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. . : : Bad RuneScape habits? :-\ : : . .


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I refuse to sell rune scimitars. :)








i am almost like that...except i refuse to sell anything i pk...i kinda keep it there as a trophy to show my frends...oh...and i don't know if this is a r/s habit...but when i always play runescape...i have to be eating crackers or else i'll get bored and probably get banned...

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Loading up with bars, walking to Dorics, and forgetting the hammer, or to the air altar without a tally or tiara.








And another one, having left the bank without coins and needing a general store item or a Karamja fare, thinking it's faster to fight something than walk back.

same :anxious:

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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I tend to stack everything up that has a good market potential, and when I need money I sell it all, sometimes for much too profitable prices. But heck, did regret selling those 580 addy arrows for 60k.



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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exaiming stuff and using right click a lot like when I pick up drops I right click the pile and then left click the item I wish to pick up. I do this for every pile I see, sometimes making me lose the item I want to pick up.




Another is waiting for the monster to die and killing the next monster or waiting for drop. When the monster is near death, probably like one slash away, I slash it once and before I see the damage or see that it is dead, I click the next monster next to me in order to speed it up, but it seems to slow me down, since unlucky I hit 0s on those 1 slashes. Another is waiting for the drop to appear, I would kill it, see it lay on the floor and hit the next monster. When I have hit the monster once I would see the drop from the last monster and I would run over and pick it up before the monster I am currently killing is dead...waste of time to me. I try to finish killing the monster before I go and pick up the last drop unless I really don't want it looted or vanish on me.

99 Fletch~~99 WC~~79/81 Fishing

87/94 Magic~~84 Range

Etha! Saradomin Forever~CW

CB: 107 Total: 1788+


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im guilty of examining everything and right cliking everyone for their names. im also guilty of just standing around insted of training. :wall:








i also have a habit of orginizing my inv. bank i sorta keep organized. another habit i have is that i *must* be wearing a sort of armor at all times.








im guilty of healing right when i get hit

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Not so much anymore, but I used to examine EVERYTHING.








Even things that I memorized the examinations for..








Exact same here.

R.I.P The Old Nite. Heroes get remembered. But Legends never die. You were truly a Runescape Legend


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Not so much a bad habit, but keeping my bank organised. I try to have multiple items, so when I withdraw one, the spot in bank remains taken.








Sorry I can't sell you a full set of rune, I only have one kite atm and can't lose that spot ;)




Nope sorry, I can only sell you 4 ranar seeds, because I need the fifth to keep my bank organised. Herbs and seeds I order in my bank according to the rarity. Runes I have ordered in the rank of crafting levels, same with gems. Barrows sets are annoying, once you damage them, they take up an extra spot and won't fit on the undamaged ones. ARGH!








Quite ironic, considering I'm quite chaotic/disorganised in real life.

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If I have a lot of money, I have this sudden urge to go spend it all on something. This is why I never have more than 200k unless I'm saving up for something.








I also examine a lot of things ::'

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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