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Giving or Receiving?


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Well, it's that time of year again. Gifts being passed between friends and families and so much joy in the air. In my family it's tradition to celebrate Christmas and so this year I've celebrated it twice and two more times to come (once with my mom's side of the family and once with just my immediate family). I've celebrated it once with my neighbors and once with my dad's side of our family. In years past I enjoyed opening my presents but this year has been different. Because of some problems our neighbors couldn't afford gifts for us but we surprised them with gifts for them. I really enjoyed watching them open them and seeing how happy they were. When I celebrated Christmas with my dad's side of our family, my brother and I received cards with some money in them and nothing else. To be honest, I couldn't have cared less if I had even gotten that much. I was having a good time watching everyone else open their presents and go on about how we shouldn't have gotten them anything and such. So you can easily see, I enjoy giving gifts more than receiving so...








What do you enjoy more: Giving or recieving gifts?

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With my nephew/godson I like giving presents, because when I shop I get to go through the toy aisle and look at all the toys I wanted as a kid :D . I don't see the point of giving/receiving presents with the rest of my family, but I do it because it makes them happy. I think it makes them more happy buying presents for me than getting presents from me. So yeah, I like getting presents better.



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With my nephew/godson I like giving presents, because when I shop I get to go through the toy aisle and look at all the toys I wanted as a kid :D . I don't see the point of giving/receiving presents with the rest of my family, but I do it because it makes them happy. I think it makes them more happy buying presents for me than getting presents from me. So yeah, I like getting presents better.








Like you need an excuse to go through the toy aisle and put your face in the pinpressions and playing with the magnetic toys :D


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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To be honest, I love giving, but I think I like receiving more. I like getting new stuff. But I also love making people happy.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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I bet'cha half of these people are lieing. Be truthful.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Well.. If I have to pick one, I'll choose giving for sure. There are very few things in the world that I actually want. Most of the gifts I receive are totally unnecessary, which makes me feel bad about taking them. I always end up thinking, "What am I going to do with this? I really don't need it.."








But I'm not a huge fan of giving either :? It's so hard to find something that the person receiving the gift actually likes. If the person specifically tells me something they want, then I love giving. I love making someone's day. But it can also ruin both of our days if the person looks at my gift in disgust :-k :(

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I'm not big on either, at least during this time of year.








Half the time I know the people giving only do it since they feel obligated, since it's the "holiday spirit" and all <.<

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I like giving if I have a good idea for a gift for someone, and they don't know what they're getting.








If it's not a surprise, then it's weak, and if it's not something that I feel inspired about giving (so I'm just giving it because it's "the time to give a gift"), then it's also weak.








The same applies to receiving. All of my family ask me what I want, and I don't really have any big wants that I know about, or I'd have got it for myself already. I just want them to take a risk, get something random, and see how I take it.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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I'm not big on either, at least during this time of year.








Half the time I know the people giving only do it since they feel obligated, since it's the "holiday spirit" and all <.<








Gah, slightly off-topic, but I really hate that whole idea.. That the "holiday spirit" consists of giving each other presents. It really shows how much of a materialistic world we live in :?








What it should be about (or what I think it is about) is just forgetting everything (all your duties, jobs, worries, faults, etc..) and being with the people you love for the holiday.

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This just in.








"About half of Americans have decided to buy gift cards for their loved ones this year. The other half are women."








If someone is going to get me a gift I'd rather it be cash/gift card unless it's something meaningful. Otherwise I don't need anything or if they insist I'd rather just have money and save them the trouble of going to the store to find something for me..

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Gah, slightly off-topic, but I really hate that whole idea.. That the "holiday spirit" consists of giving each other presents. It really shows how much of a materialistic world we live in :?








What it should be about (or what I think it is about) is just forgetting everything (all your duties, jobs, worries, faults, etc..) and being with the people you love for the holiday.








That's one of the things I hate about Christmas. People complaining about how it's not about presents, then going around and saying how it is about family.








The ONLY reason for Christmas is to celebrate Jesus' birth. If you want to celebrate by giving gifts, that is just as relevant as spending time with your family.



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