you dont like it, fine, i could care less.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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It's just a matter of opinion, Lionheart. You say we should take the extra time to figure out what you're saying, and we say you should take the extra time to make your post grammatically correct.

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^^ Yeah, I used to write "meh" as a joke a lot and on a test I wrote Meh :oops: Good thing I corrected it :)




If someone writes in bad grammar I think he/she is an idiot. If they're too lazy to write out what they want to say, I dont think they should be heard.


This is what I'm talking about: Hi u ppl how r u? 2day i went outside. wat?




I know this isn't a English class, but why do we study English if we're not going to use it!?!?!?!

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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No Lionheart you're not even close to being one of the forums worst spellers and you're posts are usually not even close to being unreadable.




Everybody makes the occasional typo or grammar error. A good bit of people are actually terrible spellers and don't put a terrible amount of effort into their grammar. But even then, that's still not too unreasonable. What I think the threadstarter is trying to say is, if it becomes a chore to read your post then very few people are going to take the time to read it. Is this unreasonable? No. It's a forum. You have all the time in the world to post and if you're in a hurry, nobody is making you post. All the threadstarter is saying (or so I think) and all I'm saying, is this is a community where we communicate ideas to one another and putting a little bit of effort into your posts in order to make them easier to read, makes the whole process go smoother.




Jesus, I'm making long posts tonight.

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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I use grammar correctly as it has been taught to me, I don't write any other way... Others spelling and grammar doesn't bother me. Unless it is actually unreadable and there is a high chance the poster is illiterate, then I ask for a translation, and well, get on with it..?



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While I do disagree, and believe that it is, in fact, a virtual English class, I'll assume your view for the sake of this post.




Who cares if it's not? That's no excuse not to use grammar. The purpose of English class is to teach you how to use language properly; those lessons should extend to every time you use language. Math teachers don't teach you arithmetic only for you to forget how to count money when you're buying something. In the same way, English teachers don't teach you grammar only for you to neglect it when you leave the classroom.




On top of that, language is one of humanity's most precious possessions. It's a powerful form of communication and a beautiful art form. As such, it ought to be treated with respect. When you use bad grammar and spelling, you drain the language of its clarity, communicative power, and beauty.




That said, it annoys me when people purposely neglect grammar in writing, and it does lower my opinion of their intelligence. However, I still read their posts and judge their ideas on their own merit.




Small mistakes are fine, and not all writing has to be brilliant. No one is expected to be perfect, and not everyone is expected to craft their words. However, those who strive for correctness and excellence in writing will generally be better respected in a text-based community like a forum.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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While I do disagree, and believe that it is, in fact, a virtual English class, I'll assume your view for the sake of this post.




Who cares if it's not? That's no excuse not to use grammar. The purpose of English class is to teach you how to use language properly; those lessons should extend to every time you use language. Math teachers don't teach you arithmetic only for you to forget how to count money when you're buying something. In the same way, English teachers don't teach you grammar only for you to neglect it when you leave the classroom.




On top of that, language is one of humanity's most precious possessions. It's a powerful form of communication and a beautiful art form. As such, it ought to be treated with respect. When you use bad grammar and spelling, you drain the language of its clarity, communicative power, and beauty.




That said, it annoys me when people purposely neglect grammar in writing, and it does lower my opinion of their intelligence. However, I still read their posts and judge their ideas on their own merit.




Small mistakes are fine, and not all writing has to be brilliant. No one is expected to be perfect, and not everyone is expected to craft their words. However, those who strive for correctness and excellence in writing will generally be better respected in a text-based community like a forum.




[/thread] :P

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School work actualy counts and forums do NOT. Sure, i make mistakes writing words on forums, but hey look at the bright side, i probably read what i wrote 10 times before turning it in at school. Well, even tho i am out of school still, English is my second language, so if i make a mistake or two it is not because i could care less but it is because i really dont know, and i dont use big words, but i try to write correct. I think I have improved a lot in the past 4 years that i been living in the United States. Anyways, as we get older we seem to write in a more proper grammar. :mrgreen: Flame me for being foreign :mrgreen: dot dot dot...To be Continued...




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