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Runescape's biggest competitor?


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Truthfully there is no other game like rs, WoW isn't a java applet, and java takes a long long time to do. THey might bother get over 1 million players, but really, they are in two different categories. As should this topic be, how the heck is it in P2P general?


Barrows Drops - Guthans Helmat x2, Dharoks Chest x2, Ahrims Staff, Guthans WarSpear Ahrims Robetop x2, Ahrims Hood, Torag's Legs, Karils Skirt, Xbow - Med (Double) Brassard-Hammers (Double)

Dragon Drops - 1 Skirt... (3 helms)

Dk - Dragon Axe x3, Warrior Ring x2

T.T - Top hat (4.3m) x2

GWD - [bandos] Hilt, Plate X2

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I prefer WoW over most of the things that it has the same as RS. RS is 1/3 WoW's price and that's one big thing that I play RS. The other thing is, there's so much to do. We got 23 skills to train, hundreds of monsters, over 100 quests, and many minigames.

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WoW and runescape cant be compared, runescape is a free java game, and wow is a big game wroten in another programming language.












no it can be made... its just not the best comparison. like, man that elephant is awfully gray compared to that spaceship...












its just not a level playing field. WOW is $15 a month with like $50 starter pack and it has huge expansion packs and all this all stuff.












the idea behind this thread would be, what games take business away from/divert to another thing.












like i said, halo 1 2 and upcomming 3... gears of war and oblivion and maplestory(havent played ever...heard good things) are decent games which i know are games that divert my attention away from runescape and would do to other players as well.

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WoW seems to be like the game that Runescape is always compared to. Graphics are the only thing that is better in WoW. Runescape has more quests, skills, and a lot cheaper.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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Maplestory, only problem with MS is you gotta download ( the terms of agreement says they havethe right to monior your computer aka it gives you a apyware)

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Eventhough WoW is a completley different programing language, and isn't browser based, I'd say it's still runescape biggest competidtor. I have seen many a people leave runescape for WoW. I actually play both and can't really say which I prefer, they both have unique qualities. There are other competitors to such as Everquest2, MapleStory, Ragnorak Online, Neverwinter nights, games like counterstrike definatley, and of course, the internet in general. Then there are parents who are to up-tight to let thier kids play :XD: .








Competition doesn't only have to be between browser based games, or java based games, it's about who gets the more players. If players are playing one game, they arn't playing the other!

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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