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Mid-Term Elections


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Sooo... Whos are president going to be?








Check back in two years, we might have an answer.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I didn't vote, I wasn't going to vote because nothing really stood out among the canditates for me. Also because I'm overwhelmed with college work :\




You could've filled out an absentee ballot in the time it took you to type up that post :oops:








I sent in my absentee ballot last week, looks like the people I voted for are winning :D

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The democrats are taking back control finally :thumbsup: \'








WISCONSIN: polls close at 9:00 p.m. EST (from msnbc)












Candidate Votes % of votes




Jim Doyle (DEM)* 1,135,714 53%




Mark Green (REP) 976,670 45%




99% of precincts reporting












Candidate Votes % of votes




Herb Kohl (DEM)* 1,435,498 67%




Robert Lorge (REP) 628,688 30%




99% of precincts reporting








U.S. House - District 1 | COUNTY RESULTS




Candidate Votes % of votes




Paul Ryan (REP)* 160,033 63%




Jeff Thomas (DEM) 95,303 37%




100% of precincts reporting








U.S. House - District 2 | COUNTY RESULTS




Candidate Votes % of votes




Tammy Baldwin (DEM)* 191,361 63%




Dave Magnum (REP) 112,976 37%




100% of precincts reporting








U.S. House - District 3 | COUNTY RESULTS




Candidate Votes % of votes




Ron Kind (DEM)* 161,714 65%




Paul Nelson (REP) 87,664 35%




99% of precincts reporting








U.S. House - District 4 | COUNTY RESULTS




Candidate Votes % of votes




Gwen Moore (DEM)* 136,382 71%




Perfecto Rivera (REP) 54,459 29%




99% of precincts reporting








U.S. House - District 5 | COUNTY RESULTS




Candidate Votes % of votes




Jim Sensenbrenner (REP)* 194,480 62%




Bryan Kennedy (DEM) 112,517 36%




100% of precincts reporting








U.S. House - District 6 | COUNTY RESULTS




Candidate Votes % of votes




Tom Petri (REP)* 0 0%




0% of precincts reporting








U.S. House - District 7 | COUNTY RESULTS




Candidate Votes % of votes




David Obey (DEM)* 161,307 62%




Nick Reid (REP) 90,951 35%




99% of precincts reporting








U.S. House - District 8 | COUNTY RESULTS




Candidate Votes % of votes




Steven Kagen (DEM) 141,598 51%




John Gard (REP) 134,990 49%




99% of precincts reporting








Definition of Marriage




Marriage. Shall section 13 of article XIII of the constitution be created to provide that only marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state and that a legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals shall not be valid or recognized in this state?




Votes % of votes




Yes 1,259,489 59% :evil:




No 860,996 41%




99% of precincts reporting

<the49ronin> O_o methinks ard is acting mighty high and pretty -.-

<Ard_Choille> I am pretty

<Ard_Choille> fo shizzle

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Argh, the House. I still have nothing good to say about the Democrats and their last minute slam campaign against key Representatives.








2008's going to be an interesting election, considering we are most likely to have a Republican president at the moment.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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i didn't register to vote...i honestly don't care as i like neither of the major candidates...the person that represents most of me will never win








meh...i like politics sometimes...but people vote for which party they belong to..not the candidates themselves (most of the time)

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The results are in! Well, for the most part.








For Michigan- Granholm won Gov and Stabenow won Senate!! \'








Post your state results!!








Same here, but I'm hardly pleased with it. Even if Granholm is from my hometown. #-o








Well, better than the money bag DeVos. I guessed he learned that money doesn't buy you everything, even in the Plutocracy of America.








I for one am glad Democrats are finally taking the house and senate. Besides the fact that taxes may go up, I suppose it's better to favor the middle class than the rich *cough*Republicans*cough* Plus, this could finaly mean Gay Marriage or Gay Civil Union, whatever you want to call it. It would be about time anyway, Canada already legalized it years ago.








Well, I suppose some of those Democrats aren't ture Democates. More like conservative Democrats.


Me doing staff.

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Guest GhostRanger
I suppose it's better to favor the middle class than the rich *cough*Republicans*cough*












Taxes right now are lower for the middle class than ever under Clinton and higher for the rich than ever under Clinton. If you are going to say the Republicans have been favoring the rich, back it up.

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Gotta love it how most dem's have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. :P

When you are learning, you are growing. If you stop learning, you stop growing. If you stop growing, you die. Train hard, eat fried chicken, and take a one-a-day. (And cook that broccoli 'til it's yella and pour cheese all over it)


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Go Purdue. I don't really care that he was a Republican. I just like what he did for the state of Georgia. Judging him by is work in office rather than his political votes, he is suited for the job, and I think he had done an excellent job in the past and will continue doing so. Although...his name sucks.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Guest GhostRanger
Judging him by is work in office rather than his political votes, he is suited for the job, and I think he had done an excellent job in the past and will continue doing so. Although...his name sucks.








A good reason to vote for someone.

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I say Schwarzenegger Forever! He's like a breath of fresh air after Grey Davis. I don't know about this Christ guy who is replacing Jeb Bush, though. :-P He seems a little shifty. :shame:

When you are learning, you are growing. If you stop learning, you stop growing. If you stop growing, you die. Train hard, eat fried chicken, and take a one-a-day. (And cook that broccoli 'til it's yella and pour cheese all over it)


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Argh, the House. I still have nothing good to say about the Democrats and their last minute slam campaign against key Representatives.








2008's going to be an interesting election, considering we are most likely to have a Republican president at the moment.








well, i didn't notice that, coulda happened though. I was most appalled at the racist comercial against Harold Ford Jr. that was a slam if anything.








i didn't register to vote...i honestly don't care as i like neither of the major candidates...the person that represents most of me will never win








meh...i like politics sometimes...but people vote for which party they belong to..not the candidates themselves (most of the time)








and that's what's bringing America to it's 40% voter turnout..."my vote won't count...and none of the canidates have veiws i like...." run for office if you're that upset. Really, people would kill to vote and you're whining.

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Okay, we've talked about the house and senate to death, but what about all yalls propositions?








Here are some of the major ones that passed in my state of Arizona:




















:English is now the official language








:Smoking in ALL PUBLIC PLACES is now banned, even bars








:Minimum wage increased from $5.15 to $6.75 (WHOA)








:A lot more restraints on Illegal Immigrants rights in court (no bail on felonys, no collection of punitive damages)








:Illiegal Immigrants are now ineligable to take state adult education classes








:More regulations on giving calves and pigs sufficient space on farms


Gamertag: King Arizona

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and that's what's bringing America to it's 40% voter turnout..."my vote won't count...and none of the canidates have veiws i like...." run for office if you're that upset. Really, people would kill to vote and you're whining.








im not whining. im saying i am represented by 2 parties...the democrats and republicans. i like neither party...so why should i vote for something i dont support?








if the two candidates would talk about what they would do for me other than what their opponent WON'T do...then i might be more inclined to vote








i don't base things on parties...but America, in general due to tradition, does








i want a candidate to take the platform..tell me what his views are...wat he plans to do...and how he plans to do them...not "oh my opponent did this when he was 14...dont vote for him....and he wont even do this for you"








i don't care what one won't do...or how bad the other is. Tell me about you...

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Guest GhostRanger


and that's what's bringing America to it's 40% voter turnout..."my vote won't count...and none of the canidates have veiws i like...." run for office if you're that upset. Really, people would kill to vote and you're whining.








im not whining. im saying i am represented by 2 parties...the democrats and republicans. i like neither party...so why should i vote for something i dont support?








Correct. But what you and everyone else who is tired of two parties should do is actively support independents and third parties.

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and that's what's bringing America to it's 40% voter turnout..."my vote won't count...and none of the canidates have veiws i like...." run for office if you're that upset. Really, people would kill to vote and you're whining.








im not whining. im saying i am represented by 2 parties...the democrats and republicans. i like neither party...so why should i vote for something i dont support?








Correct. But what you and everyone else who is tired of two parties should do is actively support independents and third parties.








i re-edited my post love :3>








but in response to this...i did...i voted (erm...would have voted if i was old enough) for Ross Perot when he ran b/c he was a successful business man who told me what he was going to do...and knew his stuff about economics...that's who i want in office

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and that's what's bringing America to it's 40% voter turnout..."my vote won't count...and none of the canidates have veiws i like...." run for office if you're that upset. Really, people would kill to vote and you're whining.








im not whining. im saying i am represented by 2 parties...the democrats and republicans. i like neither party...so why should i vote for something i dont support?








Correct. But what you and everyone else who is tired of two parties should do is actively support independents and third parties.








Agreed, even if you don't like the third parties candidates you should vote for the parties general views (since the candidates are unlikely to get into office). This puts a little pressure on the major parties to adopt some views :P


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Voting for the third parties is a good thing if one of them is closer to your political stance than Democrats or Republicans. I voted for the two Libertarians that were candidates. As you can see from the picture, neither of them came close. Still, it was nice to have that option.








In Vermont an independent was elected to Senate. He is a Socialist, the first one to serve in the U.S. Senate. He caucuses with the Democrats, so they counted him as a Democrat when it comes to committee assignments. So that puts the Senate at 51-49 in favor of the Democrats. That means Congress is controlled by the Democrats (The House is controlled by them also).



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and that's what's bringing America to it's 40% voter turnout..."my vote won't count...and none of the canidates have veiws i like...." run for office if you're that upset. Really, people would kill to vote and you're whining.








im not whining. im saying i am represented by 2 parties...the democrats and republicans. i like neither party...so why should i vote for something i dont support?








Correct. But what you and everyone else who is tired of two parties should do is actively support independents and third parties.








Agreed, even if you don't like the third parties candidates you should vote for the parties general views (since the candidates are unlikely to get into office). This puts a little pressure on the major parties to adopt some views :P








Actually I think if anything it makes it easier for big parties, Republicans for the most part. For example, the Dems only lose votes everytime Nader runs for Green/Independant (whatever he is). You're better off voting for the lesser of the evils (Dems/Reps) than wasting that vote on a third party.


Gamertag: King Arizona

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