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A musing on how people feel about being themselves in school


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hehe, its actually kinda funny, Me with my Mr. Bungle T shirt, Psychostick Hoodie, shoulder length black hair, and 40 pounds underwieghtness. I fit the role for a girl in my school pretty well...








im just happy to have some great friends whoa re one of a kind and individual.




(Can you name a goth who is also a head chef/expirienced knitter?)












oh and FYI, im a guy ::'




Now THAT'S personality! ::'








:lol: My boyfriend is a pretty big guy... around 6 foot 3 inches. Built like a tree. ^_^ He wears this red shirt that says in really pretty letters on the front "Party Girl". I LOVE IT!

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hehe, its actually kinda funny, Me with my Mr. Bungle T shirt, Psychostick Hoodie, shoulder length black hair, and 40 pounds underwieghtness. I fit the role for a girl in my school pretty well...








im just happy to have some great friends whoa re one of a kind and individual.




(Can you name a goth who is also a head chef/expirienced knitter?)












oh and FYI, im a guy ::'




Now THAT'S personality! ::'








:lol: My boyfriend is a pretty big guy... around 6 foot 3 inches. Built like a tree. ^_^ He wears this red shirt that says in really pretty letters on the front "Party Girl". I LOVE IT!








you sure he know's you're not a guy?

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hehe, its actually kinda funny, Me with my Mr. Bungle T shirt, Psychostick Hoodie, shoulder length black hair, and 40 pounds underwieghtness. I fit the role for a girl in my school pretty well...








im just happy to have some great friends whoa re one of a kind and individual.




(Can you name a goth who is also a head chef/expirienced knitter?)












oh and FYI, im a guy ::'




Now THAT'S personality! ::'








:lol: My boyfriend is a pretty big guy... around 6 foot 3 inches. Built like a tree. ^_^ He wears this red shirt that says in really pretty letters on the front "Party Girl". I LOVE IT!








you sure he know's you're not a guy?








Yes. I'm sure of this.

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Well darn that sucks all us Aussies are not ourselves. Half the school wears one thing and the other half they other. If you dont then you get in trouble.








But when im not in school uniform i wear the closest pants/shirt as long as it isnt to dirty or look to stupid.




The last time i went shopping for clothes i...... Sorry ive never been shopping for clothes mum gets them for me

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Well darn that sucks all us Aussies are not ourselves. Half the school wears one thing and the other half they other. If you dont then you get in trouble.








But when im not in school uniform i wear the closest pants/shirt as long as it isnt to dirty or look to stupid.




The last time i went shopping for clothes i...... Sorry ive never been shopping for clothes mum gets them for me








your missing out on the great stores like express/hollister/a&f/AE/RL... tsk tsk..and going to small town boutiques with unique clothing is always fun



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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Very well put!








For four posts, you seem to have said more than I ever have. How old are you?
















As she's not here, she's 12, (hope you don't mind me answering...) she's one of my bestest mates and she is genuinely such a wonderful person! <3: (I introduced her to TIF a couple of days ago, yay! :D








But think about it. Why should we wear what other people want us to? Suddenly it seems like a really stupid, idiotic idea... :-s




Anyway I can name quite a few of my friends who wear pretty much what they want, taking care to look good at the same time. If you know what I mean. Like, if someone was wearing a garment that was really 'old' or out of fashion or whatever, but still wore it because they looked nice in it? Hah I'm all confuzzled now.. :-s

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Never, ever heard Neek before in my life.








But yeah, fashion is a powerful force in everyone. I've never met anyone who wears something because it's there, it'd be pretty much impossible. You either follow trends as best you can, or you actively try not to follow trends. I follow trends, but my own choice of trends.








I don't have to wear the most up to date clothing and labels, but I like to wear labels that will be recognised in certain circles, but don't draw ridiculous attention.








Another factor is money. Obviously when something is really popular, the price will go up. Someone would gain my fashion approval alot better if they wear something cheap, and unlabelled that looks good on them, then follows a fowl looking fashion.








For the record, my rear hangs out, but I've been doing it for years, because I hate tight trousers/shorts/jeans.

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posted by Rushrock




Some might say that I dress "goth", but I'm not goth. I'm my own style. Just because I choose to wear what I want, I won't be tucked away in a category that denounces my name. I'm wearing what I want, not what everybody else wants. I sincerely hope everyone can realize this. You're "cool" if you wear what you want, not what everyone else wants".








this next bit of writing is in response to the quote above, not part of it
















i definitely agree with what you said. I'm so glad that people share my oppinion on this issue its really great to know that not as many people as I thought are being sucked into this notified position where you feel afraid to be who you want to be.








sorry I don't really understand how to get the proper quote format working

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Okay I thought were were fairly young which was why I was so amazed. Your writing sounds better than most people in my English class, and it's a college level one too. And I'm a senior.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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I remember feeling the exact same way at school. The way I feel now is that, at that age I know for one I struggled to find my identity. Obviously I knew who I was, but my position in the world was unclear, for me at least, belonging to some kinda group would give me an identity. So at least during my earlier years of school, I'm not afraid to admit, I strived to fit in.








However in doing this, I found I started to do things I didn't like or enjoy or feel comfortable with, and hence went out on a limb and did my own damn things. Obviously, things improved, and although still lacking a sense of identity slightly, I was a lot happier.








These days, I am no one but myself. Others influence me of course, but I believe people's influence can be a good thing. In terms of dress sense, I wear what I feel comfortable in. Yeah my bum's come out my jeans a couple of times, but at least I was wearing pants. I look at others sometimes to inspire me on what to buy or whatever, but no one tells me how to dress. And no one should.



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I feel pretty proud of the wardrobe I've acquired. I do my shopping at discount stores, and don't spend too much; however, I think my clothing does a decent job of kind of portraying the type of image I'd like to portray - and is generally pleasing to the eye. I wear a lot of colours, bright colours, often mismatched colours - and pretty patterns with some kind of hippie themes. My clothing tends to be "form-fitting" - and I don't think that's a problem.








It makes me sad that there's always a counter-reaction to whatever fad is going on. Just because a woman is wearing a shirt that is fairly low-cut, allowing her to take pride in her body and also to create an eye-pleasing effect, doesn't mean she (a) has no self-respect or (B) is supporting a sexist and patriarchal society or © is being disrespectful in any way. In fact, to deny her the right to wear what she wants and what gives her higher self-esteem is sexist - to demand that, because she is a woman, she must fit certain "standards of decency" that men don't have to worry about - that's something to create more concern.








If people want to wear tight jeans that allow you to see their butt cracks, just let them. It's their style. You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. And just because something's a fad, doesn't make it automatically bad. If the color yellow is in this season, and you've been wearing yellow forever, that doesn't make the color any less good.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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There's a very simple solution to getting rid of these kind of problems in schools - uniforms. At my school, there's three polo shirts we may wear (guys and girls, and the shirts must be from a certain company), then guys have to wear khaki slacks and girls have their choice between two skirts (both from the aforementioned company). We all have the same clothes, so there's no pressure at school to be fashionable.








Complain all you want about it smothering individual expression; that's what we did when the school switched to uniforms. However, after two years of them, I wouldn't trade the uniforms for freedom to wear what I want. Rather than be divided by style as so many schools are, we both look and feel unified. Granted, we're also a fairly small Christian school, so both of those elements create unity already, but the uniforms add even more to that unity.








Outside of school, I wear what I think looks nice. Some of my clothes are trendy, but I like them, so it doesn't matter to me. I don't mind walking around in my work jeans and a white t-shirt, and I don't have any problem wearing nice slacks and a nice shirt.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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There's a very simple solution to getting rid of these kind of problems in schools - uniforms. At my school, there's three polo shirts we may wear (guys and girls, and the shirts must be from a certain company), then guys have to wear khaki slacks and girls have their choice between two skirts (both from the aforementioned company). We all have the same clothes, so there's no pressure at school to be fashionable.








Complain all you want about it smothering individual expression; that's what we did when the school switched to uniforms. However, after two years of them, I wouldn't trade the uniforms for freedom to wear what I want. Rather than be divided by style as so many schools are, we both look and feel unified. Granted, we're also a fairly small Christian school, so both of those elements create unity already, but the uniforms add even more to that unity.








Outside of school, I wear what I think looks nice. Some of my clothes are trendy, but I like them, so it doesn't matter to me. I don't mind walking around in my work jeans and a white t-shirt, and I don't have any problem wearing nice slacks and a nice shirt.








I do agree with you, except in my school we wore a strict uniform, luckily we didn't have to wear ties but it was a shirt, jumper and kilt (yes, I went to a Girls School). It didn't stop people from forming groups on what you wore, the short skirts and stockings people, the skirts down to the floor with wooly tights. Hairstyles were oh so important as well. Couldn't have your hair in the same style twice in a row Oh God No. Of course that isn't bad, but regardless of uniform (in my school at least), the dressing malarkey still found it's way to the pinnacle of everyone's attention. That's girl's schools though I guess.



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There's a very simple solution to getting rid of these kind of problems in schools - uniforms. At my school, there's three polo shirts we may wear (guys and girls, and the shirts must be from a certain company), then guys have to wear khaki slacks and girls have their choice between two skirts (both from the aforementioned company). We all have the same clothes, so there's no pressure at school to be fashionable.








Complain all you want about it smothering individual expression; that's what we did when the school switched to uniforms. However, after two years of them, I wouldn't trade the uniforms for freedom to wear what I want. Rather than be divided by style as so many schools are, we both look and feel unified. Granted, we're also a fairly small Christian school, so both of those elements create unity already, but the uniforms add even more to that unity.








Outside of school, I wear what I think looks nice. Some of my clothes are trendy, but I like them, so it doesn't matter to me. I don't mind walking around in my work jeans and a white t-shirt, and I don't have any problem wearing nice slacks and a nice shirt.








I do agree with you, except in my school we wore a strict uniform, luckily we didn't have to wear ties but it was a shirt, jumper and kilt (yes, I went to a Girls School). It didn't stop people from forming groups on what you wore, the short skirts and stockings people, the skirts down to the floor with wooly tights. Hairstyles were oh so important as well. Couldn't have your hair in the same style twice in a row Oh God No. Of course that isn't bad, but regardless of uniform (in my school at least), the dressing malarkey still found it's way to the pinnacle of everyone's attention. That's girl's schools though I guess.




If my school took up uniforms, I'd have to kill myself. :uhh:

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your missing out on the great stores like express/hollister/a&f/AE/RL... tsk tsk..and going to small town boutiques with unique clothing is always fun








I hate all of those stores and their overpriced [wagon] showers!!! :evil:

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your missing out on the great stores like express/hollister/a&f/AE/RL... tsk tsk..and going to small town boutiques with unique clothing is always fun








I hate all of those stores and their overpriced [wagon] showers!!! :evil:












What rushrock wrote (You messed up the quote bar. :roll:): I believe he was being sarcastic. :wink:

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I think the same thing can be said for interests. Some of us can't express are true interests in lack of being teased or humiliated. I used to be like this, but this year I drew flags of different countries on my books, and since then, I've learned to accept myself for who I am. I can like what I like, as long as it doesn't impune upon others.


Me doing staff.

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your missing out on the great stores like express/hollister/a&f/AE/RL... tsk tsk..and going to small town boutiques with unique clothing is always fun








I hate all of those stores and their overpriced [wagon] showers!!! :evil:








from now on just hit the quote button.....








and what are [wagon] showers?



thanks everyone for the sigs!

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Very nice article, a pleasure reading it. I hate when people think material is what makes someone... Thats so wrong. I greatly dislike the fashion with bagginess or tightness or exposed areas. I think people sound see coolness in people by how they act and who they are not by their looks, clothing, material, etc. Luckily I go to a private school so all that pressure of trends and stuff is avoided.








I have taught a great deal of people that fashion, styles, cliques and all those are fine in moderation by they shouldn't base their lives on it and if they opened up and talked with that one lonely person or that one (as people say) "nerdy" person then that would be one happier person that day. If everyone were to do that, just the people on this forum, for 2 years and if 75% listens then a great deal of people would feel alot better about themselves and others.




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