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Goat's Budget training 1: Possibly the most underated spell


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I do that, but fairly difrently. Anthor way to do that is if you just want xp, and got alot of time, and few bucks in the bank. You could buy them also, minds 20 ea, fires 10 ea, or airs 15 ea. For 1k of fire strike costs around 50k, and is 11.5k xp +. Then go to the Black Dragons in the Member Dungen (Taverly Dungen), and just keep casting it their.








That's what I did. :P \' \' \' \' \' \'

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I already posted, but I thought about this again:




Aren't the blue dragons a bit, ehh, crowded. (Every time I got there to kill hellhounds it was packed of people)

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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do you need a anti-fire sheild? :oops:








No you don't. Never seen people ranging those dragons??




They're not like metal drags if t hey can't hit you, their breath can't hit you too.








Good Guide Rubish Idea And No Pics








I've seen few of you critisims so far and I noticed you complain a lot about other peoples guide. There's nothing wrong with that if it was constructive critsism. But yours isn't. You just say "this is rubbish" and that's mostly the whole substance of youre guide.




So please say a bit more what excactly what's wrong (or just say nothing at all)

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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Well written but very bad advice.








Crafting minds. It is both unprofitable and a complete waist of time. It has a significantly lower ROI, gp per hour and xp per hour return than other runecrafting. Here is why you shouldn't craft mind runes:








A round trip to the mind alter takes 3 minutes 11 seconds. That is 18 trips per hour for 2,016 minds per hour(at level 44). For a total of 2,772xp RC per hour.








A round trip to the air alter takes 1minute 14 seconds . That means 48.5 trips an hour for 6,790 airs per hour(at level 44). For a total of 6,790xp RC per hour.








I ran to both alters, so it will actually take much longer if you are walking all the way to the mind alter.








If you sold the runes it would be 40,320gp for the minds at 20gp each, and 135,800gp for the airs at 20gp each. You could buy 1k chaos per hour crafting airs(or nearly 12k minds in the same time ammt of time it takes to craft 2k of them), further raising your xp per hour maging by 165%.








Feel free to time it yourself and you will realize just how much more effective your RC and mage training can get in terms of overall xp/per hour and gold per hour.








The shop prices for minds starts at 3gp each. You would even be better off mining ess, selling it and buying the mind runes from the shop over runecrafting them.

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You might want to add in what spell you are wanting to use towards the top, having it hide in the middle of a paragraph isnt to easy to find

Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

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  • 4 months later...

umm i would suggest crafting airs all the way, then sell some of them to buy minds, because crafting minds is much slower than doin airs, just make sure u dont spend more money than u earned from selling that bit of airs



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nice , but many people all ready no this




Spell much?




Not a bad start to a guide. I'd suggest pics of the safe spots, times between Fire Strike vs Air strike (as in xp gained)




Also might want to explore other spots, such as the black demon spawn under Edge dungeon, especially since they're particularly vunerable to mage. I trained a pure from level 10 mage to 68 in about 3 days using nothing but air strikes.

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umm i would suggest crafting airs all the way, then sell some of them to buy minds, because crafting minds is much slower than doin airs, just make sure u dont spend more money than u earned from selling that bit of airs






Nice suggestion. Re-read my post above. Crafting Minds is one of the **** I mean most in effecient things in the game. It is a waist of time, resources, and XP.




And it is very cleat to those who spend 5 minutes confirming that fact.

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Maybe because I have 80 mage, I just dont really like this method. I did earth strike up to 55 and I thought that was pretty good because you only need 1 air rune. But I think you could develop this guide more and add a few pics add a few statistics and you may change my mind


Rofl. My chair has a fridge, a cooler, a toilet, a shower, and a barbecue bulit in.

Hey, I may have quite Runescape, but I just bought an XBOX 360 and play way to much COD4 with the Gamertag Lava Mage

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Love the idea




D bone prices: 1.4kea


Blue hide prices: 1.8kea




Mind runes: 20gp ea


Air runes: 15-20gp ea




Hm.. please insert a route of banking route. Also, would yanille be a better option for some?!

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This is possible but slow and stupid. You will save time and miney failing curses. Also, do barrows 2 times, you will et around 1.5k minds, then buy fire runes from shops.


Dungeoneering isn't a skill.

I'm faster than bots at Sorceress Garden.

PM me if you want to chat. My PM is always off.

My keyboard is on fire. Want some?

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A common mistake here is to use dragon hide armour
I've never in my 2+ years of playing runescape have seen some one in full dragon hide casting spells. I don't think its common just common for people like you...and people like you have a name in runescape, give you a hint it starts with a n... :roll:


mage attack bonus which you need is actually pretty pants.
How is magic attack bonus have to do with 'pretty pants'...? I don't see any word that looks like pants that you could of mis-spelled...




The mods honslty think this is a guide? Mine essence, Craft runes and use them is a guide? I though a guide had to cover a whole subject, not just one part. I guess they feel bad for you or somthing :lol:

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i have a pure ranger/mage hybrid non member but it still uses the same type of style




you kill hill giants, collect limps and b bones and sell for a profit after rcing the airs and minds


good idea

1100 total achieved 03/02/09 880thousandth to reach it :P

1200 total achieved 29/09/11 1.23millionth to reach it :P


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\' I Love Fire Strike! <3:




:XD: I already knew about this and that was how I trained mage! ::'






Retired as of August 23rd with 91 Firemaking and 6m xp in it.

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wouldent it safe some time to buy the ess




1.200 essx25gp=30.000


and you say 30-40 casts per drag, around 35casts








256,5k - 30k=226,5k




i need to buy mystic armour first that will cost 200k


than i keep 26,5k






now the time:


2k casts


around 3sec per cast and 30sec respawn time


35casts per drag


35x3=105sec=1min 45sec+30sec respawn=2min 15sec x 57 drags=128min 15sec






128min 15sec=2hours 8min 15sec per 2k casts






2k casts=57drags


262,5k per 57drags


262,5k in 2hours 8min 15sec


around 487gp per second










if what i say is true this is free xp and 487gp per second!




gimme credits in guide if you put this in!

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