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What usually happens when you wake up on christmas day?


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A few years ago, I would have been up at about 6/7, rushing round the house in excitment. Last few years though, I have managed to sleep in. I still love Christmas but I need my sleep ins :3>


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Hmm.. I get up whenever. Sometimes late since I can't fall asleep the night prior to christmas (christmas eve :D) and I get up, wait for my parents to get up, my sister is normally going crazy and has been up watching TV for like 3 hours earlier then I woke up. I look at the shapes of the presents with my name on them and try to guess in my head what they are. My parents drink coffee/tea and then we get to open the presents. Later we go to church and then to my relatives house in Brooklyn. I agree.. Even without the gifts, the feeling of christmas is great. Anyone who has ever been to NYC during Christmas time knows what I'm talking about. Truely Amazing.








~ReCk! :ohnoes:

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at about 6am every year my dad wakes us up by creating a inhuman fart in a santa costume and shouts "theres your present kids, happy christmas" in which we all wake up and open presents and visit relatives for more pressies and christmas dinner

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Eh. I'll goto bed, and my little brother won't get out of my room. So he'll talk and talk and talk until I finally get him out. Then it's another hour of my little sister sneaking downstairs to muck with him, so I usaully don't sleep till 1ish..








Then I get woken up by little brother and sister. They run upstairs, I sleep some more, big brother comes down and slaps me around, and then I go upstairs.








Sadly, I think all the excitement and buzz of Christmas has kinda..worn off.. Last year, Christmas snuck up on me so fast. I wasn't counting down days like before.. or paying as much attention the calendar-chocolate-thing.








It's good to be with my family, though. That's what really important.. I'm pretty good for what I have.. can't really think of what else I want 'sides some cd's and stuff.








Overall, pretty swell. ;P


It really has

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On Christmas Eve I go to one of my aunts or uncles house every year, we alternate every year so it's always different. Me and my cousins open my aunts and uncles presents then.








Christmas Day I wake up about 8:00 and open presents from my parent's. Then I go to my grandparents house with the whole family which is great because I usually don't get to see the whole family at once. Then my grandparent's give their gifts to me and my cousins then.








I have a big family so it's always fun on Christmas :D . Going to be even funner because my Dad is getting me the Nintendo Wii :D .

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This year'll be the first in at least 4 that i'm at home...so it'll be different. Usually i wake up surprised that i actually got to sleep, and go downstairs, tell everyone marry christmas, and open the presents. Then i go to Church, which'll be awesome this year since i'm actually home and i love my Church. It'll be awesome...and hopefully a Wii will be included in one of the many presents for me and my sister... :P No relatives this Christmas though...at least i'll get to go snowboarding more \'


"El que no arriesga no gana"

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I used to be alot like you Mixand, I would never be able to get to sleep so I would go look at the christmas tree for a few hours until my mum would come and tell me to go to bed :P Then i would wake up at about 7am and wake up both my sisters and parents. Those were the good days. I don't get excited by christmas anymore :(

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Guest TaDaraCampbell

I usually wake up quite easrly (4am-ish), creep around the house to the tree, check it out with its many presents (my parents go present-crazy on us), go back to bed, then my little sister wakes me up at 6-7am, that's when we open our presents. I've never been good with presents, as I open them I feel very guilty for I feel I am un-deserving of all these great things that my parents have to work for years for me to get. My sisters, on the other hand, do not share this same feeling towards presents, one of my sisters even had the nerve to ask my oldest sisters friends to buy him a present.

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I check for reindeer or old fat men in red stuck in the rafters on the roof. ::'

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In Argentina we do it differently.




Instead of eating the Christmas feast in Christmas Day, we eat it in Christmas Eve night. Then we wait till Midnight (adults talk, kids play etc) and open presents. Then we stay a little while with our new gifts and head home and sleep. Then wake up the next day and go to church if you want.








But that only happened a few times, since all (cept parents) of my family lives in Argentina and we can afford 14-hour flight plane tickets every year we just stay up late.








I have one on eve and one on Christmas day ::'



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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Like last year, I plan on staying up until 5:30AM the night of Christmas Eve., chatting in #runescape. I will then, without fail, at 6AM, be woken up by my brothers and sister, who want me to come downstairs with them. I'll manage to drag my sleep-ridden corpse down the stairs to the tree, where there will be a lot of hushed speculation, giggling, wrestling, and playing of muted video games, the likes of which will be sure to rouse my parents. They'll be down before seven. The rest of my family will start on the presents while I, finally relieved of the burden of keeping my siblings away from the goods, drag myself into the kitchen to toast myself a whole box of waffles, due to my having starved myself for the previous 48 hours. I will then proceed to the living room to attempt to join in the festivities. I will then go back to bed until around 2PM, at which point, oh, we simply must drive for an hour to get to Richmond for much merrymaking with distant cousins I don't know. Aty such time, being at my good friend and cousin's Ryan, I will crawl into his bed until 9PM, at which point it will be Time to Go. I'll get home, sleep until 10 the next morning, and wake up ready to puke. Failing to do so, I'll inspect my presents, then continue with my life. Hopefully this year while playing a Wii.
















Exciting, innit?

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I struggle to wake up. By that time its about 10.30 am, and the rest of the family members are all awake and waiting for me for breakfast.








I stumble down the stairs, run my fingers through my hair because I couldn't be bothered to get a hairbrush from the bathroom. Bathroom floors are COLD. Brrr.








I enter the living room, towards the breakfast table and mumble something that sounds remotely like 'merry christmas', and reach for the coffee. Too much staged hapiness can be solved by coffee. Liters of coffee. (I have around.. 10 cups? that day)








I have to endure comments about my grumpy mood and guessing about who bought what for the others. The guessing usually goes on for about 8 consecutive hours, you get my point.








Presents? I don't care much.




Special food? Meh, I'll eat it, mostly out of guilt for the efforts that were put into making it.








At least it became somewhat better with having a girlfriend to sort of escape the whole deal. If its boring you have the excuse you have to leave to see her side of the family. And vice versa.








In fact, I might just spend the better part of the day in IRC. And flame whoever doesn't agree.

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