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. . : : Create Your Own Emote!!! : : . .


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Break dancing emote
















"Hit lvl-3 autoers over the head and kill them in a bloody fashion with a random shovel that appears in your inventory when you use this emote" emote








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A spaz emote and an emo-emote. Kidding...I don't know what I'd make.








For emo you'd take out a dagger and cut your wrist with it haha.








Maybe the jump emote and Jump by Van Halen will play in the background and you turn into David Lee Roth and do a really big jump/toe touch/ split thing in the air.








Suicidal emote... stab yourself.








Bored emote








A "this game is useless" emote where you try to figure out why you are playing the game.

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The WHOLE Thriller dance emote, ultimately ending in the same square as you started.
















A moonwalk emote, which you select your destination and do the moonwalk there.
















Personally, I would love that, except 5 minutes after the emote's release, idiots who picture Michael Jackson as nothing but a pedophile will be screaming for a child seduction emote. #-o

so, 99 hunting skill cape emote?

Shooting yourself, then eating your own meat.


Krj123 - Retired as of February 12, 2007. I've permanently left Repetitivescape for WoW. Fun while it lasted.

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dragon sleyer emote when you stand on the back of litle slayed dragon
















death emote....




Doing fake PK's would be nice...

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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"Sleep" You crawl up on the ground and "Zzz"s float above your head








"Potty Break" A toilet appears and you...um...well...yeah...








I mean, come on, my character hasn't been able to poop for like 3 and a half years. :shock:








Even a farting emote would help. . . relieve slome of that built up pressure in there.








Tell him to stop vegetating when you're logged out and use "the tree" or something... hehehe... :-w


^ Blog.


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A "fire" emote: where you are surrounded by a ring of fire (like when you try to grab the zammy wine, except bigger) and then you go on fire, then all of a sudden a giant downpour of water puts out the fire 8-)

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the 2 emotes i would want to make is the




pants emote.... where you pants someone lol.... kay nvm...








er the second one would be the drown emote if your near water you jump into the water and drown :-# \'

A dragon is only a lizard with a Diploma

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"Hakkuh"-emote :P . Dutchies should know what I'm talking about.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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How about something ordinary... I was thinking something you do on a regular basis, like Stretch maybe (like what you do in the morning after you get up).








Or, maybe a "ROFL" emote where you fall on the ground and roll around laughing (don't know if that's been suggested already because I haven't read the whole topic yet).








~Neo Skiller ::'

~Neo :^_^:

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unicorn emote! You can have a unicorn and you can ride him and then you can comb it's hair and then feed it oats and then it will grow wings and fly and then he turns into Mr.T and he would say pity da fool!
Shhhh... Go back to bed. -.-








I would want a spin on your head emote and a hide and seek emote. For the hide and seek one; you would look to your left, look to your right, then cover your eyes. I would use it. ::'

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, your commodity drops in value.
[url=http://www.imagehosting.com][img]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i773526_stingtag.gif[/img][/url] [quote name="Capone_Sabre"]People in the wilderness will [b]always[/b] insult you no matter what you do. Just ignore it and kill them.[/quote]
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Punch emote and a Kick in the face emote :XD:








:shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:




What? I can thanks to my kickboxing.








And I would make a backflip, and do homer's little dance, when he walks in a circle while lying down.



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The one emote I most desire is one which allows you to sit down in the nearest chair, or on the ground. I know you can already do this in POHs, but what are all the chairs outside people's personal houses for then? And what about the F2Pers, does this mean they just have to go on standing indefinitely? I mean, the Home Teleport is a nice break from standing, but it only lasts a few seconds; and you have to wait 30 minutes to do it again...

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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