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When a noob follows you...


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Well, if I feel like being nice(which I usually am) I'll help them out with anything they need. But, if they want to harass me and be ignorant, well then, you sir, you can follow me to mole caves or stonehenge!


More Tip.it Friends Needed! Feel Free To Add Me\m/ Tip.it's Biggest Metalhead.

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If they beg I'll lure them to the 'Stonehege' place if I'm near. :twisted:








:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: I ought to try that sometime... :twisted:

perfect grammar is one thing, typing like a drugged monkey and enjoying it is another


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Once a noob was following me and ask him if he wanted to fight




he said yes and i killed him in 1 hit in lev 46 wildy!! :evil: :twisted:








I doubt you can't 1 hit.








And :roll: to me your a noob *Spelling is ace*

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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i dont call them n**bs but when a new player follows me i follow them back so we dance around and i ask if i can help them and as long as its nothing big i will help them or give advice (but sorry im not too good at this game =D> and dont know much but i do my best)








so yeah help someone out it doestn hurt you...

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I says "yes" and when they ask something I either help them, anwser the question, or say why I cant help. Its always worked for me, and if I dont feel likeanwsering I simply act stupid ( yes it does work ) so:








make me full rune




wuts full rune




its armor noob, make me it




Whats armor?




its what you wear are you making it or not???




Huh? I didnt get that, come again please?




I said make me full rune




Oh why didnt you say so?




So can you make it now?




Make what?








Works everytime....








Thats what I do. Just annoy them. I hate noobs that ask you to make them full mith/addy/rune. Just because I'm a higher combat level doesn't mean I can make full rune lol. They probly dont even now you need 99 smithing to make it. :|

O O --(O)-(O)-- What the....


\___/ \_____/

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I used to mess with alot of ppl back when you could only see someones CB level in the wildy.








followed them around pestering them, than they would lead me to delrith place, with the stonehenge and watch me 1 hit the mages with fists lol.

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I hate noobs... they follow me around cuz im a girl and are all like "omg wered u get dat i want it! lol wtf".....




go away. I had to work to where I am today and I still have to.

Why settle with reality when the video game offers so much more?

The virtual world has so much more to offer me than reality.

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If I'm in a mood add them to ignore list straight away. If I'm in a good mood I will awnser their question if they are begging merely state the facts that they can get their own money. And if they're hopeless when I'm being good then say hello to my ignore list.

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If they just follow, I'll just mind my own business. If they ask something I'll answer them briefly and if they start getting annoyed, I just walk on and ignore them. I always give someone the chance to speak to me no matter what until I judge them.

99 Fletch~~99 WC~~79/81 Fishing

87/94 Magic~~84 Range

Etha! Saradomin Forever~CW

CB: 107 Total: 1788+


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  • 2 weeks later...
When someone follows me for no reason, my first guess will have to be: he wants to see the emote. So i wait.. 10 seconds before i say "?". Usually the person will say "emote plz" just as i guessed. sheesh.. :roll:








'samer but not the emote.

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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