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GPA's So far?


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Your high schools must be ridiculously easy for all of you to be averaging high 90s.




I hate to sterotype, but Runescape is played by nerds, and nerds are smart, no offence.




No, you don't understand. At my high school, the highest averages you ever saw were ~95, and that was ridiculously high.




Maybe there's a difference between Canadian/American/European school systems, because around here (Ontario), if you get anything over a 90, you're pretty much guaranteed huge entrance scholarships to any post-secondary institution.

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Freshy - 4.0






Have you gotten your progress report yet? Or is that jus becuase you havent gotten any grades yet :shock:




Not accusing tho :)




Yeah, we got our 6 week terms Thursday. We get progress reports every three weeks.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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No, you don't understand. At my high school, the highest averages you ever saw were ~95, and that was ridiculously high.




Maybe there's a difference between Canadian/American/European school systems, because around here (Ontario), if you get anything over a 90, you're pretty much guaranteed huge entrance scholarships to any post-secondary institution.

I pretty much agree with insane here.




And I was also under the impression that the American education system was quite a bit below par when compared to other 1st world countries, namely European ones).

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Your high schools must be ridiculously easy for all of you to be averaging high 90s.




I hate to sterotype, but Runescape is played by nerds, and nerds are smart, no offence.




No, you don't understand. At my high school, the highest averages you ever saw were ~95, and that was ridiculously high.




Maybe there's a difference between Canadian/American/European school systems, because around here (Ontario), if you get anything over a 90, you're pretty much guaranteed huge entrance scholarships to any post-secondary institution.






At my school, its one of the top schools in the state if Illinois, so if you dont do well they kick you out at the end of the semester, just having being accepted here is a HUGE accomplishment(anong with being able to pay a $10,000a year price)

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Your high schools must be ridiculously easy for all of you to be averaging high 90s.
Yup, Ontario must be immensely hard markers, especially as you near the end of high school. I'm currently in grade 12. I don't think anyone in the school in my grade last year got over 90% in English, and only I would say 5% got over 80%. The numbers are similar for math, except that there were a few more over 80%.




Basically though, at my school, if you're getting over 90% (except in exceptional cases) in a subject, it most likely means you are naturally gifted in that area and are probably going to be doing something in that area.




Probably for the best. It's easier for a university to distinguish someone who is actually good at a subject from someone who just puts a lot of time in. Most people in my grade simply aren't capable of getting over 90% in math, no matter how much time they put in (believe me I know). Therefore it's easy to tell if they are naturally gifted.

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Your high schools must be ridiculously easy for all of you to be averaging high 90s.




I hate to sterotype, but Runescape is played by nerds, and nerds are smart, no offence.




No, you don't understand. At my high school, the highest averages you ever saw were ~95, and that was ridiculously high.




Maybe there's a difference between Canadian/American/European school systems, because around here (Ontario), if you get anything over a 90, you're pretty much guaranteed huge entrance scholarships to any post-secondary institution.






At my school, its one of the top schools in the state if Illinois, so if you dont do well they kick you out at the end of the semester, just having being accepted here is a HUGE accomplishment(anong with being able to pay a $10,000a year price)




Yea, exactly. Top schools (around here) mark extremely hard. For example, I go to Brock University in Ontario. I am taking computer science, and am averaging around 88%.




Waterloo University in Ontario (which is one of the top universities internationally (Link)) also has a computer science program. If I were in it, I'd be averaging around 65%, maybe.




The more "top" your school is, the lower your marks are. Which again, begs my conclusion - if you're getting ridiculously high marks, your school is probably easy.






It's just like the IQ thread, where everybody was a genius :|

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Its not that other schools are harder or easier Insane. Theres no such of a AP class that isnt extremely hard. I've given up Runescape for this semester so I can make A's. Cuz I wana go to West Point, or Clemson :thumbsup:

Its better to be judged by twelve, than to be carried by six.

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Its not that other schools are harder or easier Insane. Theres no such of a AP class that isnt extremely hard. I've given up Runescape for this semester so I can make A's. Cuz I wana go to West Point, or Clemson :thumbsup:




Not true, my high school is considered the hardest public school in NC and we have two AP classes that are just pretty much a joke (Psych and Environmental. Kids just take them to raise their GPA's. I have a pretty solid B average (3.5) because honestly, I just do my work. From what I've learned in high school so far is pretty much if you figure out each teachers system, you'll do fine.

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Our GPA's were always given to us in an 11 point system. It was stupid...Never got how it worked. I usually had around a 6.50, which sounds horrible until you consider I was a B-ish average student. 6.50 is just over half...50%...Doesn't make sense at all. I hated my school. Learned nothing. I've taught myself more over the past 3 years than I learned in school, lol.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Okay, now everyone is just defensively arguing about how 'hard' or 'not easy' their school is. I'll admit it. My school is not that difficult. What am I supposed to do about it? Granted it's the number one or number two school where I live, it's still pretty easy.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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I hated my school. Learned nothing. I've taught myself more over the past 3 years than I learned in school, lol.
Same, because I have some inhuman way of remembering the most useless facts and anecdotes, that are quite simply facinating to me but considered strange by "normal" standards. Also, when I'm interested in something, it's a lot easier for me to retain that knowledge, quite simply, because I want to.
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Maybe there's a difference between Canadian/American/European school systems, because around here (Ontario), if you get anything over a 90, you're pretty much guaranteed huge entrance scholarships to any post-secondary institution.




I've heard about that. It's weird that Canadian universities admit people based on their school grades alone. There must be a lot more pressure to get good grades than here in the US.




And I was also under the impression that the American education system was quite a bit below par when compared to other 1st world countries, namely European ones).




It depends on the school. Unlike European countries, which are smaller in landmass, America has a much less unified education system. This is why, even within one town, there can be a school that is difficult and a school that is easy. Inexplicably, we have the majority of the best universities in the world.

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Your high schools must be ridiculously easy for all of you to be averaging high 90s.




Grade inflation. It never used to be like this. My parents and also teachers I've had always talk about how that's going on - A's used to mean something back then.




Nowadays tons of classes are 50% homework, which of course you just get credit for turning in or not. Then some tests/quizes where you have to pick the right vocab word out of four choices.




My freshman year things were that bad. Once teachers stop giving you grades for turning in homework and force you to actually learn outside of the narrow field they teach in class, you see grades spread out more.

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Your high schools must be ridiculously easy for all of you to be averaging high 90s.




Grade inflation. It never used to be like this. My parents and also teachers I've had always talk about how that's going on - A's used to mean something back then.




Nowadays tons of classes are 50% homework, which of course you just get credit for turning in or not. Then some tests/quizes where you have to pick the right vocab word out of four choices.




My freshman year things were that bad. Once teachers stop giving you grades for turning in homework and force you to actually learn outside of the narrow field they teach in class, you see grades spread out more.




That's not good university preparation - going from that to university is bound to fail you.






I've heard about that. It's weird that Canadian universities admit people based on their school grades alone. There must be a lot more pressure to get good grades than here in the US.




I think Mr. Putter explained it quite well. Since getting good grades (like 90+) is extremely difficult, admitting people based on their school grades alone is a pretty legitimate thing to do. It takes someone who is naturally gifted in a certain field to obtain a very high mark, meaning if they have a high mark in a certain field, it would be a good idea to admit them.




Come senior high school year, teachers also start to mark their students like they would a university student (not to the full extent, but just enough to give them a taste). (Some) Canadian high schools place a ton of emphasis on preparing students for university, and it's a really good thing imo.

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Your high schools must be ridiculously easy for all of you to be averaging high 90s.




Grade inflation. It never used to be like this. My parents and also teachers I've had always talk about how that's going on - A's used to mean something back then.




Nowadays tons of classes are 50% homework, which of course you just get credit for turning in or not. Then some tests/quizes where you have to pick the right vocab word out of four choices.




My freshman year things were that bad. Once teachers stop giving you grades for turning in homework and force you to actually learn outside of the narrow field they teach in class, you see grades spread out more.






Homework is worth 10% MOST at my school

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Your high schools must be ridiculously easy for all of you to be averaging high 90s.




Grade inflation. It never used to be like this. My parents and also teachers I've had always talk about how that's going on - A's used to mean something back then.




Nowadays tons of classes are 50% homework, which of course you just get credit for turning in or not. Then some tests/quizes where you have to pick the right vocab word out of four choices.




My freshman year things were that bad. Once teachers stop giving you grades for turning in homework and force you to actually learn outside of the narrow field they teach in class, you see grades spread out more.




That's not good university preparation - going from that to university is bound to fail you.



I was only talking about my freshman year, and that was the only nonadvanced class I took that year. But a ton of classes are like that. Personally though I'm being prepped pretty well. I see my current grades dropping from the usual A's across the board as a sign that they're toughening me up for college (not senioritis - YET). :P

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Homework is worth 10% MOST at my school
Homework was worth 0% at mine.




Best way to sort out the people who just wanted to "cruise on through". You could pass assessment if you didn't do homework. But in most cases it was a fail. The homework was there to give deeper understanding of what was taught in class. And the majority of assessment required being able to apply that understanding.




Essentially it came down to...




Application taught in class


Theory taught in homework


Application of theory in situations not taught in class used in assessment

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Homework is worth 10% MOST at my school




50-70% of my grade is based on homework that is never properly graded. Perty much anyone can pass the classes at my school aslong as they do all their homework and get atleast 40% on their tests.




Most of my teachers walk around the room giving stamps to those who have their work spending between 15 and 30 seconds stamping each. If it has a stamp then they will give 100% but if it does not then they remove 50% the grade and will read it.




Procrastinators like me love color printers. :-w

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And another thing I just remembered...




Are your schools public or private? I know around here the private schools really are a waste of money if you want your kid to come out of it with a good education and good results.




Sure they'll have good reslts, but most of the kids have no ability to do anything by themself when they hit university because their school used to spoon-feed them everything they needed, almost. At least in the public schools - espcially in grades 11 and 12, you were practically forced to do everything yourself.




It was pretty much "here's the assessment, it's due on this date, go do it". And some of my private school friends were always like "this teacher is great, they give us the assignment, then half the information to complete it!" :uhh:

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