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Keeping Healthy.


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Its kinda dawned on me recently that I need to look after myself, and it starts now...




I'm not talking muscle mass or weight loss here; i'm talking keeping healthy.




What kind of stuff can and can't you eat? Obviously pork scratchings are off the menu, but what kind of stuff is murder? Obviously I still need to eat lots to keep in good shape, but




And what supplements should you take to help you out? Vitamins, cod liver oil, etc...

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Definitely don't leave out fats from your diet. The recommended intake is stilll about 20-30% of your total diet.








A-D-C-E vitamins and magnesium are very important to remain healthy.








What is murder? Carbohydrates. While most of your calory intake should be from these, refrain from eating too many of these. It makes your insulin production overreact and your blood sugar will be temporarily high; when it goes down you will feel hungry even if you aren't really.








Carbohydrates = sugar, white bread, potato, etc.

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eep, i dont know tooo much about it, i just do...50 sit ups, 30 push ups and 50 weights on each arm morning and night.








eat salad, stay off anything from the corner shop :/ [please dont correct me and say "blah, i have the salard in mar corner shop] , i try to stay off most red meats, eat chicken, alot of fish and experiment with meditaranien [sp :S] salads!








P.S. garlic is way good for you.


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1. No Soda




2. Well to keep in shape i like to run 1 1/2 mile a day, slowly moving up.




3. I also lift (for muscle), but if you really dont want to gain muscle mass do less weight.




4. Not too much sugarly sweets, no triple lunches, esp when its really greasy, saturated fats shouldnt be a big part of your diet. (Go unsaturated!)


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I would not cut back on juice. Juice and water is what I mostly drink. Fried food should be only once in a while. Grease is something to stay away from, like eggs. Eat a balanced diet. A little of everything is good. Meats like chicken, vegetables like brocolli, grain like rice. You have to eat throughout the day periodically. Good breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Excercise 3-5 times a week, sports are fun and I don't consider it work.

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are you in school? pack your own lunch; if you take a lunch, drop it and find an elective/study hall. it'll keep you busy and away from the crap they sell at school








plus, you save money








edit: oh, and drink water. really. take two bottles for school

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Definitely don't leave out fats from your diet. The recommended intake is stilll about 20-30% of your total diet.








A-D-C-E vitamins and magnesium are very important to remain healthy.








What is murder? Carbohydrates. While most of your calory intake should be from these, refrain from eating too many of these. It makes your insulin production overreact and your blood sugar will be temporarily high; when it goes down you will feel hungry even if you aren't really.








Carbohydrates = sugar, white bread, potato, etc.








Depends, simple sugars, like candy and such, produce a great insulin [bleep]e, and then you'll feel hungry in about an hour.




Complex sugars, or complex carbs, like pasta and bread, won't produce as much of an insulin [bleep]e as simple carbs. The time it takes to break down complex carbs helps stave off hunger for longer than simple sugars.

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Well I'm a vegetarian and I never get sick, and I really mean never. Also, water is good to drink.
I mainly eat take-away and microwave dinners, and I don't get sick either. Awesome stock immune system is not dependant on what you eat :thumbsup:
















The only thing I take is metamucil since I don't get enough fibre normally, everything else I generally have covered.

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food you cant eat are high colestrol (soz if i spelt rong) or any high sugar related foods, otherwise you'd have diabetes :shock: . foods that can keep you healthy are low calories, high protein and calcium. usually orange juice and fried eggs are at the top of the breakfast chain. what can and cant keep you healthy is what you do and how active you body is.

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food you cant eat are high colestrol (soz if i spelt rong) or any high sugar related foods, otherwise you'd have diabetes :shock: . foods that can keep you healthy are low calories, high protein and calcium. usually orange juice and fried eggs are at the top of the breakfast chain. what can and cant keep you healthy is what you do and how active you body is.








Despite popular belief, high sugar related foods do not cause diabetes quickly. Diabetes occur after long time exposure to more sugar than insulin can be produced and cell's ability to absorb sugar.








Foods range from person to person. Low calorie, high protein, and calcium may not be right for you. OJ and fried eggs (lots of fat and cholesterol, but also protein) may actually be an unhealthy breakfast.








Usually you have to adjust what you eat to your activity level.








More active?




Go for high calories, protein, calcium, complex carbs, etc.








Less active?




Less calories, less proteins, but always keep calcium high.

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I'm reasonably active, and have a pretty good metabolism and so can eat a lot of crap without putting on fat.








The best advice to just staying healthy and feeling good is to eat five fruits and vegetables every day. Drink around 2 litres of water every day, don't binge drink or smoke or take drugs. Get yourself breathless for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week. Go easy on the fatty and sugary foods, but don't be put off completely. If you're going for a burger or steak try and make sure it's good quality.








This isn't easy, and looking back on it I fail on a few counts, but it seems to work.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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IMO there's nothing that needs to be changed as long as it's done well so far. I drink a liter of Coke daily, and I don't need to change that, as it doesn't make me fat or anything.

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IMO there's nothing that needs to be changed as long as it's done well so far. I drink a liter of Coke daily, and I don't need to change that, as it doesn't make me fat or anything.








Just because you can't see the effects of what you're doing, it doesn't mean it's okay. Fat and lipids can slowly build up in your arteries over years, without you actually getting fat until one day, bam, heart attack. Smokers can smoke for years with nothing more than an occasional cough and then one day, bam, you've got lung cancer.








I'm not a doctor, but you should seriously cut down on the amount of coke you drink every day. It's not healthy, the sugar won't be doing your teeth or body any good, even if it doesn't make you fat, and it's not needed.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Light things - you don't want a steak every night. Stick to salads, baked white fish and chicken, garlic, other light menus.

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Light things - you don't want a steak every night. Stick to salads, baked white fish and chicken, garlic, other light menus.








You sure? Steak every night is ok. But it is only justified if you eat (think it was 1/2 a lb or 1/4 or something) of it and you have to exercise everyday (switching different exercises so your muscles can rebuild. Steak has lots of fat (energy), and proteins(very important for rebuilding muscles). Could probably find something better though. Careful of fish high in mercury.

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I don't think there's any single thing anyone on these boards can tell you that would be the most direct way to being healthier, so take everything with a grain of salt (unless you're trying to stay healthy, then don't haha.








Here's a great website I found a while back.
















Basically it runs down all of the healthiest foods for you, including their nutritional breakdown, meal plans, and my favorite, specific benefits linked to the consumption of that particular food. I don't necessarily follow that stuff, but I like to learn about it.








If you don't already, take a multi-vitamin daily to supply your body with the nutrients it's not getting from your diet. If you eat healthy already, it might be overkill to take a multi-vitamin. I personally take a little extra Vitamin-C just for kicks, and a flaxseed oil and fish oil because I just learned of a family history of heart disease and those oils are high in omega-3 fatty acids which keeps cholesterol from building on your arteries.








Mostly, do your own research on whatever you do, because what the guy above said about drinking a liter of soda daily and how that works for him definitely doesn't work for me, because after a couple of years of not drinking soda my body would probably freak out. But a liter of soda daily is horribly bad for you as far as I'm concerned.

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