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Most Crazy Thing You've Done At School?


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Not really crazy, but still hilarous. I had a really short teacher in 6th grade, who was about 4"3'. She had a computer chair that she sat on during class. During passing time, when she stood in the hall, some bad kids (i.e. me) would make her chair go as high as it could go. It was sooo funny.


Some crazier ones involve saying swear words in this one teachers classroom, because he is almost deaf. We have a contest to see who can say words the loudest before getting cought.


Then, when we have computer class, the teacher can see whatever we are doing in class when class is out, using the history, so a fun thing to do is to when a person is not at their deskm, to set their browser to some horrible "Innapropriate" site, and set the desktop to a picture we see there. Nobody gets in trouble for it, because there is no way for the teacher to know who did it.

I used to have a link to my school's project to provide fresh water to a Kenyan Village, but the sig police changed the link to say something, which, if followed, leads to an "ahem" adult website. Let me ask you. Which do you think is worse?

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This really brings back memories.. Where to start on how much of an idiot I was..




Ummm once in 4th grade I was smart mouthing the teacher and she started to make fun of me back.. saying I was bad at math and stuff. So then she told the other students to laugh at me, and I went crazy and threw a chair at the chalkboard and got sent to the office. Then social workers took me and some other angry kids out of class for some sessions? once a week.. lol. God wtf..






Stealing a bunch if audio and video tapes and brekaing them open and covering all the trees in front of the school with the tape. The next day I'm going to school poor janitors all cleaning it lmao Superglued a dude's [wagon] to a chair in grade 8.




Yelling at my teachers.




Stole the teachers chair which was a real nice comfy one and sat in it during class and replaced hers with a stool and refused to move.




Theres more but blah.



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Just today me and some other kid were sitting in class with a lighter :P. Evene though you get suspended from school, I cupped my hand and filled with lighter fluid gas then lit it... Ow! It burned my hand a tad.




Another time on the last day of school in 8th grade me and another friend and some people were sitting there by our lockers, which are about 8 inches wide, 2 and a half feet tall and a foot deep and my friend climber into it. They have the built in locks so you cant just open it either side, you need the combo X-D.




Hmmm... Im sure ill do something else. Im only a freshmen in highschool now! :P, plenty of things to do!

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i accidently lit a match in my pencil boz and i quicky extinguish the match




early that day one of our fans spoiled and the teacher thought something is wrong so she end the extra lesseon early.

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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Death leapfrog, with 12 stools stacked in the common room, was pretty lethal (hence the name).




I have to say though, breaking onto the roof of one of the buildings with a stereo, and dancing to The Time Warp nearly naked has to be mine. 3 day suspension, the losers!

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Bubsa, I am absolutely amazed that the video in your signature is not being passed around internet sites as the "new numa-numa kid".




I felt like I was on acid watching that. :(

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Haha those were funny stores I read. Well, I've made out with my girlfriend in class. about 10-15 seconds long, haha it was in-front of my homeroom teacher. The teacher said, "Things must be going well, but don't go too far okay?"








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set off raw ice bombs in winter, injured some dudes and our selves, #-o =D>




broke as many windows as we can at the farms greenhouse, done some crap with sodium and water(kinda nicked it all) :XD:




erm i done more but its boring =;



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Science room




Bunson Burner




Inhale Air


Exhale extreamly fast through mouth.




Somethiong simmaler though im not dumb enoph for thuis stunt. Had a friend light his fart on fire. Problem is the flame goes both ways and he burned the seat of his pants to say the least =D> . I thought this was quite funny and tried to keep breathing while lauphing for the next 3 minutes(it reallly hurts laphing that hard that long!) ::'

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Death leapfrog, with 12 stools stacked in the common room, was pretty lethal (hence the name).




I have to say though, breaking onto the roof of one of the buildings with a stereo, and dancing to The Time Warp nearly naked has to be mine. 3 day suspension, the losers!




Sounds incredibly fun! :P

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Well there was that senior prank...


Other then that some fune things I've done at college include


- Go for a 2 mile run with some friends at 3am when it was snowing last week and none of us had flashlights... or jackets.


- Went to the Science building at 1am and played MarioKart on a 100inch projector used for powerpoints in lecture


- Had a bokken stick fight (bokken=katanas made of hardwood) in the coutyard of our dorm at ~2am




Yea, me likes college

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Hmm, I haven't had much of a crazy school life.




One of my most memorable things to do was to rally up the class, and oppose against the Physics teacher because she was absolutely rubbish. We couldn't understand anything she said, and she always shouted at us for doing absolutely nothing wrong.






One day, the class got sick of her and just stormed out of the class during her lesson, some going to sit on the stairs to chat, and some going off to goodness knows where to do goodness knows what. ;)






Also, I was involved in a very memorable fist fight with a guy a foot shorter than me, and weighed about half as much as me.(Hey! He started it, showed me attitude and tried to shove me around)




Poor guy, I had to let him hit me a few times to make me feel less guilty about kicking his behind.




I've also played a few pranks which got other people into big trouble, and made some cry, but I don't wanna get into detail. :)






Another one I just remembered, involved a girl, me, hands, classroom, and the desk right in front of the teacher. Also the people sitting around me as on-lookers. I would describe further, but that might be breaking the rules, I dunno.

Known formerly as Ameoba3000.


Now known as Vigoss.

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Well... Heres a few of mine.




When I was in 5th grade I threw a book at a teacher when she was facing the other way and it ended up hitting her in the back of the neck. After all said and done I got expelled from school for a day. Every day after words i felt so weird walking into class knowing the teacher hated me... even though he never said it.




Heres another one




When I was sophomore in highschool I stole the chemistry final. I ended up making copys of it and handed it out to all my friends. The teacher never did find out about it and we all passed the final and the class with "A's"... Owned please?


First place Winner of Nick 6464 F2P custom contest.

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Well... Heres a few of mine.




When I was in 5th grade I threw a book at a teacher when she was facing the other way and it ended up hitting her in the back of the neck. After all said and done I got expelled from school for a day. Every day after words i felt so weird walking into class knowing the teacher hated me... even though he never said it.




Heres another one




When I was sophomore in highschool I stole the chemistry final. I ended up making copys of it and handed it out to all my friends. The teacher never did find out about it and we all passed the final and the class with "A's"... Owned please?


My room mate can pick locks. At the end of his first year at the University he picked into the professor's office at about 4 am the night before the final. In college here we have 2 tests, a mid term (30% of your grade) and a final (70% of your grade).




He got into the guy's office, walked over to his desk and saw the final exam neatly stacked on his desk. Picked one up, felt it in his hands and then put it back on the stack and left. How's that for owned? He could have copied the entire thing, 70% of a grade for a college class, but since he's an honest guy he did it all just to say to others that he could have cheated if he wanted to. Lol. He ended up getting like a 94% anyway, smart kid.

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once I was picking on this dude 2x smaller than me and he threw 2 punches at me that I blocked then he punched me and I grabed him and threw him agist a stone wall and went to class ::' turned out he was in same class as me and he had 2 people helping him limp to class :o




and once I jumped up on a desk and kicked someone in the face (I had a little dog Sh*t on my shoe)for the rest of the year people who didnt know my name called me that dude who kicked that fat kick in the face (only my friend knew about what was on my shoe) O:)

siggy ^.^

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once I was picking on this dude 2x smaller than me and he threw 2 punches at me that I blocked then he punched me and I grabed him and threw him agist a stone wall and went to class ::' turned out he was in same class as me and he had 2 people helping him limp to class :o




and once I jumped up on a desk and kicked someone in the face (I had a little dog Sh*t on my shoe)for the rest of the year people who didnt know my name called me that dude who kicked that fat kick in the face (only my friend knew about what was on my shoe) O:)




And you're proud of that? Aren't you the one that they call "bully"?


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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once I was picking on this dude 2x smaller than me and he threw 2 punches at me that I blocked then he punched me and I grabed him and threw him agist a stone wall and went to class ::' turned out he was in same class as me and he had 2 people helping him limp to class :o




and once I jumped up on a desk and kicked someone in the face (I had a little dog Sh*t on my shoe)for the rest of the year people who didnt know my name called me that dude who kicked that fat kick in the face (only my friend knew about what was on my shoe) O:)




If, by the off chance, you get run over by a car on the way home one day, don't say I didn't warn you.


Pathetic smeghead.

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once I was picking on this dude 2x smaller than me and he threw 2 punches at me that I blocked then he punched me and I grabed him and threw him agist a stone wall and went to class ::' turned out he was in same class as me and he had 2 people helping him limp to class :o




and once I jumped up on a desk and kicked someone in the face (I had a little dog Sh*t on my shoe)for the rest of the year people who didnt know my name called me that dude who kicked that fat kick in the face (only my friend knew about what was on my shoe) O:)


Congratulations. You're a loser.

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once I was picking on this dude 2x smaller than me and he threw 2 punches at me that I blocked then he punched me and I grabed him and threw him agist a stone wall and went to class ::' turned out he was in same class as me and he had 2 people helping him limp to class :o




and once I jumped up on a desk and kicked someone in the face (I had a little dog Sh*t on my shoe)for the rest of the year people who didnt know my name called me that dude who kicked that fat kick in the face (only my friend knew about what was on my shoe) O:)


I honestly don't see why you would just kick a fat kid in the face.

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once I was picking on this dude 2x smaller than me and he threw 2 punches at me that I blocked then he punched me and I grabed him and threw him agist a stone wall and went to class ::' turned out he was in same class as me and he had 2 people helping him limp to class :o




and once I jumped up on a desk and kicked someone in the face (I had a little dog Sh*t on my shoe)for the rest of the year people who didnt know my name called me that dude who kicked that fat kick in the face (only my friend knew about what was on my shoe) O:)




You're a horrible person.. I hope a bunch of kids team up on and and beat the living s* out of you.. You'd deserve more than what you get. <.<

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once I was picking on this dude 2x smaller than me and he threw 2 punches at me that I blocked then he punched me and I grabed him and threw him agist a stone wall and went to class ::' turned out he was in same class as me and he had 2 people helping him limp to class :o




and once I jumped up on a desk and kicked someone in the face (I had a little dog Sh*t on my shoe)for the rest of the year people who didnt know my name called me that dude who kicked that fat kick in the face (only my friend knew about what was on my shoe) O:)






What in the world.




Are you an idiot?

Known formerly as Ameoba3000.


Now known as Vigoss.

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Hmm. I actually can't think of the worst thing I've done at school.




I assure you me and my best friend got in a LOT of trouble (me and my best friend we always did stuff, we had a ton of fun and getting in trouble = fun). At school uhm..Filling alchohol in a water bottle and drinking it in the bathroom, although I didn't get caught so yeah..Anyway, I did call my science teacher a bitch, got in some trouble for that. Nothing that big though.




Not sure if I want to tell you the WORST thing I've gotten in trouble for though. I did get away with it but was pretty fun\scary. :lol:

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