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Things in Runescape that make no logical sense!


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Little stones with drawings of a kindergardener can make you unleash (sp) power to kill millions! :shock:




1 iron and 2 coal makes a steel....wrong. Steel is 98% iron :lol:




You are reborn everytime you die. :uhh:




There's dragons, demons, and ice thats alive! :ohnoes:




the coal is used as a fuel to increase the temperature of the furnance


so that the carbon impurities in coal can react with iron ore to form your STEEL




98% Iron 2% Carbon..





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What backpack? :P




The 28 inventory slot. (icon shows a backpack).




Every time you shoot an arrow, you have to grab one from the backpack, opening and closing it each time.




There is a limit on how many gold you can have.




You don't receive interest from leaving your money at the bank, nor can you borrow any money. ( :-s Nice idea for the future for starters, could be worked out someway)




You never get blisters (sorry for the spelling) from mining.




Trawlers boat is always leak, but when you are not playing, it is still floating properly!




The king black dragon never fights his own heads.. You have to love brother/sister friendship (or w/e its called) :thumbsup:




People can stand at the same spot with 2000 persons on the same time (2000 = max world can handle).




Runescape world isn't round.. The wildernis doesn't end in the water in which you can see the monkeys island. (so much for late 18th century science!)






In real, when a lobster gets hurt, it spreads out a toxic which is able to kill/ make sick the other animals around him. (Defensive) But you never have this problem. Your lobsters are all save in your backpack. Even if you hold a few iron/steel etc. bars or sharp weapons in it! :ohnoes:




Your bag never goes broken. No stack of 10000 arrows is able to cut through your bag! .. Runecloth bags?




Good luck on finding some extra.. :wink: :!: :!: <-- Emo rules :D

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using knife to cooking apple makes something interesting in real life!




trees get fully grown in few days max.. when you plant them.




you dont get sick travelling allmost naked middle of frozed area




few meters high "mountains" have snow cower




your eyes are black and small




sailing ower sea takes only few moments.

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another wave then :) im bored, thats why writing so much.




usually banks dont take your random stuff (stones with strange pictures, apples, oranges, hammers :lol: bricks, logs, choco bars, snake flutes and such) without any fee. and give them bacl as fresh as you stored em (ive had strawberrys in my bank about half year, still fresh )




theres legos in new city, since ive never seen any oil or plastic in whole game?




you cant make home-made partyhats :XD:




only way to home is teleportal




no matter how long you solo around, you never have to eat nor drink.




there was 1 robin hood. how comes he had dozens of hats?




to be continued :)

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For some reason you can attack people north of the civilization (wildy) but for some reason u cant in towns :-k




When you use a shortbow you seem to fire and reload faster than a crazy elf (legolas) from LOTR which is also crazyily not logical.




A human seems to be able to kill a huge lvl 702 lava/rock monster (i did :wink: )




Rocks containing ore mysteriously replenishes itself.




Cut down trees grow back to full size within seconds.




You're allowed to go mindlessly kill innocent men and women.




The duke of lumbridge is so stupid because everytime u drop an antifire shield he thinks u lost it LMAO.




You can somehow cut 3 pieces of wood (logs) into a bow in like 1.5 seconds.



~Guide to Solo'ing the KBD~


99 Cooking | 99 Firemaking | 99 Attack | 99 defense | 99 Hitpoints

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another wave :)




in runescape. when im wearing green mask, people admire me and mask. when i wear green mask in real life, people goes other side of the road :-k




in runescape, when i drink from potion with strange liquid, i get bonuses. while in real life, i get sick :-k maybe im making zammy pots :P




when i am lighting fire front of bank in runescape, people comes and cooks their goods on it and thanks me. while in real life, butler comes and start ranting me #-o




if i go park chopping trees in runescape, nobody cares. while in real life, police comes and gives me fines :notalk:




if i go ask for quests in runescape from random people, they will sometimes give them to me. in real life, they allways ask "what? are you kidding me?" :anxious:

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It's a game. Just like any other RPG, it's not very realistic. Yet, this what makes this game addicting is the things we don't see in regular RPGs.

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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It's a game. Just like any other RPG, it's not very realistic. Yet, this what makes this game addicting is the things we don't see in regular RPGs.


this post is not a rant, its just noticing the thingys in runescape which are some way odd or wrong compared to real life.




examining choc-ice "id better eat this before it melts" so i make fire from magic log, drop my bar into it and wait. fire burns out, and ahh the cool choc-ice remains :)

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I know it's only a game.. but..


How can I make cannonballs when the mould's allmost flat =\


How can I chew on a Turtle?


How come I can get nearly invisable? :)


How come I can put a few hundred logs on fire and not burn my hands?




I'm sure you all know a lot more :wink:


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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anyone know why in port phasmytys (don't blame my spelling) theres the ghost who likes to protest or something, anywho he shouts out random things easy to here without a ghostspeak amulet, but when u try to talk to him.......




he goes woo woo woooooooooo :shock: :anxious:

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People in Runescape fight A giant Behemoth to wear a cape..... :roll:






Unless you drink a beer keg, beer has no effects....




Sharks swim on the shore :-s




Dragon fire is blocked by A peice of metal, but heated metal is so hot it melts! #-o (That, I guess, it obvious 8-) )




And last...




Who in the real world has the name "PwNuNUBs"? :wink:


The GES, the only clan ruled by a Goat.

"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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