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Secret/Weird Glitch


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Sorry if this glitch has been talked about, i couldn't find it. Basically click house options then put building mode on. AS SOON as you click on in bulidng mode, click somewhere on the screen. It might take you a few practices.




You will be shifted 2 to 3 squares. It's cool!


By the way i have reported this glitch so don't flame me for promoting bug abuse. Thanks.




EDIT: It can only be done OUTSIDE your house.

Currently: Quit Ages Ago

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yes ive known about it for a while and its my little secret glitch :shame: people dont know how to do it so its funny to see there reaction ::'


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goodbye Piman1053 Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:05 pm

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thanks bud you must not have liked that glitch :x you see there are so many goodytwoshoes out there that all glitchs get reported as soon as people start telling others about it :?




Is this one really that important to you? So you move 3-4 spaces instantaneously, very fun but you shouldn't get too attached. :wall:

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thanks bud you must not have liked that glitch :x you see there are so many goodytwoshoes out there that all glitchs get reported as soon as people start telling others about it :?




Ok to be honest i just said i reported bug abuse in case i got flamed ;).


But i know ppl have reported it, but Jagex must find it hard to fix OR it's not 1 of thier priorities lol.




I tried to 'move' into the varrock bank basement (where the vault is) Lol didn't work.

Currently: Quit Ages Ago

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Jagex knows about that glitch, I guess it's pretty hard to change it.




Being a programmer I would think the same. Might get abused in combat though. (Escaping ice barrage etc)

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yeah its no bug but a glitch and you shouldnt get in trouble for using, when in combat if u get attacked you get knocked out of the house options tab so tehre is no way u can use it to gain an advantage over anyone else while pkin, plus if u are trying to do it then 1. u cant eat and 2. if u manged to move a might 2-3 spaces they can simply catch u in a second.



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