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Metalheart's blog of killing...

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As agreed with Metal yesterday, I said I'd open this after a day when the apparent flaming cools off. I'm only opening this again because Metal got his big rate topic locked due to a bad dumb move - naming scammers. Although only a small part of his topic, it got it all locked.








This is the only time I, and probably most mods, will do this. Any other topics which start flaming or naming other players as scammers will be locked no matter how big or popular the topic was before. It is users responsibility to remember the rules please, so your posts don't get locked.







One warning - anyone that continues to talk on this topic about a certain player scamming will get punished for breaking Tipit rules accordingly. Remember you can deal with personal issues by PM if you need to. People may post "I'm sorry you got scammed, hope things go better, gl" for example, but do not post flames, specially towards anyone in specific.








Lastly, I'll say that you have to accept the risks and possible consequences each time you do a trade in game. Do not flame in Tipit when something bad happened due to a certain trade which was under your control somehow.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Thank you very much misterxman. This means alot to me.








I'd like to thank everyone for helping me out BIG TIME. I wouldn't be playing anymore if it wasn't for you guys !! It's late now and i'm watching a movie but i'll be updating this topic first thing tommorow after school.











..::Attack, Mage, Ranged & Hitpoints 99 | Total DK Drops: #223++::..

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Thank you very much misterxman. This means alot to me.








I'd like to thank everyone for helping me out BIG TIME. I wouldn't be playing anymore if it wasn't for you guys !! It's late now and i'm watching a movie but i'll be updating this topic first thing tommorow after school.
















Glad you're okay now <3:








We GOF love you! <3:<3: :D

* ChanServ sets mode: +h Teh_Demi-God_Of_All_Nubs

<_ScOpeY_> A sad day in the history of irc

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yay, glad to see it was unlocked. I wasn't one of the people flaming (much) but I think this was carried out a little bit poorly on both sides. I understand why people flamed, it was due to anger and our love for a great tipiter. But flaming isnt totally necessary, at least not to the extent at which it was carried out. On the side of the mods, I felt a little bit betrayed that they were threatening bans over it, because personally I think he deserved it and knew he had it coming. It was almost as if they were siding with him. But, the rules still stand so I understand why it was done.








thats all I have to say on that.








Glad to see you haven't gone, I'll add you if you want me too, I'd love to have a chat with you :) .

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yay, glad to see it was unlocked. I wasn't one of the people flaming (much) but I think this was carried out a little bit poorly on both sides. I understand why people flamed, it was due to anger and our love for a great tipiter. But flaming isnt totally necessary, at least not to the extent at which it was carried out. On the side of the mods, I felt a little bit betrayed that they were threatening bans over it, because personally I think he deserved it and knew he had it coming. It was almost as if they were siding with him. But, the rules still stand so I understand why it was done.








thats all I have to say on that.








Glad to see you haven't gone, I'll add you if you want me too, I'd love to have a chat with you :) .








It would be great talking to you wakka, i'll add you first thing tommorow. (It's late here and i got school..)




We already met I did a game of BA with you and a few other [bleep].it'ers the day BA was released. :)



..::Attack, Mage, Ranged & Hitpoints 99 | Total DK Drops: #223++::..

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yay, glad to see it was unlocked. I wasn't one of the people flaming (much) but I think this was carried out a little bit poorly on both sides. I understand why people flamed, it was due to anger and our love for a great tipiter. But flaming isnt totally necessary, at least not to the extent at which it was carried out. On the side of the mods, I felt a little bit betrayed that they were threatening bans over it, because personally I think he deserved it and knew he had it coming. It was almost as if they were siding with him. But, the rules still stand so I understand why it was done.








thats all I have to say on that.








Glad to see you haven't gone, I'll add you if you want me too, I'd love to have a chat with you :) .








It would be great talking to you wakka, i'll add you first thing tommorow. (It's late here and i got school..)




We already met I did a game of BA with you and a few other [bleep].it'ers the day BA was released. :)

ah ok, i couldnt remember everyone that I played with other then I did play with a team :wink:
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YAY your not quiting because of some low life scammer <3: , even though we have never spoken i have always liked your posts but i never ever post on anyones thread :boohoo: he he but anyway i wish you good luck on getting all that cash back (i heard how much it was i was like :ohnoes: ).

I am iRange I accidently reactivated my account with a non exsistant e-mail (yeah I'm cool) so I'll be on here til an Admin can reactivate for me hehe.

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i just said on runescape ( im laurens54 , if u might remember) that i thought it was cool from you to carry on with runescape








i watched this thread like almost everyday, something like 5 times a week




and i was very impressed








and i have NO DOUBT that you will get back on ur feets








go own some DK's , do whatever ya want , and dont loose the fun in runescape and the great friends u have








goodluck in rs and real life of course also ::' :thumbsup:








The 1 word i would like to finish with is that i got this for you:








RESPECT <3: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Apparently none of you can multiply correctly....

300cats x 100deaths= 3,000deaths




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what an amazing post! :lol: :wink:

















could you post something more useful








ontopic: sorry about what happened, but you made 182mil once, you can obviously do it again (especially after all the donations you've been getting)








i shall leave you with an italian proverb: "to trust is good, not to trust is better"

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You don't know me (Ill add you on friday which is the next day ill play) but i would like to be friends. You got to love the tip.it community.








I hope i can earn a name for myself soon.








Love ya <3:










2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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I know what it's like to get scammed like that. i lost my Green Partyhat a month or so back to "a Tipiter I trusted" and he decided to walk with it...








Goodluck on your 100m goal. I'm on a goal to get my partyhat back as well. Best of luck at DK's. ::'

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