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law running on world 66


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For a long time this player designated world for law making has been great but.....




Why do runners now ask for 27 ess back..?!




27 laws will sell for a minimum of 8.1k, the 27 pure ess will sell for 2.1k so why aren't they happy to trade 27 ess for 27 laws!?!




They are making a major profit out of this and still they ask for "27 noted ess", this would more than half the amount of law makers there which means alot of people won't be getting there laws anytime soon :wall:








In future think of the law makers, we give up our time to help you guys and you asking for ess from us is taking it to far.

Warning, psycho at work =p

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World 99 Doesn't give ess back-they just want exp








World 66 is BS right now, gives you 10 laws for 27 ess and back eh?? Confusing... :?

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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As an ex-crafter of world 66, runners have always asked for 27 ess and 27 laws back. Although this is more expensive, there is an excess of runners on world 66 compared to world 99 which doesn't give ess back and has less runners. Basically, you pay for the faster exp on world 66 while on world 99 you get free exp but it's a lot slower.








Those who offer 10 laws and 27 ess back are leeches meaning they don't make their own laws and steal the 27 laws and 27 ess from regular runners.

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World 99 Doesn't give ess back-they just want exp








World 66 is BS right now, gives you 10 laws for 27 ess and back eh?? Confusing... :?

They do? Since when? Since Jagex screwed up RC'ing for everyone with the damned pure essence? :?
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Before, when Rune Essence was Rune Essence, and Pure Essence didn't exist, the price of regular Essence was low enough that Rune Crafters were able to get essence without losing a large chunk of money. Now, the price of their essence has gone up 4-5 times, and for the amount of runes they need to make, it becomes very unprofitable if they have to give back Essence as well.


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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It has always been that way, that way the runners can continuously run ess to the crafters, without stopping. If the crafters didn't give ess back, the runners would have to sell the laws and buy more ess so they could keep running. It's also a way to attract more runners to the World 66 Company over the 99 one.

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Yep, I thought that its always been like that. But there were always a few people who wouldn't mind if they got less. I've always wanted the full 27, because I'm picky :)




Whoever invented this idea was a genius though. Its a benefit to both sides.


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

Optimistic Elder in Runescape's only cult, The Order of Cabbage.

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World 66 is created for people that want to level up faster.. but at a very high price.








World 99 is there for lower level members that can't craft law runes but want to have lots without much/if any expense.








The problem with this is that people that expect ess back go to this world and think that it's the same as World 99.. when its not.

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World 99 is created for people that want to level up faster.. but at a very high price.








World 66 is there for lower level members that can't craft law runes but want to have lots without much/if any expense.








The problem with this is that people that expect ess back go to this world and think that it's the same as World 99.. when its not.








I think you got it the wrong way round, world 66 is the one with a high price

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World 99 is created for people that want to level up faster.. but at a very high price.








World 66 is there for lower level members that can't craft law runes but want to have lots without much/if any expense.








The problem with this is that people that expect ess back go to this world and think that it's the same as World 99.. when its not.








I think you got it the wrong way round, world 66 is the one with a high price








He is with the crafter's side of view, not runner's

Strangely with WotLK so near, I wished I could delay it a bit to push through that last TBC content in MH/BT :'(.

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