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Are we enslaved by fashion?


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Are we enslaved by fashion?








I see two ways personally to approach this question. It can either mean, enslaved by brands and companies, or enslaved by general fashion ie. certain styles, or what goes with what.








I don't have a problem with fashion myself, but I was wondering if anyone else agrees that we are enslaved by fashion, or disagrees?


Me doing staff.

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I don't think that we are enslaved but we are pressured. Pressured to wear expensive things, to own an Ipod, things like that.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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I think we're enslaved by both brands and styles. If you conform to a style you have to buy certain brands to fit in. Off brands are cool until someone realizes they're not name brand. I try not to conform too much because I don't feel I need friends who only accept me for how I dress or what music I listen to. Even though we're enslaved by them, I don't think there will ever be any change :boohoo:

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I think we're enslaved by both brands and styles. If you conform to a style you have to buy certain brands to fit in. Off brands are cool until someone realizes they're not name brand. I try not to conform too much because I don't feel I need friends who only accept me for how I dress or what music I listen to. Even though we're enslaved by them, I don't think there will ever be any change :boohoo:





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Yes, I think so. We enslave ourselves with fashion, but companies take advantage of our predisposition to compare ourselves with other people to promote their own wares.

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Enslaved by fashion...hm.








I do think we have a 'right' to look good, if we choose to. If you think you look nice in some old 50's dress then fine, wear it. People will pass you and think 'Nice style!'




But choosing clothes for the sake of fashion I think is a terrible thing to do. As for 'enslavement' I certainly think we are pressured into not expressing ourselves and be fashionable, rather than looking good. (Though of course the two are different, you can be both!)

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Women more than men :uhh:








I don't think so. Woman actually stray further from the normal than men do. They try out new things whereas men stick with what they know - normally some combination of jeans and shirt/ t-shirt and a jacket. Women's clothes vary tremendously.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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The fact that these became popular shows just how much our lives are controlled by fashion companies.
















Fashion companies had a good laugh at how they could make mindless consumers buy boots that are absolutely hideous just by putting them on the feet of attractive women.

You crampin' my style.

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Enslaved to brand names? Not me, personally. I mean, you can call me "enslaved" to fashion, but really when it comes down to it, I like to look nice for me. I don't buy brand name clothes, but I still buy clothes that look nice in my eyes.

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Women more than men :uhh:








I don't think so. Woman actually stray further from the normal than men do. They try out new things whereas men stick with what they know - normally some combination of jeans and shirt/ t-shirt and a jacket. Women's clothes vary tremendously.








I have to agree with Ragen. Almost every guy in my school wears jeans and a t-shirt or sweatshirt. Girls actually wear a lot of different things. Some are a little wierd but most looks very nice.








As far as expressing ourselves through what we wear. I don't think anyone really does. Almost everyone in our school pretty much wears clothes that shows what clique they belong to. The jocks wear the American Eagle, Aeropostal, etc., the goths wear the huge black jeans covered in chains from Hot Topic, and the nerds generally wear whatever they want because they don't really have a reputation to live up to (at least at my school).

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Women more than men :uhh:








I don't think so. Woman actually stray further from the normal than men do. They try out new things whereas men stick with what they know - normally some combination of jeans and shirt/ t-shirt and a jacket. Women's clothes vary tremendously.








What? Just because their clothes vary doesn't make them any less of a fashion slave. It actually makes them more as I can tell you right now that that 'variation' is a copy from one of the magazines they buy. It's also common sense that more women buy fashion magazines.








Their slavery to fashion even goes as far as to breast enhancements, make up, nose jobs, etc.








Homosexuals are even worse though. Those "tight pants ftw" and "anorexia is hot" bryanboy style.

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Just because their clothes vary doesn't make them any less of a fashion slave. It actually makes them more as I can tell you right now that that 'variation' is a copy from one of the magazines they buy. It's also common sense that more women buy fashion magazines.








Exactly. And the more variation that a woman wants, the more she has to keep buying new clothes, whereas a guy can wear the same pair of jeans for years and not care to buy new ones.

You crampin' my style.

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Not everybody is, but quite a few people these days are. Like a few people said before me, particularly women. I go to a private school and most of the girls at my school (and some guys) are obsessed with what brands they wear. It doesn't just have to look good, it has to be the correct brand. When a girl and my school wears a new, expensive brand of jeans, all the other girls spend weeks trying to figure out what the brand is (because of course, it's unacceptable to actually ask the girl. Because that would reveal to her that the other girls don't know what it is). :shock:








I really think it's gone too far. Sure, if people want to wear expensive clothes, let them. But why should the brands matter? :? The way I see it, if it looks good, who cares what brand it is or how much it cost.

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Eh... I couldn't care less... Brands don't mean anything to me.








And I'd rather not go naked just to prove a point. <.<

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The fact that these became popular shows just how much our lives are controlled by fashion companies.
















Fashion companies had a good laugh at how they could make mindless consumers buy boots that are absolutely hideous just by putting them on the feet of attractive women.








That's honestly what I think as well. The fashion companies thought "how ugly can we make clothes and still have people buy them?".








I call them roadkill boots.

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I'd say we're definitely 'enslaved' to fashion styles and it can't be avoided if you're living in a society, though I care little for brand names personally. For example, if I see someone in a business suit and a tie they'll look formal and respected in my eyes, even though a tie is a purposeless piece of cloth.

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Uh, only if you allow yourself to.




I think if you are, your either a "female dog" or gay. (No offense O:) )




But seriosly, it's so incredibly stupid.

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Women more than men :uhh:








I don't think so. Woman actually stray further from the normal than men do. They try out new things whereas men stick with what they know - normally some combination of jeans and shirt/ t-shirt and a jacket. Women's clothes vary tremendously.








I have to agree with Ragen. Almost every guy in my school wears jeans and a t-shirt or sweatshirt. Girls actually wear a lot of different things. Some are a little wierd but most looks very nice.








As far as expressing ourselves through what we wear. I don't think anyone really does. Almost everyone in our school pretty much wears clothes that shows what clique they belong to. The jocks wear the American Eagle, Aeropostal, etc., the goths wear the huge black jeans covered in chains from Hot Topic, and the nerds generally wear whatever they want because they don't really have a reputation to live up to (at least at my school).








At my school, everyone wears a shirt and tie :uhh: private school= no freedom.








At my old school, it was rare to find someone with jeans on with a T-shirt.




I personally like cargo pants over jeans ( haven't worn jeans for 4 years...)

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