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Nihilists HYT List...Back from the Dead FTW !!!!!!!!!!!


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add me on it!!! i got three accounts




"arnie arnie"


"007996007996" (yea, hard name i know)


and "atestarossa" (my new noob account)




i like to have some hyts on all of these... though i sometimes keep private on friends on "arnie arnie"




so, feal free to hyt me, i am more glad for an ingame hyt, than a pm hyt!

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Just a question....what's a hyt? Is it just a "hey there" kind of thing? Excuse the noobiness but I haven't been on these forums for like a year. I'm GMT -6 I think.




Anyways I could always use more tip.it friends. Add me! Private chat's usually on.


RSN: Rawrdemon

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