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views on farming?


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At first I really enjoyed it, but quickly got bored of it as it was so slow.








I'm level 78 now, and farm exclusively herbs and trees... nothing else.




I find doing tours of the entire map, visiting every inconveniently place patch very tedious.

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I enjoyed farming more in the late 30s-mid 40s, now it just takes too long for a level without trees. Still a great source of herbs.


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Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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It has its uses...I definetly don't like how you more or less have to meet other stat/quest/wealth requirements to really thrive in it. But I guess that applies to every skill on som level...its just slow. Good source of herbs, however.

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I don't find farming that bad. Mines only 53, my lowest skill, but I don't mind it really. Not my most hated skill and I would like to grow it more. Like most skills they will eventually get boring put it's not about waiting for plants to grow it's about touring the map and going to every other patch while plants grow.

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I hate farming, but then again I hate nearly every skill, so my opinion doesn't really mean anything here.









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Farming is my favorite non-combat skill. It turns Herblore from an expensive skill into a real money maker. I have been power farming with my trees from Miscellania, but now that I can grow every seed there is (with a garden pie), I really don't feel like power-leveling it anymore as it is just a waste of money. If I wanted a 99 cape, I would go for something faster and cheaper. The only way I will go back to power-farming is if Jagex made it worth my while (for example if they had crop yields increase with your farming level).








And I may decide to grow some Magic Trees if I ever get my WC level up so I can chop them down :oops:


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I had a blast training the levels. Getting the levels up to grow new stuff, new herbs, new things. New trees, bushes, it was really fun leveling.








And then....








It got to a point where it was a chore to get the level i wanted, and it became work instead of fun.








Its a great skill because of the benefits.. herb growing, spirit tree, limps, etc.








But I don't train it anymore. If I were to rank which skills I would lik to get to 99, this one would be near the bottom. hehe. 99 Farming?? Edgads!

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REMEMBER RUNESCAPE KARMA! Be a nice player, and nice things will come back to you.

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