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Old id shareware games


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Retro, amirite?




Anyway, I expect most of the people here have either played or heard of Wolfenstein and Doom. They were both shareware games but you could purchase the whole game. Now what i'm asking is whether anyone owns or has played the real full game.




It's quite irritating that I only know as far in Doom 1 as when I fall into the black room and get molested by a few hundred monsters. Doom 2, on the other hand, has quite a satisfying ending where you kill that giant head.




I expect you could probably purchase the full games on eBay but, i'd probably cringe and cry at the prices.








(Edit; So far, a Doom Collectors Edition is up for ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã21 + ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã2 p&p. Not as high as I thought it'd be. The temptation to bid is sinking in.)

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Yeah I had Doom 1 from a shareware source, but I got motion sickness a few minutes playing in... :-X

The Enrichment Center reminds you that the weighted companion cube will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.


In the event that the weighted companion cube does speak, the Enrichment Center urges you to disregard its advice.

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Does IDDQD ring a bell, doom fans... :P








Shamelessness Mode Enabled :P








I remember as a kid just starting up Doom, hitting IDDQD and running through the level like it was hard. Now I realise how hard the game is without it. (Only because i'm hardcore and play on Nightmare mode.) I try not to use cheats, but Ultra Violence mode is hard and requires merely an IDFA.




I've got a recording of Nightmare mode on about the fifth level as I open the first door, it consists of about 3 imps, 5 shotgun troops and 3 manbear things. It's about 10 seconds long and sounds like someone getting raped with a stanley knife.








(For those who do not know, Nightmare mode is like Ultra Violence but the monsters are more accurate, stronger and respawn. Cheats also don't work.)

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I can remotely remember "nightmare mode" with all those weird pink demons and other monsters spawning up all the time.








At least that, unlike most games today, took some serious balls to even attempt. None of this 'checkpoint every 5 seconds' b.s., and no cheats available.








Even though old games generally don't have great graphics, I'm starting to realise how awesome they are in design and gameplay value. It would actually take *real* skill and good reflexes to beat Doom on NM.

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I can remotely remember "nightmare mode" with all those weird pink demons and other monsters spawning up all the time.








At least that, unlike most games today, took some serious balls to even attempt. None of this 'checkpoint every 5 seconds' b.s., and no cheats available.








Even though old games generally don't have great graphics, I'm starting to realise how awesome they are in design and gameplay value. It would actually take *real* skill and good reflexes to beat Doom on NM.








Exactly. Games nowadays if you die in it you'd restart the level but with what you had anyway, Doom you started the level again but with only your trusty (?) pistol. Now to even think of taking on a Cyberdemon with only a pistol takes baaaalllllls. :P




The NM mode also meant you had to know where you were going, other modes you could tell where you'd been and made it pretty simple to find out where to go, but with monsters constantly respawning it made it harder.








Those "pink demons" freaked me out when I was younger, but I think these took the whole bakery and ate it.

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I play online.








I'm pretty good :P








I don't bother single player anymore [last time I was probably 9 years old.]




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Never played Doom much when I was young. The only FPS I played a lot is The Catacomb trilogy (Abyss, Armageddon, Apocalypse)









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Even though old games generally don't have great graphics, I'm starting to realise how awesome they are in design and gameplay value. It would actually take *real* skill and good reflexes to beat Doom on NM.








I think so to, but maybe that's just this "good ol' days" attitude.












I didn't play Doom too much and never was any good at it (Thinking about it, how good can 12 year olds get at games?) I remeber the music was awsome. Hm.. maybe i can find it somewhere. I found the mood very heavy.








Over the years i played Duke Nukem every once in a while. (I still think he's the coolest person alive #-o ) Mostly i played adventure and RPG games though. Anybody played some of the Lucas Arts adventures like Day of Tentacle? Loom? (Loom has an incredible cool atmosphere imo - and that with EGA graphics!). Also remember that i really loved Goblins 3, if anybody knows that one.








(Guess i got a little offtopic..)








Did Id make Quake?

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Never played Doom much when I was young. The only FPS I played a lot is The Catacomb trilogy (Abyss, Armageddon, Apocalypse)

















One of my favourite games ever for pc :thumbsup:

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Daikatana :-w








:cry: :cry: .








Btw cad, I belive that Ultimate Doom was the "full doom". I can't remember though, its been a while.








Ultimate Doom is Doom 1's shareware chapter with a few more levels.












I play online.








I'm pretty good :P








I don't bother single player anymore [last time I was probably 9 years old.]








You're a railgun noob. :P Despite it being my first 1-on-1, I managed to hold my own against you.

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i've still got doom and doom 2 on my comp.. full versions, one of them with an extra chapter too i think. just gotta figure out how to get it to work properly with no DOS support on new versions of windows (GRR)

babelfish - level 180 60th place

strongguy - level 173 69th place

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Anyone play Heretic? I think it ran on the Doom engine. It was pretty great. ;P








Medieval Doom! :) The HUD and weapons are the only things different. Basically you play as a magician who's pretty badass with a crossbow and a staff.




One thing I didn't like about it was you could pick up items and use them when you wanted. That's not id. :(




The game was also pretty easy; on my first play of it I managed to get to about level 5 on "black death" mode (Nightmare basically) and just gave up through boredom.
















You know how much Rtcw is respected these days under the Et community? I'd die if I could play it once <3: .








Return to Castle Wolfenstein? Whaaat? The original was Wolfenstein 3D. There's a few Doom WADs where you play as BJ from Wolfenstein. :P












i've still got doom and doom 2 on my comp.. full versions, one of them with an extra chapter too i think. just gotta figure out how to get it to work properly with no DOS support on new versions of windows (GRR)








You can get the Doomsday Engine, which allows you to play Doom WADs either in full screen or windowed mode. Also allows addons if you want to get extra effects or even improved graphics.

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Ultimate Doom is Doom 1's shareware chapter with a few more levels.











Hmm.. It has quite a "few" more levels in it ;p.








Agreed, but it's not full on shareware :P. I've watched a video of someone speedrunning Ultimate Doom full and it takes him ~18 minutes on Ultra-Violence. :) I haven't played full Doom and I don't recognise any of the levels past the part where you fall into the black room and die.








(Well, actually I have. But it's the PS1-Midway version. Midway freaking suck, they took out all the hard parts and the parts where you have inevitable death. Like the pits you cant escape from; they've either filled them with cement or added a switch/teleport.)

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